The legend of the Mahdi of Islam is a most interesting dichotomy for based upon it's stolen literal Biblical message of the Christ returning for a final battle against evil at a valley north of Jerusalem, the symbolism of the Islamic mystic conjures up a scenario, in could the Muslim Mahdi have more symbolism attached to him than was perceived.
In the legend, the Mahdi, the guided one, is someone who lived before. I point out that this is based on the Jesus Prophecy which the illiterate Mohammed heard in the Holy Land and took back to the east to make it an Ishmaelite religion with them as the focal point in the rejected son of Abraham and not God's chosen one in Isaac.
What strikes me about this legend is a story in the Spice Trade in which Muslim mystics in the Asian seas predicted the coming of the Europeans. I have noted that Sheik bin Laden had many Muslim mystics around him, who dreamed of the 9 11 events before they took place, much to the consternation of the Sheik as it was supposed to be a secret operation.
In reality, it should not be discounted in the things of allah, the crescent moon demonic energized entity which powers and drives Islam in what if the things which were being revealed were in fact future events with a figurative edge.
Bill Clinton is the father of nuclear Islam. Barack Obama is the father of nuclear terrorism.
Lame Cherry
Wikipedia has enough of an encompassing time line in this to explain it for what requires explaining in this in the following quotes.
In Shia Islam, the Mahdi is believed to be the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, whose return from occultation will be return of the Mahdi.
What you are reading is mysticism and it should not be discounted. This 12th Imam, can be a symbol to in he comes out of the well, or out of the waters of Persia. Waters mean peoples, and while it is not a vast ocean as God usually portrays events, this vision speaks of a man coming out of a people.
Isa will return to aid Mahdi, or the guided one, against Masih ad-Dajjal, the false messiah, and his followers. He will descend at the point of a white arcade, east of Damascus, dressed in yellow robes with his head anointed. He will then join the Mahdi in his war against the Dajjal. Isa will slay Dajjal, and unite humanity.Sahih Muslim, 41:7023
Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:43:656: Narrated Abu Hurairah:Isa the name of Jesus Christ in Islamic scripture and he has been foretold to return at near the end of the world. The Qur'an writes:Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Maryam descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it.
“And [Isa] shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way
This is Shia Islam's savior. It should be noted that a savior coming out of the Roman Empire reformed is spoken of in the Bible as the anti Christ. I have noted that Barack Obama is a precursory event, and that he is a model for the coming anti Christ in his blasphemy.
Large events have impact points in the matrix and this blog has proven that shadow events to indeed generate in lesser forms. It stands to reason that when there is one big anti Christ, that like models will form in other nations.
Hitler, Stalin, Mousillini, Franklin Roosevelt, Tojo were all large scale manifestations. large events require larger than life personas.
In this, this blog ponders in Inspiration about this Mahdi as one is spoken of in western oracles in a great leader coming out of Islam. My pondering in this is, does the Mahdi project something more as in a nuclear Islam which he will represent.
Some in Islam deem the Mahdi as the same person as Christ, but this does not explain the duality natures of God gathering all peoples together to war against Jesus at Armageddon. The mystics of Shia in the bastardized religion Islam is, may have been receiving a deceptive revelation as all satan's messages are in they were to look for and follow a leader into what is indeed a genocidal war of vast proportions.
“ | There is No Mahdi but Jesus son of Mary | ” |
—Ibn Majah, Bab, Shahadatu-Zaman |
I wonder of this arising from the waters and atomic bombs arising from heavy waters. The "like sun" or "lesser sun as the moon is" of the Mahdi as a nuclear explosion is an inferior sun bursting upon the horizon.
Figurative is always a part of the mysticism of what those see in dreams as they are coupled by signs interpreted upon literal events in time.
Barack Obama in his Muslim upheaval has turned over vast direct stores if chemical, biological and atomic technology to terrorists now backed by Muslim Brotherhood states in Egypt and Libya, and more are joining as Syrian technology coming directly from nuclear Iran and nuclear North Korea are now in these Obama al Qaeda groups hands.
We still do not have any idea what happened to thousands of missiles in Libya. We know large depots of Libyan weapons ended up in Algeria and Mal.
We do know that Col. Khadaffi had a nuclear bomb project, and where that project was, there had to be like missing Saddam Hussein Iraqi WMD's including nuclear material and bomb making abilities.
Just who was the Dr. Germ that has been creating the new West Nile plague of 2012 in America in a new genus of mosquitoes as only reported here. This same Dr. Germ tested in Saudi Arabia genus bio weapon there only killing Ishmaelites.
There is more than Dr. Kahn in the Muslim bomb as there is a Dr. Atom operating as all of these materials and technology disappeared without any note, and when that took place it means someone has taken them for use by the cartel for future events.
All of this is being covered up. None of this will reach the public by Congressional hearings and the only source will be Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.
Like all these events, the event will be hinted at, and then be the horrifying news in the next time cycle.
There was a network of Iran and North Korea. North Korea is again moving into full blown production of nuclear material and long range missiles to deliver them. Iran has more advanced capabilities.
It would be in the interest of Russia, China and central Europe to promote this to remove America from the top tier. Using proxies like North Korea feeling it's own angst as Obama shot down one of their missiles which only inflamed Kim Jong Un to this new nuclear direction, are proxies who will desire their own nuclear Islamists to take the blame.
This is now becoming an end game scenario as those who have nuclear weapons will use them with effect if they can blame others for their use.
The weave is being woven. All of this thread will not go unused in a new tapestry. The Mahdi is in mysticism coming. Is his light that of a nuclear detonation.
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