As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
In the colonial war of 1776 in the Americas, an overlooked point avails itself, and that is the West Indies of British control were supplied by the American colonies. From the outset of the war, salt based foods rose in price from 50 to 100 percent.
Sugar and run, which were staples of the Carribean has prices fall at approximately 40 percent.
This was the commerce of the crown of England and that which built all those manors one sees in English theatrical television. It though in the 18th century visits the 21st century again on the basics of modern warfare.
In viable warfare, one examines a nation like China of the communists. It is a landlocked vista which might land an invading force, but not have the capability of sustaining it, beyond local cannibalization of Alaska.
Alaska would be the logical choice of China for oil and gas resources, and to cut the American succour to Japan.
Japan is a World War II example in they had to have victory over America within a year or they would lose the war in not having resources.
China can not prosecute a war, as it does not have food, water nor raw materials. It could march an army out, but not march it back due to starvation.
South Asia, is filled with 2 billion more plus. None of these nations could advance one iota of threat against America nor China in this examination. Japan might be vaporized, but would retrain enough raw nuclear material to become a nuclear terror state lobbing atomic weapons into China.
China as this blog has noted, has approximately 6 weeks before it starts eating itself literally.
In the American sphere, South America has no appreciable threat unless it would become nuclear, but what offering would it be to nuke the United States and then be nuked.
The greater threat as the cartel intended are the 50 million Mexican slave laborers intent on rape, robbery and rapine in upheaval as a 6th column.
Africa is not worth noting. Muslim Asia, except for nuclear terrorism is not a projected threat to any nation over a period of time.
Europe disjointed or united in empire, would outmatch the Muslims, run out of supply against the Chicom hordes, and grind to a hault against the Russians.
Russia is the chief adversary of any people. While not having sea invasionary forces, they have ample air power to make defense and offense an interesting prolonged warfare, as prolonged warfare is tantamount to winning the 21st century war. Surviving past the other nation falling is what future war is about.
Russia has supply, nuclear bunker defense and ability to conquer Europe. China would be a nuclear holocaust and America would be as much mutual waste destruction.
Prolonged warfare is what future warfare winner will contend with as their weapon, as supply will outstrip the war.
America's defense is now a nuclear umbrella shrunken by Birther Hussein. It has the ocean fortress. It has oil production again. It has agricultural creation of food.
Those are absolute strengths.
Weaknesses are the inability to regenerate necessities or dainties. Agriculture is now so mechanized without workers that the harvest would be disrupted.
Russia in this projection actually holds the edge in agriculture and nuclear projection. It holds edge against invasion.
Russian Achilles heel though is their Muslim population in revolt which would pin down available resources.
American edge is still advanced Star Wars weaponry capable of mass casualties which is going to be mandated in 21st century war. Enemies can only be neutralized by destroying hundreds of thousands of them per engagement or else resource will be stripped by supply.
In global combat, the day of pinpoint strikes and few dead, will be replaced by pinpoint strikes of mass casualities.
Future war will mandate 3 day advances of large spaces conquerred, 3 weeks of absolute warfare and 3 months of securing that definitive peace. Failure to achieve these timelines will mean defeat as projected warfare will begin to use the strengths of superiority against each nation.
Too large of armed force in China, is a force which consumes itself. Too much technology in America, is a force not readily replaced.
nuff said