There is a Mike Gallagher style racism story at Disney in California about a black family named Black, trying to get a White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland report what race the rabbit is under the costume.....and it would be a hoot if it was a Afroid....
I digress........
Any way CBS had pictures provided by the Blacks on the White Rabbit not hugging their two children while hugging a white child.
Even after a Disney employee phoned in to Gallagher stating there is always a minder along with the characters as children get abusive, and even after the employee stated that due to law suits of parents stating their children had been "fondled" by characters, so a White Rabbit like all characters is ONLY to respond to the child and not to initiate contact........Gallagher was all for this Obama racism.
Maybe the white child was gregarious and gained a response. Maybe the black children looked stand wow the black parents were certainly ready to raise hell about things in looking for things.........they did not want 500 bucks and free things, but instead want a White Rabbit destroyed, made to apologize and then fired...........yeah no livelihood for another Obama job casualty.
I got treated like crap my entire childhood by adults. I will not reveal my condition, but I got rude remarks from other children and adults chose other children over me.
I remember my class at Gestapo Grade School, where our 4 foot dwarf spinster teacher treated us like scum of the earth, except for the pretty little girls at the head of the line who she showered hugs on.
Guess what? We never got any lawsuits as she lavished praise on the wonder children and scorned us.
I get all kinds of looks in life yet as I hide in public. When I'm out with TL, who is attractive, I constantly get piss ant sales people looking past me and being extra friendly with TL. Is an odd thing in people stuck in shit jobs, literally are furious over something they do not have.
Do I go around filing lawsuits? Hell no, I just put it to God and study the psychos sown all across America who are working out things because they are nuts.
I don't care if this White Rabbit is a white person. Maybe this person didn' like blacks, because they have an odor. Maybe they did not like these specific blacks.
I know yesterday I had a god damned Pedro Mexican about 5 foot tall take my cart, remove my bag and use the cart.......then was standing in the way. I just went over as this asshole was not moving, got another cart, and shoved my former cart out of the way, as these damned 3rd worlders are impolite as hell and take advantage of western politeness.
I see it all the time in those Indian types from Asia prowling around, nattering in native, and their children are busting things and will not move the hell out of the way.......does that make me racist? Hell no, it just makes me someone who is fed up with all these god damned refused piled in the west, who think this all just happened for them to enjoy.
Frankly, I would like to see Disney characters and the rest of real Americans who have been here 20 years, provided bean bag guns and tasers. When some White Rabbit gets hell from some blacks named Black, they can pull out the bean bag gun and blast them......same way with Mexicans who steal carts and whatever else nut cases are out there, including white damn Americans who are pissed off they are working retail and looking at TL.
Yeah it is a two way street in TL gets looked past when it is her same sex in TL gets treated rudely over me too, but that is what bean bag guns would be for.
Would make a wonderfully polite society and I have a solution for gay Disney.
You got Disney Land, Disney about Disney Abyss built in Africa. You can fill it with witchdoctors, shapeshifters, cannibals, slave know all the fun stuff like Idi Amin roller coasters, the Nelson Mandela ring of fire.......things Africa has for culture, and then all these blacks named black and all the rest of the Afroids can go to Africa Disney and get all the attention they want in characters trying to have sex with children as that runs in the Obama family.
A child's feelings get hurt............who, mine got hurt like all children in being ground down repeatedly and my feelings still get hurt by bunches of anal assholes connected with this blog. That is called life.
If it was my child, I would have ripped the rabbit's head off his costume and had TL whack whatever was inside with a Disney implement, and then had our children kick the bitch or bastard when they were down in Al and Peg Bundy fashion.
Or I would have done worse in putting God on them, and God would not stop as He does for me until the afflictors are dust.......well then even then He does not stop, but I digress.
Point is I hate EMOCONS, and that is what all this fluff is at the end of news, why Limbaugh has the lag stories, why Gallagher gins up Negroid stories to get people fired up emotionally in a all of you are in gun control diversions.
What I would say is this as Solomon judging this.
Bring the case before my court, and if the blacks win.......then they get what they want in the Rabbit fired, on welfare and whatever. If the Rabbit wins on evidence, then the Rabbit gets what it wants, like deporting these blacks named Black back to Africa never to return.
That kind of sentence would mean something and get rid of most of the bitching about things in if people really had to lose everything.......sure some idiot like Obama would still sue, but that would be better as the crocodiles in Africa need high protein diets and it is always easier to naturally select someone who does not know to not wade into the croc stream than the natives with the missing limbs.
Oh let's sing to make this all festive.......
One pill makes you bigger
One pill makes you small......
Go ask Alice when she was 10 feet tall......
Oh by the way, from Walmart parking lots to stores, blacks are thee most racist race on the planet in my experience in being aloof or looking down on others.
Asians are the most polite.
God ask Alice.
OH PS: I wouldn't hug Obama or Mrs. Ed. That does not make me racist. It just means I have American taste in not wanting to touch foreign agents and traitors married to them.
nuff said
agtG 232Y
I digress........
