I found it of interest that Sir Winston Spencer Churchill in the forward concerning the private and political life of Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, chose as poetic epitaph, not some English poet, but instead chose the words of the German Poet Goethe.
‘Heard are the voices,
Heard are the sages,
The worlds and the ages;
"Choose well; your choice is Brief and yet endless.
Here eyes do regard you,
In Eternity’s stillness: Here is all fulness,
Ye brave, to reward you;
Work and despair not."’
The wars of genocide against Germans in the cartel staged World War I and World War II, did more than annhilate Germany. By design, the genocide wars brought forth the most degraded in unnatural Darwin selction of Freud and Nietsche for warping the global mind, and expunged the heart and soul of Wagner and Goethe.
Martin Luther reduced to the mysts not by Anglo Saxons, but by the rival house of Mountbatten.