As another exclusive in Lame Cherry matter anti matter.......
This is information which is going to be unwelcome as most information is here. It touches on several fill in the gaps to connect the dots of American history which few have considered as this is some of thee most secret and incendiary of the darkest secrets of the European cartel which has been involved in the overthrow of America, since the beginning.
As the Kaiser of Germany noted, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln was an easy lone nut to find, as they always could be located, and that group led by John Wilkes Booth was influenecd by the Ashkenaz financiers to progress Lincoln and start the American Civil War, for America's perpetual debt enslavement, which Lincoln confounded and was shot over, and was at last implemented by the foreign asset Birther Hussein Obama Chin.
The Sugarland Breeding program of Hawaii which created the bastard Obama Chin, was not something new. It was built upon the old slave breeder regimes and it produced another notable black, before the import of Obama was offered up for the globalist machinations.
The person of this address is Martin Luther King jr. His history is one shrouded in the mysteries of the cartel, for his naming was by choice in the Jesuits of the black revolution they engaged in, as what was good for 1860 to bring down America by the South was equally as good in 1960 to use a tool in Martin Luther King jr. to engage in a new war in America using not bullets, but welfare costs to debt enslave America to the cartel heel.
It had further snide plotting in this group of aristocrats who installed the Nazi's along with the Ashkenaz elite of the banking industry in having someone named Martin Luther King jr. and focusing upon that Martin Luther part, as Luther in his Protestanism had emancipated Christians from the chains of Rome and from the feudal plantations of Europe where Catholic elite ruled the peasant poor masses.
Interchange Catholic for communist, and you see that this order changed nothing but names, and when the Christians brought Rome to heel, the same elite created a new reformation of evil, whereby religion was then the problem and those same Christian Protestant Royals were all removed or murdered as enemies of the Jesuit state.
Just as Barack Hussein Obama Chin was the ultimate "darkie" joke upon Americans by the European elite in a designer negro would bring down America and make Americans debt slaves forever, Martin Luther King jr. was to have a name to forever sully the name of Dr. Martin Luther of Germany who by God started the real emancipation of all races in the Reformation.
Germany was where the peasant Christian threw off the Catholic royals as Onward Christian Soldiers, and Germany would be the target of thee most heinous genocide of an entire people in inflicting two world wars upon those peoples of Assyria, and the last degradation was to unleash the raping cock of the Soviet to impregnate all the Russian women of east Germany to forever bastardize that race to it's ruin to never rise again as a Christian free people whose Israelite immigrants changed the world.
At one point, the Israelite Hanoverians were on the British throne of Christ and at one time, the Israelite Germans were the identity force of who Americans were from Christmas trees to the decision of America might have spoken German or English as the official language.
Martin King was a conduit of this Jesuit "black liberation" which the Mockingbird intelligence program promoted for the cartel in the Nazi's in America, as a beleagured FBI Director in J. Edgar Hoover spied on this most manchurian of candidates.
The reality is intelligence files revealed Martin King as a sex pervert and abuser of women. He coldly implemented a plan in choosing Alabama at Selma, where he knew black children would be savaged, all for a propaganda stunt. That was his Jesuit black revolution in feeding the Mockingbird machine the battered bodies of the children of blacks as he remained safe from it all.
The South knew Martin King was a provocateur. At one point, while he was in prison, having gotten himself arrested, the police simply opened the cell doors and told him to get out, as they knew Martin King was all about publicity, and he could not be the jailed martyr, if the South did not give him the platform.
For all the connections and illegal political interactions between the John Kennedy administration and the Vatican, after JFK violated his promise to the American people to never have political ties to the Vatican, it would not be the Jesuits who plied the Kennedy's on the Civil Rights issue, but it was the originators of this in the Nazi's in America imported under Operation Paper Clip, who gave the Kennedy's the political light going off of sending in troops to "protect blacks" in this new crippling welfare war disguised as civil rights.
Thee entire communist press was 5th column on board with this and fed the propaganda. It was a complete operation and when Martin King was disposed of, the damage was already accomplished in the Congressional debt structure of welfare imploding America, Martin King had served his purpose as the phallic which impregnated the body politic with a welfare bastard which would suck the American system dry.
