As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........
Upon inquiry as to the American Russian hockey match at Sochi.
The Americans dislodged the goal before the period, in order to protect their position. They cheated and that is the fact of the mixed signals of "not knowing" and the Russian claim the American cheated.
The cheating was for the game in the propaganda as the American are worthless as athletes.
The review of the cheating was a slap at Putin for the pro heterosexual stance Russia has taken. That is interesting in the cheating had nothing to do with the sodomite issue, but the holding up of the cheating was all about that.
That is enough of this proud Olympic moment. I hate the Olympics and detest them.
nuff said
PS: Thanks to the Beekeeper for the heads up on Cafe Press. I put Lame Cherry in the tags now and most of the stuff now pops.
God bless you in rewarding you in the Lord distributing to you the inheritance for your good in Jesus Name Amen and Amen