As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
I once had a papered ophthalmologist tell someone in my Mom's hearing that I was the smartest person in the county.
I once had or twice had a papered college graduate tell me I was too stupid to understand his pontifications......
That would seem a dichtomy, but it really is not, for knowledge comes in numerous forms. Some is God given Wisdom, some Inspiration, some common sense, some is existential, some is manual, some is theorhetical, some is repetition and some is gleaned from books.
In my judgment, I value God given Wisdom, Inspiration and common sense, coupled with the person actually experiencing their knowledge in repetition as the only sound "knowledge" for in that is understanding.
It is why I detest historians, theologians or theoriscits, for the reason they are individuals who gain knowledge based upon others or unproven ideas. It is why I read historical memoirs, as someone sitting in a study who never tasted the land they are writing of, and only shuffling through papers, has no idea what is the true reality.
Physicists in the current realm are the largest group of lemmings in existence, for they had the basics of Newtonian principles, then along came Eistein with a "theory" and they all went over the edge on that and in order to make that fallacy work, they have to keep inventing new things in matter bumping about out there to string things along, as it all falls apart as quickly as evolution.
Empirical data is a crutch as it only reflects those conditions upon which the data was produced under bias. Put 12 blindfolds on 12 Muslims and have them feel 12 different parts of an elephant and you get 12 different answers based upon blind prejudice.
Empirical data is absolutely informing the world that solar cycles are valid, and then at the beginning of the 21st century thee entire scientific community, stunned in absolute puzzlement when the sun goes into a dormant cycle, as it does not fit their data which has been programmed into their short season brains.
It all returns to Newton in equal and opposite reactions. Logic dictates that a sleeping sun, the longer it sleeps, the greater the release will be when it awakens due to pent up energies.
That sun is a natural nuclear bomb, and it is constantly producing a degradation in material as the mass of this yellow dwarf is consuming atomic energy, which breaks down and fuses into heavier forms.
Yellow dwarf stars are said to be notoriously unstable, meaning planets get ice ages or frying periods as earth experiences. Logic dictates that the sun is behaving as it should, but the humans have not factored in that the sun is having a fuel situation.
An explosion blasts out material, and the sun is not blasting out material as it should now for years in disrupting that fictional cycle, but this is part of the cycle, for it means that something is hindering the centrifigal force in a greater gravitational force is engaged.
To make this layman terms so the scientists will all comprehend this, the sun has an atomic drag effect being placed on it's cycles. When it generates a new cycle of pressure in energies to release, it will do so violently and repeatedly in a cauldron of convulsions over a period of time, to give the equal and opposite balance.
It will create a big bang when it awakens from it's gravitational warp of it's fields by generating in natural cycles as stars do "live". Meaning a star consumes hydrogen fuel, until it is exhausted, and then generates a burn on more dense fuels, until the consumption of the fuels can not produce enough centrifugal pressures, and it begins to collapse on itself.
A solar collapse at time causes a nebula or the entire star explodes at one time, overcoming all gravity and becoming centrifugal. It also can collapse into what is a gravitational field which light can not escape in termed a black hole.
The sun is not in danger of either, as it still has fuel for a long burn, but what is taking place is a restructuring of the relation of fuel to weight and the effects of gravity and centrifugal force. The sun has concluded it's first phase of upheaval, and is in a quiet period as it blew off great masses of energy, and is now at atomic levels in a solar restructure.
What will follow will be coronal ejections or high radiation levels, which could be adverse to a part of earth which it may strike. To be concerned of that though is to be concerned that lightning will strike you today as the odds are negligable in that.
I was going to write something completely different here concering eternal life conversion of the human entity, but as with all things God I never know where I am going at times until I begin to resonate.
None of this though is going to be found in college degrees nor educations, because it is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter by God's Grace.
I suspect though it will be percolate through the masses, and someday it will be stolen and then become a "paper" by some egg brain and all the lemmings will squeak squeak again in having this profound thought.
Isaac Newton discovered nothing, as gravity already existed. The remarkable thing is in the world works without Stephen Hawking theories and math, because the universe is guided by God's Law.
I observed today that the sun rose at 8:07, so it is fact. Yet tomorrow it rises at all that observation means nothing except for that moment in time.
The square root of 16 is 4 today. One day a cubic Jerusalem will float down to earth from Heaven which is like 200 miles in cube. Physics means nothing except in that physical dimension it processes in. Science runs out, because time runs out, because this consumptive universe runs out.
What happens if the sun creates black light, which produces the same necessary heat for life, but no light. Does that create a dark sun of infrared raditation which is shining in a way which the human vision can not detect.
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