Any way CBS had pictures provided by the Blacks on the White Rabbit not hugging their two children while hugging a white child.
Even after a Disney employee phoned in to Gallagher stating there is always a minder along with the characters as children get abusive, and even after the employee stated that due to law suits of parents stating their children had been "fondled" by characters, so a White Rabbit like all characters is ONLY to respond to the child and not to initiate contact........Gallagher was all for this Obama racism.
Maybe the white child was gregarious and gained a response. Maybe the black children looked stand wow the black parents were certainly ready to raise hell about things in looking for things.........they did not want 500 bucks and free things, but instead want a White Rabbit destroyed, made to apologize and then fired...........yeah no livelihood for another Obama job casualty.
I got treated like crap my entire childhood by adults. I will not reveal my condition, but I got rude remarks from other children and adults chose other children over me.
I remember my class at Gestapo Grade School, where our 4 foot dwarf spinster teacher treated us like scum of the earth, except for the pretty little girls at the head of the line who she showered hugs on.
Guess what? We never got any lawsuits as she lavished praise on the wonder children and scorned us.
I get all kinds of looks in life yet as I hide in public. When I'm out with TL, who is attractive, I constantly get piss ant sales people looking past me and being extra friendly with TL. Is an odd thing in people stuck in shit jobs, literally are furious over something they do not have.
Do I go around filing lawsuits? Hell no, I just put it to God and study the psychos sown all across America who are working out things because they are nuts.
I don't care if this White Rabbit is a white person. Maybe this person didn' like blacks, because they have an odor. Maybe they did not like these specific blacks.
I know yesterday I had a god damned Pedro Mexican about 5 foot tall take my cart, remove my bag and use the cart.......then was standing in the way. I just went over as this asshole was not moving, got another cart, and shoved my former cart out of the way, as these damned 3rd worlders are impolite as hell and take advantage of western politeness.
I see it all the time in those Indian types from Asia prowling around, nattering in native, and their children are busting things and will not move the hell out of the way.......does that make me racist? Hell no, it just makes me someone who is fed up with all these god damned refused piled in the west, who think this all just happened for them to enjoy.
Frankly, I would like to see Disney characters and the rest of real Americans who have been here 20 years, provided bean bag guns and tasers. When some White Rabbit gets hell from some blacks named Black, they can pull out the bean bag gun and blast them......same way with Mexicans who steal carts and whatever else nut cases are out there, including white damn Americans who are pissed off they are working retail and looking at TL.
Yeah it is a two way street in TL gets looked past when it is her same sex in TL gets treated rudely over me too, but that is what bean bag guns would be for.
Would make a wonderfully polite society and I have a solution for gay Disney.
You got Disney Land, Disney about Disney Abyss built in Africa. You can fill it with witchdoctors, shapeshifters, cannibals, slave know all the fun stuff like Idi Amin roller coasters, the Nelson Mandela ring of fire.......things Africa has for culture, and then all these blacks named black and all the rest of the Afroids can go to Africa Disney and get all the attention they want in characters trying to have sex with children as that runs in the Obama family.
A child's feelings get hurt............who, mine got hurt like all children in being ground down repeatedly and my feelings still get hurt by bunches of anal assholes connected with this blog. That is called life.
If it was my child, I would have ripped the rabbit's head off his costume and had TL whack whatever was inside with a Disney implement, and then had our children kick the bitch or bastard when they were down in Al and Peg Bundy fashion.
Or I would have done worse in putting God on them, and God would not stop as He does for me until the afflictors are dust.......well then even then He does not stop, but I digress.
Point is I hate EMOCONS, and that is what all this fluff is at the end of news, why Limbaugh has the lag stories, why Gallagher gins up Negroid stories to get people fired up emotionally in a all of you are in gun control diversions.
What I would say is this as Solomon judging this.
Bring the case before my court, and if the blacks win.......then they get what they want in the Rabbit fired, on welfare and whatever. If the Rabbit wins on evidence, then the Rabbit gets what it wants, like deporting these blacks named Black back to Africa never to return.
That kind of sentence would mean something and get rid of most of the bitching about things in if people really had to lose everything.......sure some idiot like Obama would still sue, but that would be better as the crocodiles in Africa need high protein diets and it is always easier to naturally select someone who does not know to not wade into the croc stream than the natives with the missing limbs.
Oh let's sing to make this all festive.......
One pill makes you bigger
One pill makes you small......
Go ask Alice when she was 10 feet tall......
Oh by the way, from Walmart parking lots to stores, blacks are thee most racist race on the planet in my experience in being aloof or looking down on others.
Asians are the most polite.
God ask Alice.
OH PS: I wouldn't hug Obama or Mrs. Ed. That does not make me racist. It just means I have American taste in not wanting to touch foreign agents and traitors married to them.
nuff said
agtG 232Y