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Ejaculator of Utter Ruin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

This is a continued study of the Cherry Effect, the reality of how divergent, not that is not the correct word, but how two time lines or numerous time lines can occupy the same space on a horizon line, but when it becomes projection point, others become more reality than others, and as they become focal point, only one scenario becomes reality.

I see that Stephen Hawking now says that there are no black holes, to which the chimps in the physcis zoo will all become wild eyed shaking the bars, and like all good primates will follow the leader as that is what scientists do, in one says one theory and then all like parrots chatter on the same nonsense, ignoring the reality of the space time gravity centrifugal enclave.
It is no a continuum as it ends. It is not continuous.

To the Cherry Effect....

As of Sunday morning for the Super Bowl, Peyton Manning and the Broncos were destined to win that event by about the same margin as the Forty Niners won. I have mentioned like the lottery that events are fluid in competing wills do win out, and in this case the prayers of Seattle out projected the prayers or wills of the Broncos.
Unlike last seasons Super Bowl, when God was merciful to me in the no win for Randy Moss which meant the 49ers would lose, I had no interest in this game, so I was not a projecting force. Perhaps if Peyton had shared the wealth he might have another win.

I state this reality in the Cherry Effect as last year, I knew of a time line series of events for this year which were quite horrendous. In this series, the Fang Jinn was going to assassinate a French Patriot, and one of the British Royals. This was to break the NATO alliance as is part of this Neo Roman Empire being formed for the anti Christ.
The French and British were going to retaliate in June with the downing of Fang Jinn One over the Atlantic on it's way to Berlin for a conference.

Something has come amiss in this now as those events are fading. There is now only a 30% chance an Islamocommunist event will take place in New Jersey involving nuclear material out of Mexico. That material is said to be in northern Mexico......that does not mean other material is not in the US proper.

In like percentages something else is generating for a July window, and on cue the Iranians are threatening strikes in America, exactly as this blog warned. For that event window it is a reality which will generate a coup in the 70% range against the Fang Jinn regime.

Picture this as fluid ping pong balls, all in motion and causing opposite and equal reactions in one wave like motion which surges and ebbs. I informed all of you that I was a conduit in praying for an outcome in which Mr. Putin would become a balance against the anti Christ forces. This was a remote chance in this, but it began generating. I do wonder of Sochi in what could affect the outcome there, because it could deflect this or it could cement Mr. Putin into the Christian camp forever.
In the previous Catholic oracles, Mr. Putin became an antagonist, which course invaded Europe, shattering the Slavic lands and in the Russian defeat, a counter coup took place which Mr. Putin was assassinated.

If Mr. Putin becomes the protector of Christians as a Cyrus in God's hands, then hundreds of millions will not die, nor will Mr. Putin in a coup.

This is such a regenerative time line, that what is taking place in the Putin sphere of influence is influencing all other events. Meaning in this, that the French and British Royal assassination plotted by the cartel and carried out by the Fang Jinn is a non event. That scenario is in place yet, but it has been overgrown by other more progressive events which overshadow it in strength.

A new series of events is emerging, and it is upon Vladamir Putin's presence for good. If this continues, America is projecting to experience the Russian time line, meaning after a series of Islamocommunist events, which at present are a bi stage chemical weapon event, that a coup will be unleashed on the Isaiah Prophecy of breaking a peg off in the wall and replacing it with another peg which will not be moved, and that is the reality of a coup in America in August which is projecting out.
Before an ignorant starts jumping to posting this all over the internet, it means that there is a 30% projection this will not take place, but a 70% projection at this time that it will occur.

For skeptics, this is a mockery, but it is the way this matrix flow works. I will use the John Kennedy time line to make the point that, pre destination pointed to a reality he would be assassinated. There were numerous events until that event took place. Florida, Chicago and finally Dallas were that unfolding wave which kept cresting as the election theft from Richard Nixon for the Presidency was something the time line kept projecting to rectify.
I informed all as proof in the archives that there was a series of events from the Sandy Hook shootings which projected to a Birther Hussein ending, involving a plane. The regime kept detonating the matrix in shocking it, and it took almost 2 months before it settled out again, but that same ending kept projecting and something did happen on June 13, 2013.
If you examine the facts of pre June to post June, you will note that a great change took place. Before June Obama was living by Predator strikes, Congress was doing all his bidding, the world was his Arab Spring and blacks were marching in lock step. After June, the entire scenario changed and that included Benghazi's backfiring on the regime.

The entire psychological persona of Obama changed from facial lumps, handshakes, to the "Obama marriage". There is a pre and a post June 13th Obama. That date marks an absolute change from Obama could not lose to Obama can not win.

