As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
.....make the path and the sheep will follow.......
Most people are ignorant to the Philippines, but their history is one which is a fascinating psychology. For in them the Chinese traders and Spanish colonials, maintained a Manila rule over the lowland peoples, but the highland peoples who were remote and miners of gold, would not succumb to Spanish arms nor Dominican crosses.
The Americans in the war of conquest embarked upon a "meter trail" which is in itself interesting as Americans measured by the yard.
The meter trail was simple in bringing the Igorot people to civilized discourse and rule. Yes the Philipines is not all Filipino, but the I in "the people" and the Gorot in the "highlands" in Tagalog which is what is the native language of the Philippines are a distinct group of "peoples".
The first step was to clear out a meter wide path in the jungles and mountains. Roads and money for roads did not exist due to poverty and monsoons.
These trails were not to exceed a grade of 6% and to be held at all possibilies at 4%. They would be allowed a maxium of 10% grade in coming to rivers, but not for overly long stretches of trail.
These trails would then expose the hidden weak spots in the terrain, and be quickly repaired. The trail then hardens over a year time and gains a permanent place in the mountain jungles.
The next step was then to expand the meter trail to two meters which endures the same process of repair and hardening.
The last step is to widen, drain and metal the meter road into a road capable of horse traffic with cart. By 1912, the Philippin interior had 730 miles of horse road and was expanding, with the good use of the peoples who were wild peoples, who were then becoming assimiliated to know their neighbors and to become aware of the outside world.
This was a brilliant management of peoples as it made the peoples dependent upon the road. Expanded their thought into knowing they were not the big fish in a small barrel, but little fish in a big barrel, and it of course is always a first step to engaging governance.
This then affords those American things of treating the sick, missionaries to spread a way of governance in answering a higher order and to teach them all to smile at schools for a common thought process.
Add this to trade, where people are awarded bounties for work in things like cloth, candy and radios, and you have annexed a people to your way of thinking.
This makes me even more aware that the American people and world population are managed the same way in their own meter roads on the electronic forums as much as Obamacare or any of this other organized inroads to a population being sodomized.
Yes the same tricks used for good in the Philippines can be turned into a civilized people in America and make them immoral wth counter culture meter trails that turn into interstate inroads of butchery of children sodomy and child rape legalized.
Colonialism sought to Christianize the masses for mutual empowerment by trade, defense and education, whereby the locals were given civilized religion, education and work.
Yes firewater, firesticks and small pox were gifts also to destroy the peoples in competitors using the easy route, but colonialism was a nurturing aspect, compared to cartelism which is nothing but exploitation, rapine and robbery, ending in the enslavement and murder of the people.
Remember that in the Spanish conquistadores were Jesuit backed slave operations and they never did conquer the Philippine interior. The Americans gained governance by the meter trail, and brought natural advancements which obtained rule in colonialism which liberated the people.
America has been conquerred. To resist is to be an enemy of the state, even with Constitutional rights. It is the feudal cartel method and the bleating sheep led into the pen by the Judas Goats have fear, but no idea yet they are mutton for the slaughter.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and is the meter trail. Cartelism is the danger and the world coined here to explain the process and what feudalism is in the new world order whether it is Stan Ann Dunham with micro economics or it is your being handed Welfare from Wall Street or Social Services to fatten you up for the slaughter.
This is another thing which should be printed up and circulated as it concisely will teach the sheep of their being penned so they can understand.
Donate you woolly rich as your time is coming in the next years.
PS: In the Philippines, 1 Governor managed the Igorot, with 7 Lt. Governors. Each section was divided to include only like tribes, but each was known as Igorot with a prefix like Kansas Red State.
That should open your wee little minds as to what I am teaching in when a regime places at the head an absolute, and then has managers who look like the mob, the mob having the security of a blanket of like people is then managed by fears of those "other peoples" as is done with Jews by the secular Marxist heads to keep control, and those peoples then accept for the security of likeness the ghetto or gulag into which they are placed be it Philistine or American.
Put that definition CARTELISM, CARTELISM, CARTELISM, CARTELISM, CARTELISM, CARTELISM, CARTELISM into your vocabulary for it is Obama feudalism and will catch as it has not been stygmatized by Mockingbird as "new world order" has been in conspiracy theory.
Cartelism is a harsh sounding word by consonant KUH sound. People will read it in posts by the association with Obama destruction, high fuel prices, their misery index and all they suffer from as it is real. Cartelism is the faceless boogey out there and by defining it, people will focus upon it.
The day you hear Obama Jinn or Chuck Schumer start railing about cartelism, is the day they hijack it and try to make it their own....and the day you have won a small bit of ground back.
Cartelism, is a group of established elite who have monopolized your money and lives for their control of you.
This is pronounced CAR dull Izm, and not CAR TELL izm, due to the phonetics of English slur gravitating to the easier guttural pronunciation. You do not want to be wearing out the masses in making it hard to repeat the word which they are unleashing their fury upon as they loathe it.
Get them to speak it not just another day, but the fad word spoken a dozen times a day.
You had no idea did you that word construction is part of the entire mind conditioning protocol now did you as you do not comprehend the vast array of known human psychological triggers being employed against you.
Perhaps it is why you should donate and keep me around as I know these things, as I have more than a piece of hard rock candy, just for looking.
Yes fools keep lecturing me about Jesus walking on currency water when you do not even know the content of the ocean.