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Christopher Dorner: An American Destroyed by the System


It is the worst of commentaries on the Obama regime that an American war Veteran, Los Angeles Police Officer has been destroyed by the very system which created him.

All of this has spun out control, and it is not any coincidence that this originated in Los Angeles, home of some of the most interesting "police state" psyops for the federal government as Veterans have  been on the short list of "terrorists" to be stoked to escalate events in what the Obama ledger has operations for.

In all facts, the police are now being ordered to hunt and execute one of their own, because the very beauracracy which created Christopher Dorner in psyops points intiated all of this. For all the "talk" about delayed stress and other issues, as events for Dorner spiraled out down, no one bothered to reach out to this man and put a stop to things before they escalated.
Face Book, the premier spy network on Americans carried an entire manifesto which Dorner published. The same site whose minders can pull a photo in minute, somehow missed an entire posting stating a rampage was about to take place.......same Zuckerberg intelligence network which has the most sophisticated adware and spyware to pick up every photo and word printed, and yet they missed Christopher Dorner's papers.

Yes Face Book which missed piles of kiddie porn too.......

Christopher Dorner is what is referred to as a "spiral event" which is looked for in the programme. Treyvon Martin was such an event, as Eric Holder knew from Philadelphia black panther terrorizing voters, sanctioned by the Obama campaign, that there would be "uppity niggers" who would be available to wild things in Wisconsin to sociopaths like Treyvon Martin who would act out in "thinking they had Obama protection" in beating people to death.
Dorner is that event which is the Veteran pushed hard enough who happens to retaliate on his former police employer. Frankly, the regime had been preparing for hundreds of these cases after the predatory Colorado shootings of former combat soldiers in a gang covered here, but the reality is, these Veterans are killing themselves in self destruction instead.

That is what makes Christopher Dorner unique in he actually is retaliating as has been hoped for.

The case of Dorner started with what was a brutality complaint by Dorner which was deemed false by the LAPD. This then terminated Dorner and set off the events as everything was taken from him.
Dorner's first hit was on the daughter of the person who represented him at LAPD.

Few who have been on the inside of the Dirty Harry division trusts anything that comes out of this odd bunch in California. The cursory evidence though is the reality in, Christopher Dorner blamed his LAPD rep for what happend and his voice has been quashed at every turn since in the past years.
This has been deliberate, and if this Veteran had been afforded on bit of honor in this, none of this would be taking place now. As he stated, he had everything taken from him, and now he was going to retaliate.
The only power Dorner has is to make warfare on the very group who ostracized him and took all from him,  and that is the California police.

None of this Obamachurian acting out by Christopher Dorner needed to happen, and yet it was pushed by a crushing bureacracy until an American had nothing left.

As a warning in this, civilians should stay out of this, as Dorner has not shown any inkling of retaliating on the public. As long as he deems the public will not be shooting at him or turning him in, he will move through the midst of them and not become deadly as it should be.
This is the feudalcrats creating a reaction in a man who was not just cut loose, but has been castrated over and over again in torture.

Think of it, in Barack Obama, the answer to all black's problems, and yet a Christopher Dorner explodes in the scene. No Michelle Obama reaching out as she did to vets suckered before the election and no Obama sit downs with beers to solve Christopher Dorner's complaints.

Christopher Dorner was a jubilantly happy Soldier and Police Officer, and now he is a hunted man. Something went deliberately wrong in this political welfare state of Obama and his ilk. Think of it in Dorner is a black man in a world of blacks who show up for paychecks in welfare work, and the system chose him out to destroy him.

As no one desires to make the point in this, Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder, both directly caused the murders of Border Patrol Officers and no one has enlisted a massive manhunt for them.

The following headline from HuffPo should just please Mike Gallagher and his fill ins, as the California police have been "spraying and praying" in California the Civilians as that is what cops do, is empty guns and hope they hit a criminal....and then end up like at Fort Hood murdering innocent people.
Is all ok as Gallagher's group loves this stuff and Muchelle Obama seats cops like that with her at the State of the Union.
There is a REASON this stuff is covered here before events happen like Christopher Dorner, as a warning what is coming.

LAPD, Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt ...


Anna Almendrala
6 hours ago – ... Police officers shot innocent people during the frenzied manhunt for Christopher Dorner, ...He was fired in 2008 for making false statements.

You really want these Obama state police stalking you on highways for tickets, sticking drones into your bedrooms watching your wives and children strip....and now SWAT team shooting everything that moves, as your thin blue line?
You won't wake up as you are too upset this blog due to Randy Moss' sins took your 49er's Super Bowl from you and said you looked like chit with saucer navels no one wants to see as Obama puts the girls on genocide display for war dead.

Yeah as all blacks look alike, it is going to be open season in California on all black men. Gee I guess Obama will not be making a gun grabber visit there.

The reality is, as Barack Obama gets away with killing cops and having women like Lara Logan gang raped, blackmailing everyone in government and no one cares about it, then should not a real black man in Christopher Dorner be given the same Obama rewards program in a jet of his own to fly in, a mansion, a fleet of predators to shoot at Americans with and how many million Obama gets a year in salary.
It seems only fair, as starting with Donald Young and whatever pile of children at Sandy Hook or in Algeria that are dead from Obama, that once again Christopher Dorner is the stand up guy in this comparison.

The LAPD created this mess. The US military for Obama and whoever Dorner reached out to for validation did not help this Veteran. The LAPD has shot up Civilians now delivering newspapers.....so why not just have Homeland go in, offer Dorner money to leave and end this balanced out.
The officers Dorner shot have a gripe with the LAPD who initiated all of this, and is not this the black tough guy Spike Lee wanted Obama to be, so even Bill Maher got a black they dreamed of.

Dorner though will be murdered in a most heinous way as an example, if caught. His profile is to RUN, unlike that Marine who shot that SEAL sniper as he was driving about the neighborhood....do you skirts who decide you are so lofty in smarts in what you agree or disagree with here, as if God would stop and care at that revelation........get the point in the Marine should have bird dogged and did not. Dorner ran as was protocol, so who sent that Marine on a mission hiding the real contract?

Dorner is a tragedy as this is a person America invested millions of dollars in like all these Soldiers and the resource is being destroyed on purpose. If he pushes this for punishment, he will die in a form of suicide. If he follows his capabilities, he will disappear

Christopher Dorner is not the problem. The problem is the psychological torture system which spits out humans, and leaves them with nothing. This is deliberate from the pressures on the public from high fuel prices to making them debt slaves to the regime.

The Obama thugocracy is the cause of all of this, the bullying of people and leaving them with nothing. It is by design and why Homeland keeps buying millions more rounds of ammunition to shoot Americans with. Today it is Christopher Dorner pushed past human limits and made a criminal. In the days ahead, the chances increase it will be you and then the Mockingbird will engage printing a version of you, that you do not recognize.

How long before it is you.

agtG 272Y

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