As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
I detest the great waste of wildlife in this world from improper management of the resource which is of benefit to all from the chickadee to the elk in America to the dik dik to the elephant of Africa.
America for example in the Dakotas of North and South has a fine system in North Dakota where the game is managed for the benefit of all in people are an active part in hunting the animals which benefits the animals in selling licenses, translating into value.
In South Dakota, their method is raising predators to slaughter livestock and wildlife as coyotes do not need to bothered with as they do not vote like the public.
I bring this to the forefront again in the background story of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and Czar Nicholas of Russia.
When wildlife is afforded the least amount of care which is not care at all, but simply shelter, nesting, water and food, it will care for itself and flourish as a great resource, providing the predators are kept in check, by market forces in consumers buying furs.
In noting the above proven reality, it was brought to the attention of the German Kaiser, that the Russian Czar desired to have the same quality of stag antlers which the Germans had at Rominten which the Russians did not have at Spala in Poland.
The Kaiser desiring to help as this leader had a great virtue in promoting all things nature, as in managing and planting the east German forests as both wind protection from Russia to help German climate and all those trees would make a barrier to invading Russians, sent forth his wildlife huntsman, Freiherr von Sternburg.
Herr Sternburg was received cordially at Spala by a General who was in charge. He soon noted though that the entire lodge was kept heated in every room burning massive amounts of wood, as in cutting down and burning up the forest.
The General when told of this, just shrugged and said, "The Czar might show up "someday" so the fires are kept burning".
The General who knew about lighting fires, knew nothing about Spala, so a German hunstman was brought up to show Sternburg about the royal park.
As Sternburg assessed the hunting park, he noted that there were meadows available which could be transformed into pastures and feeding stations for the stags, as food is what is important in making large antler trophies.
The deer had already, due to probably lack of food, already begun to shed their racks, and were damaging even more trees in the process.
To this the General replied a big "NYET", as he explained that the deer were fed with hay cut from the Black Sea, and as there was a great deal of money involved, the contracts were not going to be stopped, even if the hay spoiled in transit, as that is what the situation was.
The General had found upon gutting deer that they had large amounts of wood in their digestive tracts which was reported.
He went further on to explain that as of that report a host of scientists had been dispatched by the Czar as wildlife specialists and had spent a great deal of time at the lodge, eating, drinking, sleeping and shooting numbers of deer which confirmed what the General had found, were large volumes of wood splinters in the deer's intestines and stomachs.
The end result the wildlife scientists concluded that deer could live on eating wood, and no further need for good feed would be necessary.
So that is the way Herr Sternburg left the situation, completely perplexed, as the deer were starving, so they ate wood, which did not have the nutrition to produce the antlers the Czar desired.
It is the reality of the Russian mindset of game mismanagement and the ideals of German game management.
It of course seems easy to understand the idiocy of the above example, but the world is filled with the same type of idiots whether it is South Dakota or Obama Kenya which has destroyed all of it's wildlife compared to Botswana.
America at it's Yellowstone is the worst of this, in Yellowstone is a preservation, when one can never preserve anything in this world as all things perish. Yet Yellowstone raises now aggressive bears and wolves which are then off roaming into Wyoming and Montana, killing their well managed wildlife or killing ranch livestock, as the Yellowstone herds are depleted due to the predators killing everything.
I have mentioned the absolute murder in South Dakota at Mt. Rushmore due to their mismanagement. In the 1980's one could drive in the Black Hills and find them filled with little whitetail deer, but those deer are all gone, as South Dakota lied to the Citizens and called them crazy when they said Mountain Lions were in the Black Hills.
Those lions have now killed all the deer, started killing pets, and have shown up in Chicago in an ecological disaster.
Why is it that Marie Antoinette was excoriated for making the "Let them eat cake" statement, but when it comes to wildlife it is either the nuttery of natural selection from Green Peace, the slaughtering of people of Michael Savage or something like South Dakota or Kenya in killing off the wildlife and then selling tickets to look at the little remaining to tourists as those in power are too lazy to manage the resource.
Yes Let them eat wood, let them eat each other, let them eat your pets, because the nuttery of the system is feeding too many fat asses making money off of wildlife misery.
I would like to have that two legged ilk fed to those four legged certain the deer and bunnies would be quite pleased in living another day.
nuff said