Martin King was well aware of the machinations of this. His meeting with the world communists for assistance in their tutuledge of the reality of what was taking place in Africa was the offering promised him.
Martin King could indeed be a Mandela or a Mugabe, a leader without elections as communists promised in their system, and their system would provide Martin King with the reality of Kenya in his own Mau Mau uprising.
For the reality of this, most people in America, outside the Marxist Metro Centers where this was all generated had no idea what any of this Civil Rights stuff and oppression was about. The western identity had few blacks. Blacks were confined to the metro eastern cities and the South.
The South certainly desired no part of this, and it was once again the same "abolitionist" backed cartel press of the northeast which generated this in moving through Mockingbird this to be the cause celeb of the moment, like all the other cartel machinations which currently is "gay rights".
That is why one hears from the democratic leadership the linking of gay and civil rights as that is what their handlers from the cartel has framed this for them to progress this once again. The beast must be fed and America must be the meal from her cadaver in the grave.
The final comedy in this of satire was the naming of a holiday for Martin King. It was designed to wipe Martin Luther's name from the identity of the Reformation as everything would be upon Martin King chanted by name instead. Instead of being a Christian emanicipation, it was to be a race issue branding Christians and Germans under a bastardized history.
The aristocrats and Ashkenaz would have the final propaganda.
It would become more amusing though in the progression of the designer negro, Barack Hussein Obama Chin onto the American system. Here was the perfect anti messiah, a man not American, Asian by blood and birth with a hint of Negroid, not raised in America, but Indonesia.
His father said to be British Kenyan, but Mr. Obama sr. seemed to have a great deal of problems in fathering children for all his semen sown into white women, and on Mr. Obama srs arm was that Filipino woman in the photo, his anchor wife, claimed by Mr. Obama sr. to Immigration as the files indicate, but the readers of those files never contemplated his wife in the Philippines was not Stan Ann Dunham, but a Chinese Japanese bloodline comfort woman.
It was only here that the reprehensible was exposed on that January 2009 day, when led by Colin Powell, the Afroids in troop stormed the gates and trampled all memories of Martin King to elevate their election theft foreigner, Barack Hussein Obama Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue.
Why should they not, as Obama was the greater communist and a Muslim agent besides claiming to be the messiah, to sully all that black pulpit preaching to the ash heap of history.
.........and what could be more fitting than Birther Hussein Chin, the son of Peking, oversaw in his bowing to Peking and Tokyo, the erection of the Maotin Luther King jr. monument in Washington DC. It was no accident that the Martin King monument looks Chinese.
I have always had profound respect for the King women, as the past few years have revealed, they are the true Americans in this, and have fought to keep the "Martin King" Identity from being Obama bastardized.
It is a lost battle though as the comedy is complete. Intelligence minder Jesse Jackson who knew what a fraud Obama was in threatening to castrate him, degraded what was the King legacy in his extortion of corporate moneys and his own sexual perversions. Now it comes to honoring another global communist in Nelson Mandela, as the Jesuit propaganda of black liberation has no Stephen Douglas remembered, but thee entire black race has icons of Marxists Mandela, King and Obama.
There was a great deal of payback in Martin King, in the old order was still dripping with hatred for those Israelite Germans throwing off Rome and tyrants in the Catholic Jesuits, for which they with the Americans of the lost 10 tribes are facing the final Inquisition under the Obama regime.
This is the hidden history which links the Civil War to Martin King and to Birther Hussein Obama Chin. You are not supposed to be ever aware of these things, lest you start understanding the connective dots of all these upheavals to comprehend there is one anti Christian and one anti Lost 10 Tribes source.
Obama's Inquisition of America is the final act for American utter ruin. This genocide of America has been taking place for generations, and you have been manipulated in each generation by propaganda to never comprehend the war, and only to react in the rats in the maze way to the ultimate solution.
I have not begged for that big donation for a bit. Begging for 350,000 dollars from the rich before this final solution empties your bank accounts.