As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......r
As the image of Obama delivers the state of the American Crotch in a speech before Congress, there is a reality in this which this blog has exposed which has a great deal of mirror image in the sodomite movie, Talledega Nights, the Legend of Ricky Bobby starring Will Farrell.
This movie which I first viewed a few nights ago with TL is one if the characters were black, all hell would have broken loose, as it was a smear against southern whites and NASCAR fans.
The women were all stupid tramps, and the males were all closet homosexuals. Upon viewing it people who went to this movie at base, were being indoctrinated in a anal sex rape of their morals, as it was a movie promoting sodomy, and not a movie about race cars.
In that, Obama was promoted as a Designer Negro, risen to the Presidency, but all Obama was is a reality of the sodomization of Americans from Benghazi to the United States military.
There is a maxim in this which I first noted in any popular thing, when it starts degrading that group of moralists who amount to 15% of market share, that is the moment that your Mockingbird funds have just been wasted.
Roseanne Barr had this happen in her crotch grab while singing the National Anthem, and she had that erosion of 15% which soon became a trend, and soon enough the ABC studio execs got their revenge for her and Tom Arnold's dope headed rants and kicked her to the curb.
The thing that saved George W. Bush was that he never overtly betrayed his moralist base and they stuck with him to the end, and now his popular ratings are rising as the Obama voters are coming back to admire him......just like they did Ronald Reagan.
By example, the NFL appealed to males. That appeal meant cheerleaders who would get featured. That stopped in the NFL as men's butts were featured instead in that sodom indoctrination scheme.
The same with that pink ribbon for cancer nonsense as much as that Obama voter Roger Goodell turning the NFL into a liberal social experiment of no violence and sodom engineering.
I told you that the NFL is losing viewership, just like Rush Limbaugh lost his audience in his degradation of the moralists. Suitcase viagra, oxy deafness, dabbling with FOX liberal shows like 24, were part of this and it tanked when Limbaugh went Elton Blonde and allowed Obama to be elected while knocking off John McCain.....without one mention of election theft.
Super Bowl tickets are not in demand. It has nothing to do with cold, but has to do with this Obama legend now a reality in the NFL. Viewers are turned off by fixed games, the lingering aura of Randy Moss racism, and games which are not the football of Pete Roselle of the 1970's. There was a point at protecting players and it crossed over to protecting millionaire players just acting like they were playing a game on the Obama pool.
The NFL is like all pro sports now in pure fiction. It is not a game but being gamed.
Reggie Jackson the talented black New York Yankees "Mr. October" had a routine he went into which the white media sucked up. That is what Barack Hussein Obama Chin was reading off the teleprompter and given cover with, for his entire changing America was about a way of skimming money from the US Treasury and rewarding leftists from communists in Peking to communists in Tehran to communists in Wall Street.
Barack Obama Chin was losing audience or Limbaugh market share or NFL ratings. Under the Jinn it is plunging. Whenever those numbers start plunging, it means the moralists have already left the building, and it is the immoral groups who no longer are feeling tingles up their legs and are leaving the building too, as there is a clue in this.
Call this a Lame Cherry exclusive........
People who have morals, like Christians, Veterans, Patriots, Americans are passionate about things and believe in things. Those things are interesting to them and that translates to an audience where people who want to be a part of something which is the Obama voter, start associating with, because they want that rush and to be involved in something.
For those who think that Birther Hussein was popular, is a propaganda lie, as he never was. Obama flipped 10 million GOP votes in stealing 2008, and he flipped a like number in 2012 from Romney. He had all of his elections stolen starting with his first senate run in Illinois.
Obama was all hype and always has been hype. You can recall that idiot "historian" Michael Beschloss or whatever that twat head's name was, on Don Imus saying in gushing orgasm, "Why Obama's genius is off the intelligence scales".
When Imus said, "What is his IQ?"
The idiot stammered with, "Well I don't know."
There was a conditioned euphoria into racists and negrophillia which was the Obama hype. People who wanted to prove they were not nigger knockers and people who wanted to get f*cked by a nig in public were the Obama nutty base, all in revenge vote hatred of white people success.
That is the reality of the Obama tenure.
In this Ricky Bobby from Hollywood propaganda is the swan song of the Obama regime, as much as the NFL is the fiction of what Obama is, as it is something being foisted on the American public which they have revulsion to.
There is no need to listen to what the Fang Jinn is going to chatter in the image of Obama. It will be Nigger replacement with Mexican slave labor. It will be more bribes to some Obama faction like federal contract workers which will cost you billions more in road repairs and it will be blaming Americans while saying how great it all is being a new American foreign agent.
It will be rubber stamped by Bawler Boehner saying Obama has authority to raise wages, when Congress is the power, but as Congress is blackmailed and a rubber stamp for the same cartel looting America, of course this is nothing a normal person is going to listen to.
People who care listen to things and view things. Whenever the audience is gone, the alienation has come from the source and the cause is lost and it will never resurrect.
There can be fake audience numbers like Limbaugh has, but the reality is Americans are discarding the entire Mockingbird rapes up their rectum which this has been all about.
The State of the American Crotch can be summed up in base in this one sentence which the Fang could say, "All I have done is so the cartel will own you, and by this, we will confiscate your children to legally rape them".
When I alone warned of the political gang rape of women like Sarah Palin on the right was to desensitize all of you to treating women horridly, it was the reality as this is all being built to get moral people accustomed to sodomization and that will graduate to child rape.
America and the world no longer care what is coming out of Washington DC, as this debauchery like the NFL has alienated people with morals who are Americans.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that $10.10 raise to Obama voters, is not about wages, but is a numerological power number. It is a mantra for the matrix to activate demons to possess those uttering that summoning.
You have no idea what you are hearing or why.
I have really had it with good people trying to donate and being stopped as much as people who can not afford such things trying to keep things afloat here, so groups of slugs can gain information.