As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........
In having exposed the triad of evil in use by the cartel of:
1 Evolution (turning people into animals)
2. Marxism (enslaving people as animals for exploitation)
3. Malthusianism (culling people as animals)
There must be a revisit to Charles Bradlaugh of Northampton, in the late 19th century who was a proponent in culling the masses in population reduction, and his refusal as a member of Parliament to swear an oath in Religion and Royalty.
Winston Churchill in examining this period from the papers of his father, Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, MP of Woodstock offered this quote:
"These were, in short, that Mr. Bradlaugh’s declared opinions upon religion and Royalty necessarily rendered any oath of allegiance that he might take meaningless in form and valueless in fact."
Winston Churchill. Lord Randolph Churchill
This is the great criminal error inflicted upon America by the cartel in the featuring of two partially Negroid occupants of the District of Columbia in acclaimants of Islamocommunism in one Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Barack Hussein Obama Jinn of last known nationality of British or Indonesian extraction.
Any organized people from tribe to continent, has in itself laws which rule or govern those peoples. They are set understandings which are absolute. If the enterprise is to rob, rape, enslave and murder by tribal custom, then that order can not be violated by someone who wants to stay home and plant beans as that would not accomplish the promotion of the village.
When a nation like America has a set of laws which state by order and custom, that people must fulfill requirements as being American by evidence or take oaths upon a Holy Bible, then violating those contracts, relegates the entire foundation of the law invalid.
What makes as society ordered can not be violated, no matter how pirate or that society will be destroyed.
The American Indian was reduced by armed force, when it's system of predation for survival was deemed not civilized. It is that common good of "civilized" which unites a people from orders where the strongest male could by muscle rape every woman and force other males to raise his bastards to one where there is mutual benefit for all to adhere to that system.
Mr. Bradlaugh, like Mr. Obama Chin and Mr. Ellison, sought to violate the norms. They refused to swear oaths under normal legal means, or provide legal documentation or to uphold Christ centered realities in Bibles or Christmas trees which thee entire foundation of America is based upon the Constitution and every law.
The British, both left and right in Parliament rejected the abnormality of Mr. Bradlaugh and his Northampton constituents. They refused to be Christian nor honor Christianity. They refused the Crown when that was the Government.
When Americans allowed Mr. Ellison and Mr. Obama to violate the laws of America by cartel machinations, the entire United States Constitution ended, because destroying the foundation of laws and traditions destroys the entire system which protects the majority from minority tyranny.
As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, it must be understood in the Republican form of Government that the majority governs with the minority having rights.
It is equally an evil in denying the minority their rights, as to set up the minority in tyranny to rule over the rights of the majority.
I will provide a quote for you in this:
"It is evil when a majority rules and denies the rights of the minority, and, as equally evil when the minority in tyranny rules to deny the rights of the majority".
Lame Cherry
There is no right in the Constitution in societal law to promote disorder. A sodomite chosing a sex act is not a racial creed, but an action decided not by birth but by brain.
One decides if one is going to conform to the orderly progression of a nation and if one decides contrary, then one is an antithesis to that nation in violating the protection of every Citizen.
There are reasons proven in eastern Europe why one does not place in power Muslims over Christians, as it leads to civil war. There are reasons as proven in those same Balkans as to why a people do not allow foreigners of different religions than Christian and nationalities to rule over them, as those entities then rule for the other nationality and religion.
Natives understand this. A Sioux Indian would no more allow an Iroquios to lead them than a Jesuit as by instinct they knew their interests would be violated. Natives in England comprehended in both the right and the left that Charles Bradlaugh violating both Church and State would violate every subject's rights buy his rights over ruling their rights in tyranny.
This is all very basic and the evidence of the remedy was in the histories, but none of the millionaire talking heads uttered one word of this reality, but instead babbled on blankly as this treason was unleashed in America.
There is no precident for treason. What is illegal is always illegal.
Does not the recorded words of Irish MP F. H. O'Donnell ring now prophetic in his denunciation of Mr. Bradlaugh in all that America has now been raped by?
"The Bradlaugh doctrines, would degrade human love and human wedlock to something lower than union of beast with beast."
It is all a progression. The courts used to remove God and install evolution. The courts used in Roe to slaughter life. Congress infringing upon firearm ownership. Then comes a myriad of bribes to the masses from ghetto street to Wall Street to pacify them, as their arise korans in place of Bibles and illegitimate Obamas in place of native born.
What follows is the sodomite degradation of marriage and now thee exact Truth which this blog predicted during the Clinton era, that this will devolve into legalized child rape, as was espoused by the Obama regime that "they are all our children".
Nothing illegal has precident. All that is illegal and those backing such illegalities are treachery and treasonous. That is the legal definition.
America was founded on:
1. Creationism
2. Republicanism
3. Christianity
Violating those absolutes is illegal and a direct homicial attack on the population of 300 million Americans. It is feudalism, from which humanity crawled and clawed it's way out of that degrading cesspool of bullies and fools.
This violation of American Constitutional Law must be reckoned with. This blog is Continentalist based upon the principles of America's Founders. The over law of all is:
1. The protection of life and the prosecution of homicide in executions.
2. Liberty without license.
3. A life fulfilled in another's Constitutional rights end where your Constitutional rights begin.
The prediction in this is simple. Either Americans rise up and prosecute those traitors and agents who have violated their Constitution or foreigners will prosecute a war upon Americans in which genocide will be performed on Americans, or the surviving Americans will purge by pen and rope the traitors and agents who commited these acts of war upon Americans by bastardizing the American system to be used against Americans.
Charles Bradlaugh's copy of "The Impeachment of the House of Brunswick" will have little meaning for people until you are informed the link of this political writer to Barack Hussein Obama Chin in his "Audacity of Hope" which was the same Impeachment of the House of America.
Birther Hussein sought and enacted, the impeachment of Americans, as he oversaw the removal of America by his executive orders.
The line from Bradlaughs manifesto speaks exactly to the manifesto of Birther Hussein Obama's diatribes:
"I loathe these small breast German bestarred wanderers".
Before you laude that in your own ignorance, the Israelites of the Lost 10 Tribes came out of exile from the Holy Land speaking Indo European languages. They were called the Germani by the Romans in that region as wanderers, and wandered into western Europe and the British Isles. From thence they wandered to Iceland, Canada, the Americas, Australasia and Africa founding colonies.
What Bradlaugh is spewing in racism is the exact contempt that Barack Hussein Obama has spewed in "colonialism". It is the essence of "How dare these vermin inhabit and live in this world".
You will hear this same theme running against Judahites in the state of Israel to Americans in these United States.
Bradlaugh espoused what would become Nazism and Nazism versed what has devolved to Obamanism.
What Obama spewed out to the world was his loathing your parents for daring to live and loathed those same parents bring Christianity to wilderness peoples to uplift them beyond exploitation whether it be African slave or Mexican peon from feudal enslavement.
Debasing people to be sexual animals, exploiting them for rationed death and the culling them when they have no use, that is Bradlaugh and that is Obama in their very feudal order.
"Barack Obama spoke of high ideals, but his ordeal for all was rationed death".
Lame Cherry
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