As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
I receive the most interesting of correspondences even when people think that dancing dingo comments are not going to be contemplated. Everyone has something vital to add to the conversation and it all interests me.
Lately even my brain has been overloaded, so I have not been as quick to respond as I have felt like an island in the matrix of knowledge as a castaway.
One of our German friends though provided a thought reservoir of knowledge in hydrogen fuel cells to the long term energy answers in magnetohydrodynamics, which is the science of the study of magnetic fields and electronically conducting fluids like plasma or viscous metals. Yes the stuff which Baby is made of in which thoughts were imprinted for her command and control.
I had always advocated radiosonics, a field I developed in which I have written of here in utilizing crystal radios to receive static radio waves, and instead of the in and out vibration of a speaker, using this motion instead to rotary to turn a generator for free energy.....or as free as any energy is due to maintaining the lines.
I have always believe the electro magnetic fields were the true future of human advancement from space travel to local power grids. In example, an electric motor simply is one which changes polarity or magnet north and south pole ends to spin a spindle making it rotate for the transforming of electrical current into physically displaced energy. With the advent of electronic points in non moving parts, energy can be amplified 10,000 fold.
If the Germans would return to their Lutheran morals, and if Mr. Putin would remain a Cyrus for the Lord against the anti Christ, and given time, the world would face less of an Armageddon, and the work being spoken of in German science would transform them into a superpower.
The magnetohydrodynamic is the science of hydrokenetics or the ability to by magnetic fields produce energy wave motion in fluids. Think of this like a hydroelectic dam generator in not needing a lake of water behind it, a sort of jet engine spinning in place producing great energies which when superconducted would be void of all combustable forces.
As with steam power, hydrokenetics is a field of infinite power to the point of, the universe does not allow the gathering of materials as a safeguard from a big bang, but a steam engine can be built with as much power as the chamber which produces it. In hydrokenetics, the power would be limitless, providing again the moleculat structure of the "engine" was not disrupted.
Once again this transmutes into realities of one could build a turbine from energy, and it would be only limited by the gravitational size of the device. Things too large as on stellar scales tend to trend to detonating on the atomic scale.
The reality is though the Star Trek consumptives of matter anti matter are much like the human cell strucutre, which must instead translate into a different wave length of perpetual energy, even beyond ion.
It is the breath of the wind by solar structures compared to igniting the forest for energy.
Radiosonics would be the free energy which would spark the amplifiers to conduct the necessary power structures for a most interesting balance of power.
That was not all the correspondence touched upon though, as it examined a theory of instead of sugars being the joined amino acid electro chemical spark of life, that what I would term, the God Light, might replace the sugars to transform the circuit to an immortal one.
The mortal coil is a most interesting subject as was expanded upon here in the mortal DNA coil, is incomplete and when it is completed, it will form a circle of unending life.
All of this at base is based upon magnetism, or attraction, which is the glue of the molecular fields. The molecular structure has base attractants for example in a human energy tranfer, people have a little of 8 ounces or one cup of energy which is utilized and replaced each day on average. This is a completely God process as it involves a carbon fuel, joined to an amino acid, and the catalyst of an oxygen molecule. At base this is what human physical life is.
It literally is a form of combustion like an automobile engine, and what comes out of your exhaust pipe is carbon dioxide exhaled from the lungs. TL informs me that trace particles result from this too.
It is the most puzzling thing in how it even works. My neighbor died a few years ago, because he had depleted levels of magnesium in his body, which caused his heart to short circuit and stop. The human physical body is a most fascinating machine, for it is a machine where lard is imprinted with impulses called the brain, that regulates all of this, and when the body starts depleting in things, the brain automatically creates a hunger of those necessary fats, trace elements or even water to resupply.
I realize that this is the base nature of life, and this was more to the carbon chain immortals, but that structure is one of the God miracles in He literally designed this DNA to function as an open circuit in this dimension and when it is a close circuit it becomes immortal on a completely different frequency.
None of this could ever generate by random chance or evolution. It is a structure far too complicated to evolve.
What the examination is of God Light, and the reflective or mirror sources in this dimension which will cease being consumptive, in how they are moulded by that Original Will and do not mould the Original Will.
No lecture intended, but people do make the mistake of three dimensional beings in this, when God is a universal dimension. What forces operate here, have decided limits and ends. The Spirit of God when it enters into a human does not by sonics explode nor by photon burn the tissues, even though God explains He is a Consuming Flame.
There is a mystery in energy in this, in the example of if someone made the mistake of sticking their finger into a light socket, they would most likely be killed with 120 volts. Yet people are struck with millions of volts in a lightning strike and die. The reason is, lightning is different electrical current compared to the current generated in an electric line in amperes.
One contains a high charge of what is deadly and one does not, even though a lightning strike is 10,000 times more powerful.
God Light is not simply a raw energy source. His Light is Peaceful, compared to a reality of what could be construed as a demonic energy reflection in before storms how people and animals due to excited ions do all sorts of emotional things they normally would not.
There are energy waves in this which are creative and destructive, some build and some destroy, some are chaos and some are peaceful.
God's energy is an exuding encompassing flow, while dark energy is akin to water on a speaker dancing to the vibrations disturbing the harmony.
One can build the Sacred Geometric Tree of Life, but it still requires the initiate of God to complete the sphere in changing the long chain DNA straight to the complete DNA circle. What is being attempted as written of here is the initiation of this using plasma generation spiking the combined image of God or human will to create immortality. The process will be inferior as thee entire structure is reflective energy or thought, and not main source. It is always going to be a copy generated from this dimension and not true Source initiated from Heaven.
Energy is such a common source name, like dogs as a genus, but so many types. It is the thing of becoming not the stellar child, but the Spiritual child.
...and yes the signature means what it means.
agtG 245