I return to JR Nyquists amusing quote of, "Do not predict things, especially the future". The caveat in this, is God is the only Force with Will to override all wills, so His Prophecies come to be.
There is a difference here as I have stated between the Prophecy of George W. Bush being America's last hope to the Obama Utter Ruin, and the study of the matrix in what is generating. One if from God's Holy Ghost and one is observing the fascinating ways of competing forces or wills project from a jumbled chaos to an order of reality.
There are 7 billion people all in butterfly wings creating a breeze which becomes a jet stream daily generating. People who are in power as the regime of Obama and it's allies, do not want their dictatorship to end, so that force competes to others which do.

"One may predict the future, and the prediction is, it is unpredictable for humans".

Lame Cherry

That is the order of the reality and the reality is, an event can be known which is like a ship in a typhoon, with your life unaffected by the surface surge to as the surface churns. Sometimes you get affected if it is a war or depression which obliterates your life, or wipes out all your investments, but these events all interplay and have a shadow series of events taking place.

I can tell you in the Super Bowl, that there are just as many miserable winners as miserable losers, as the winners have nothing left to work for and now are concerned in knowing they have lost already next season, and the losers being dejected are projecting to win in hope next season.

The forces in this generate and regenerate. The reason that the new time line is called the Putin Obama time line, is Vladamir Putin is at the start of a surge in he is the force driving the time events of the matrix. That is not to say he can displace Prophecy from God, but if Mr. Putin remains as God's maul, then horrid events for non overt sinners will not engulf them.
I point out that if Mr. Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church would become instruments of God, then perhaps the majority of those martyrs in Europe would have a safe haven to be protected from in the Neo Roman UnHoly Empire.
If Mr. Putin is the generating force, then the anti Christ will not have the same absolute power structure as they can not occupy the same space and time.

The Catholic oracles in the seers saw war coming to Europe. The Bible never mentions that except that Neo Babylon is destroyed. What if the time line now is the southern Axis is wiped out and into Armageddon for that battle, and it does not spread into northern and western Europe?

This Putin time line shows no Norwegian nor German spears, but instead a focused Turkish Bulgarian spear penetrating into Italy. Western Europe and American stay out of this war.
Under Vladamir Putin's time line as of this date, The Great Eurasian War which I have spoken of, is more Asian and only subcontinent European.

There have been too many fools involved in all of this. People have been predicting things and people following them, and when events do not happen people are disappointed and are confused. The Cherry Effect is the reality of this "living will" which is surging and flowing in constant motion.

I keep stating that IF Vladamir Putin becomes a force agains the anti Chirst, he will be an instrument in God's hand, and it will lessen a great deal of the great tribulation.
I feel that in that generation curve, that Americans would begin to remove it's regime and it's satanic conduits. Instead of a revolution for the destruction of America, it would be a Continental revolution for America being raised from the crypt.

It is fluid though and this time line is generating. If it does not project, then other events will reappear or new events will replace both. This is more information the macro matrix and intermatrix than has ever been produced in physics to being enlightenment into the workings of this chaos.

People can remote view and see time lines, which are exactly from their vantage point and are real, but the structure of this changes and an event is not established until it becomes real.
For those who are not hucksters, but really are seers, dreamers, viewers, their work is important even if those events do not come to be, because it informs the astute of what is under the jungle covering.

These things are not to be discounted, because say someone sees some law being generated in Congress or some terror event in a city, but neither come to fruition. That is not something to mock, but it is something to contemplate that there were people combined in a forces of will to do something, and in many cases, if that weed is planted, that damn thing will appear again as ideas regenerate if nothing is in the matrix more focused to replace them.

There are more frauds in this than those who have talent, and those who have talent are usually so unhoned in their skills that they flop around like someone suffering from muscular dystrophy in their matrix abilities thinking all they say is from the Mount.

One must be aware there is God involved in this, Holy Angels, 7 billion humans, ghosts and legions of demons, all causing the order of God into chaos. Ideas exposed often whither like uprooted plants in the hot sun. Some though re root and continue on.

This is reality in the beauty of this quite living primal scream of the matrix which is always in flux, but it always assembles a wonder called reality being built in every moment. The skeptic is as much the fool in discounting the chaos as the seer is a fool for not accepting the chaos. This is clay poured and it only becomes porcelain after firing.

I leave this teaching at this point as the explanation, so people will hopefully stop spiking so hard pinning all they are on events. There is a great pastime in this in observing the events and studying the interplay as patterns emerge to amuse oneself with.

agtG 218

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