As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
I have featured here Lord Randolph Churchill, the father of Sir Winston Churchill the great Conservative of Britain. Pictured above is his American wife, Jeanette Jerome or Lady Randolph Churchill.
She was a most attractive American lady as most are in having a belief in themselves.
I dislike pretentiousness. It drives me Russian wild to hear the way some intellectual pretenders like Mark Levin draw Burke or whoever like swords of Damiclese hanging over the witless folk who had to shovel shit for a living and did not have time to read natterings in the volumes of books which the intellectual pontifciates from, when normal people say things in a few words to be understood.
Jesus is a good example to follow in a few words sufficing. It is like in the works here in they are many, but any of the treatises here are something an intellectual would fill 400 pages up with, when five pages is enough to keep those electronic forests alive.
That is why when I found in a speech by Lord Randolph to the leaders of the Ireland a simple phrase defining all what a Conservative is, I decided to post it here as this should be the defining explanation of who Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are.
Conservatism has been so deliberately bastardized by the politics of intrigue, that there must be a way mark which all can understand as the definition of who they are, and more importantly as the rule, the line in the sand, the rod to pass under in leaders who are in the right, if they measure up to being a Conservative or are of the left.
Lord Randolph Churchill
‘I may be permitted to think that there is a connection, almost an intimate connection , between the philosophy of the Epicurean school and what is known as Conservative politics. To let things alone as much as we can; to accustom ourselves to look always at the brightest side; to legislate rather for the moment than for the dim and distant future, gratefully leaving that job to posterity, and thus making all classes comfortable— these are, as I understand them, the maxims of what we know as Conservative politics.’
That is the most perfectly short definition of what being a Conservative is.
Now you know the line by which you can measure yourself and others.
nuff said