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Lord Carnarvon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

It seems an odd thing that there was an English Lord, who was responsible for the Americanization of the British Empire, that his name and efforts are completely void in the public mind.

His name was Lord Carnarvon and if one glances at the old British Empire, it was his hands which which Canada became a Federation. He attempted the same in South Africa.
Such moves were progressed into Australasia, and the hand of Carnavon, was well known in subordinate legislatures and Colonial Parliaments.

As Viceroy or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, he would in the Conservatives Tory gaining the Government in the United Kingdom, be on the management of the situation for the Home Rule of Ireland.

His first speech in Parliament was for a kindlier and generous intercourse between England and Ireland.

This period of the late 19th century was the end of the Norman Empire. The British always enfold upon the English, but the fact is the entire fragmentation of Britain can be found in the very system which created it.

In 1066, William the Conqueror, a Viking French Norman, invaded England. At the time, England was a quasi democratic mob. In the English being routed, William threw out every English nobleman and the new possessors of the land were Norman.

The Normans referred to the English as the cloth of the land, a sort of livestock managed for the benefit of the Normans. In upheaval of succeeding generations, the English won back some of their rights, but that cloth of the land mindset is what permeated all of England and what would become Britain.

It was a system of spoils and not even a Cromwell or a Pitt could negate what the English aristocrat believed in Norman mindset, in the nobleman had rights and the commoner was a stock to exploit.

It was in the 1885 period that the British masses finally started to obtain a right to vote. This was over 100 years after the American Revolution and England had yet to award the common people rights that Americans possessed.
There was great alarm and worry in this in the Whigs as it was assumed their political end had come. Lord Randolph Churchill was the Tory or right winger who actually brought about Tory Democracy saving the Conservatives with the influx of working people.

Consider that for 700 years Norman rule in philosophy had been absolute in Great Britain. Then three factors began to pull the string to unweave the Norman cloth starting in America, in God, the Atlantic Ocean and the Norman mindset which could not comprehend that the stock of the yard could any more than pigs in overthrowing farm.

It was Norman arrogance which produced thee worst disaster in history of empire, in the Founders of America were all pro British, and termed themselves English.
Benjamin Franklin had conceived a popular projection of future, where America would become a co equal of the mother country in providing the resources, manpower and wealth generated to rule the world.
The attitude though of King George's court and ministers was one of telling the dogs to put back on their leash or they would be hung.

Faced with this, the Americans revolted and in another Norman mindset mistep, the military and government never produced the maul to shatter America in one blow, but instead in not taking the uprising seriously, allowed it to become a conflagration, and England was caught then between Spain, France, Holland and America with not enough resources to fight.

The end result was America obtained her Independence.

The same was true in 1812 in petty reprisals of the English in piracy in taking Americans off of American merchant ships. The British in the Jefferson Madison fiasco of militias should have landed an extreme force and taken America by storm.
Instead it was another not closed fist, and when it did attempt to strike in New Orleans, the American shattered the British military which had shattered Napoleon and Europe.

The 1800's manifested not in instigated American Civil War, but in rebellions in Canada and elsewhere in British holdings. Still the Norman cloth of the land mindset would not dispell an active policy, which soon enough saw lost empire, become Commonwealth.

The entire Norman system which built the Norman English into a global empire, would be the system which would shatter that empire, by being inflexible too long, so possessions were lost, and if not lost they became something worse in Commonwealths which by the 1950's saw Indian in civil war becoming Indian and Pakistan in Hindu and Muslim war, to communist manfestations like Kenya and Zimbabwe which produced no wealth, abandoned the best British peoples to exile and are still sucking the life out of England.

It the Normans would have simply conceived to place in America, a Viceroy, produced a Home Rule Parliament with appointed Americans to rule and tax the peoples in raising a Continental army, the history would have shown the great British General, Lord Washington, driving the Spanish and French from American soil.

As it was, it would require Lord Carnarvon, the Viceroy of Ireland to produce the best possible outcome of Norman demise in a time when Russia threatened England, the Muslims were in outrage in Sudan and Egypt destroying British troops and England was flooded with cheap imports and was short of revenues.

It seems impossible with men like William Pitt who could venture to stop the slave traffic after the American Revolution, could not somehow comprehend in this cloth of the field the understanding that, if you put Home Rule on a leash, expand manufacturing to the colonies, give them their own Australian Grenadiers and Appalachian Highlanders, that one could tax these peoples by their own government which could flow into a combined treasury.

The sort of genius political policy which Richard Nixon brought into being in America, in making huge revenue producing states as California, Texas and New York pool income taxes with smaller states like Wyoming and South Dakota, which then improved the entire nation in the smaller states had funds for advancement which produced wealth which flowed back to the larger states.

The people have no idea the good Richard Nixon did in America and the world, no more than the good Lord Carnarvon did for the transformation of the British Empire.

It appears you have before you another Lame Cherry historical thesis which should award another PHD, as the Inspiration here is so expansive. No one, not even Sir Winston Churchill has linked this entire scenario to the Normans and their cloth of the land.

It really would benefit the world if the English would gather again their brood, and make of them a United Kingdom instead of this Commonwealth disaster. I would counsel sacking that fagsexual David Cameron and dusting off some real Conservative for PM.
Get Queen Elizabeth to put her Viceregent to measuring badger holes, and put that strapping Camilla in charge of this along with that fetching Kate the Commoner.

There must be a sort of Thatcherite Lords who could be made Viceroys in herding all that wasted resource of South Africa, Rhodesia, Kenya, Egypt, India, Ceylon back into the fold to manage things proper.
The right of return and lands to the exiles and their children is first order of business with their self rule again.

The world needs a little Norman cloth providing it is of a weave which sews and repairs itself.

I think the throne should for this help, title me the Dutchess of Wessex. Now that America is in the Obama crypt, there is no law against my being titled and knighted.
First order would be to rename South Africa, New Wessex.

Certainly would manage the Queen's purse better than those Rothschild imports who have looted all her Magesty's finest.

Time to do dishes and then a game of chess.


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