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Men's Suffrage


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....

‘Great command proves the man.’

Indian Proverb

Always in life, there is the little swarthy boy in a 3rd world who announces he is going to be president of some nation, and thankfully most of these juvenile despots are enveloped in shrouds of hashish where the perpetrators slowly fade in the gloom to their own doom, but sometimes they arise to terrorize not just their own Pol Pot lands in killing fields, but like Barack Hussein Obama Chin usurp the most powerful of nations to create a world abyss in a grave which she will never arise from.

In politics, one never hears what would seem the dichotomy of terms in "men's suffrage". Yet what is the eclipse of all liberty in this world, but deluding an armed American in a gulag that he is free, any more than telling a voting American man that he is empowered, when that vote is made worthless by Obama election theft.

When this blog states American male, it specifically means a white male, upon which America was founded, as the reality is the black male has joined in 98 percent lock step with the Birther Obama as much as the Latin has in prejudice against whites followed the same Obama criminal overthrow of America.

What good is a black vote in America or a brown vote in America, when the black vote is for the destruction of America, and the brown vote is an accomplice to the crime.

America was destroyed by a white liberal intellectual class, headed by Ashkenaz immorality, funded by nation rapists, all parading a black and brown parade of failures, topped with a Wall Street white cream of bribed wealthy.

The Obama years were ones of bribery, intimidation, financial rapine, prejudice and racism in those who formed his election theft voting block.
The right wing was betrayed by their Bushite and Rovian patricians who profited off of Obama rapine, and then vied for a place in the sun as traitors to America at a later date.

Why would John Boehner, as Speaker repeal anything Obama when he and his benefactors made profit off of it. Boehnerism can blame Obama for all the crimes in drugging the American Virgin raped, but these Bushites and Rovians still collected the pimp fee for it.

Men's suffrage is an absolute reality and issue in America, as the entire white male majority vote which kept America prosperous, victors in wars and on a moral path, has been nullified by a progression of the infusion of:

1. Black slave vote
2. Indian vote
3. Woman's suffrage
4. District of Columbia and Porto Rico vote
5. Motor voter
6. Illegals voting

In review of this 100 plus year attack upon the American voting system established in the late 18th century, one can progress the downfall of the American Republic to the Omerica Soviet of the 21st century.

It was the white patrician who in most cases as in the Bush family, just a non proclaimed extension of Asian Ashkenaz family bloodlines hidden away, to the Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter soiled panties in jungle fever for Obama who placed the seal of approval for election theft in America in betrayal of the one group who for 200 years guided successfully America rising from a colonial state to a superpower nation.

Everyone of the above groups holds absolute responsibility for destroying America and the world for they from feminists to black radicals disenfranchised the one proven group of success and security in America in the white Christian male.

It will astound most readers to point out a fact that most white males in Germany, Russia, England, Ireland and America if they did not hold property or were nobles, did not have the right to men's suffrage before 1776.

The passage from nobleman's rights to white male suffrage begun in America, is what transformed the world from feudalism to civilization. By 1900 though, the cartel had introduced a new form of feudalism in turning all authority over to the Soviet mob, who then in their leftist leadership would only place before the people a ballot which was all loyal to Marxist or Feudalist exploitation.

America is now a 21st century gulag which places before the public, opposite sides of the same coin. There was no difference between John McCain and Barack Obama, and, no difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. McCain was for latino slaves and Romney was for Obamacare.

There is a vast difference in movements in Germany and England in 1885, which were concerning men's suffrage of SUBJECTS OF THEIR OWN LAND, and the providing of ignorant slaves, hostile Indians, feminists and foreigners a vote which was the antithesis of liberty.

A slave votes like a slave, a terrorist votes like a terrorist, a feminist votes for her own power and a foreigner votes for foreign interests, while a working male votes for those policies which reward that moral work, and a welfare entitlist votes how to make stealing money from others legal.

I have come across as late a number of wounded males who are white, and are busy stockpiling mountains of evidence against women and other subjects, which absolutely fails in bringing the historical evidence to this subject. They view courts as biased for women and minorities, and never comprehend in ignornace that it is not the courts, but a sustained coalition who have found a way to profit off the work of the historical white suffrage which is now negated.

View the world in prism, from intellectuals, nation rapists, black voting blocks, brown slave labor and yellow intellectual labor, feminists........

Like a rainbow what I have just shown you in the assembled groups is their diversity, if you were to meld them back together in these colors, you would have white light. Now get this point, in when you dissemble the white Christian male, you get numbers, finance, votin block, labor, intellect, intelligence and the feminine grace of compassion.

Under God, the male suffrage is an ordered projection which brings life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When it is shattered to different groups with false messiahs, and hatred, it becomes a consumptive force.

This is the reality in what was the Christian household of men's suffrage is what transformed the world to liberty. There never was any problem in this suffrage when it expanded to the Christian wife and daughter, as they voted for protection of that male leadership for income and security. The problem arose in feminism which started voting against that status in looting the money from producers for their own interests.

Stating all of this in fact and it is shameful in what was done to men's suffrage, is absolutely worthless as knowing a bullet is flying through the air to kill you does not stop the bullet nor can it.
America has been overthrown as has the world. The only rectifying agent in this will be a revolution on a global scale. The cartel is proceeding toward this reality, as they deem eliminating 1 1/2 billion people as Bill Gates stated in using vaccines to cull people or over 6 billion people as the cartel does not require a mob to serve them or uprise, is what the reality is.

Men's suffrage has been neutralized. The outcome will be a global implosion by design by the elites who neutralized the white Christian male leadership for their own feudalism. It will either be the white suffrage which will become victor or it will be the faction suffrage. I believe in Biblical Prophecy so this is all neutralized by Christ as an absolute ruler with no one voting.

The elimination of men's suffrage is illegal, but it is viewed as an amusing come uppance by the refracted mob.

When you want a victory in war, who do you turn to but the white male when you want a victory?

When you want leadership who do you turn to for a win?

When you want financial return who do you look to but a white male when it has to be a profit?

When you want the job done who do you turn to but a white male to complete it?

When you want security, who do you hide behind but a white male?

That is the majority reality and by instinct the populations always flee to the white male to be delivered.

The white male though deprived of suffrage has no vested interest in paying for your having sex with others, raising thier bastards, protecting those enclaves, working for that which will be robbed from them nor for dying in defense of this diseased politic.

That is the reality. Those who have deprived the male of suffrage in thinking victory was snatched will find an obliterating defeat.

Fractionalize suffrage votes for it's own interests instead of protecting the combined interest. Nohting is now protected in this naked politic and the protectors have absolutely no reason to protect a venomous adder have murdered male suffrage.

nuff said


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