As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
For most people the word Balkan War manifest in their minds the mysts of that Clinton war against imaginary genocide against Muslims by Serbian Christians, but there was an earlier war for independence by the Slavs which negated a centuries long era when the Muslims ruled the Slavic peoples and those peoples were robbed, raped, enslaved and murdered at the pleasure of the Turkish Sultans.
In that, we visit the nation of Albania, a mountain locked group of various tribes of Christian and Muslim religion, which is unique in the world as North Africans are a white race, in Albania is a people of that white Islamic race.
This race was concluded due to the Sultan who yearly took from the livestock of his lands, and that included the livestock share of two legged creatures.
The Sultan of the Turks would bring in the women from these Albanian clans who lived by a system of vandetta murder, would breed them by his own cock, and send back these bastards for his own intrigue.
The Albanians are a very intelligent, stallwart and martial people. They rose in the Sultan's military to high rank in the janissarians, to even the royal guard.
It is that other janissarian of menstrual blood though which is fascinating in this in the olde order of nobels having first penetration of all brides on their wedding night, which afforded a most interesting allegiance in all the bastards which appeared.
This is how Muslims were created in Europe. It was by slavery, the Sultan's right to a crop of humans yearly, and by the rape of these women, who would produce little Muslim bastards, as that was the religion of the empire, and then these little bastards brought all that back to Albania to spy out the intrigue of the people and sow the Sultan's own intrigue.
It was harem talk which the Sultan kept the Albanians at rest. He would hear of needs of arms, roads, schools and by ejaculation spew the offerings back onto the tribes of Albania to appease them as a familiar whores payment to his Albanian slave wives.
When the Sultan had rape rights taken from him, the ruling powers of Europe were to decide upon who would be the new King of Albania. Albanians came forth, but what would the ruling elite have in need of an Albanian to rule Albania.
The Kaiser of Germany put forth a solution of promoting a rich Egyptian, as Albanian rulers led by bribery, but that was not acceptable to the ruling elite.
The elite then chose a north German named Prince William of Wied. Yes put a German in charge of mongrel Turkish north Italians of volatile nature, that should be the solution.
The Kaiser tried to discourage the Prince from this insanity, as the Kaiser knew it was all a plot which was going to be a diaster, but the Prince would not listen, and the Princess was all aglow in being wet with desire of being Queen of something.
"ce que femme veut, Dieu le veut"
yes of course what a woman wishes God wishes.
Prince of Wied, and it would be pronounced WEED, was poor, so he had no bribes to give the Albanian host. This led to the powers that be only alloting a partial bribe.........yes you can see how this fairyland dream is shaping up to be the ugly witch in the forest.
A self made strongman named Essad Pasha had his own designs on the throne of Albania and was in league with the Italians who for some reason did not like a German on the throne of Albania.
Prince Wied of course did not take trusted Germans with him as counsellors in the enterprise, but had assisgned English and Italian secretaries.....who did of course nothing but try to bring the Prince to ruin.
To rule Albania, a king would have to be on horse, among a loyal cavalry of thugs who he had bribed, live in tents far from the European powers warships anchored off the coast.......Prince Wied took none of the advice, left his own troops at home in Germany, and took up residence away from the people he needed to bribe and keep happy.
What did take place was the Princess arrived and made a speech to the Albanians in French, as they did not understand German. Yes French is the diplomatic language, but Albanians do not speak French.
Yes this had a typical end, as there is not a German dynasty ruling Albania. It is the reality of the world in either strongman thugs are chosen to murder the people or puppets are chosen who soon enough are murdered, because they are supposed to.
Islam generally ruled by the cock and organized rape. Like numbers of ye olde lords ruled the cloth of their land. A nation of little bastards running around with the king's seal of approval is what copulated much of the world, in the pretties virgins soon bore some ugly bastard whose blood runs though the veins of so many nations.
Fiat by blood of janissarian womb. Let the king take your select vagina and you get a few coins and a bastard to bother you.
Odd how Birther Obama put all the wombs into the military to die, with all the bribes going to the elite in trillions and as he was busy saving the sodomite cocks.