As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
There has been a great deal of buzz in the Subdub or whatever that multi religious cult was started in the 1920's in Indonesia by some guru and the connection to the Dunham Obamas, but upon inquiry there was not a connection as Stan Ann was like all that type in not religious. She only stuck Obama into Islam as she thought it would assist in his bonafides in one day being dictator of Indonesia.
That is the same mindset of Birther Hussein in his day above ground in he was Negroid pulpit and cadence when he thought it would con blacks into voting for him and he was morning prayer Muslim when he thought it would get Muslim money.
Obama is a chameleon and always was one.
The photo that Jerome Corsi had on his Facebook page is not Obama's father nor sperm donor. He was though a CIA asset as Indonesia was important to the American balance of power. It is why the CIA installed the dictator there and used the Subcult as one of the methods of steering that population in the intellectual center.
The sub like numbers of this mind control or MKULTRA was introduced into the counter culture operation for the overthrow of America, once the Socio Conglomerate Nazis gained control of Mockingbird for the Sovietization of the United States.
There has been a great deal written about Sub's infusion of the leading rock n roll and children of the elite minds out in the Charlie Manson valley. If it was not one thing, it was another with those spacers. They could as Manson knew be into kiddie porn or wearing Beatles sitar swamy chit the next.
You can call what became Rock n Roll as Wagnertech. Tavistock and Stanford had the mindprints for it as Rock was based on the BLUES, you play the blues emotionally when you are depressed. They knew Wagner was thrilling as Hitler pointed that seesaw out in effect. Run that combination into little minds to be warped and you charge them up, along the alcohol lines of being a depressant for males and a stimulant for females. The net result was a group of on edge children who turned into sex perverts.
It is good that jeanniejo alerted me to what was going on in the back channels, because while the buzz is good for story feed to keep people interested, the depths of this story was so weak it was surprising that Wayne Madsen was even attempting the link. Jerome Corsi has about run out of cadavers in his psychological feed to gain marketshare, so it is interesting in the stage this visited.
Whose stage was it?
Why Lame Cherry's Barry Chin that all were scoffing at when it was introduced here first and exclusively. The archives have Ho Chi Obama, and nice photoshop pictures of Obama as Chairman Ho pointing this all to the Barry Chin communist direction. Just took them 3 years to catch up.
Indonesia was not going to be allowed to fall domino, as it was a problem. India and China were allowed as management control in they have no resources and the indigenous peoples are just a slave labor cult.
The Indochinese though are a bit different, as they had the population, along with a drive, and one other thing which if developed would have caused a major problem if it fell into communist hands, and that was an immense pool of oil.
Imagine a Cold War scenario where the Peking Girl and Moscow had a rich girlfriend dripping with oil. That is why Indonesia was not allowed to go communist.
The Ford Foundation is what Stan Ann was operating out of. It was nothing but an economic structuring of Indonesia for control and exploitation of sub Asia in the microfinance which was covered here long ago.
Stan Ann bought little bastard Birther boy when they thought the breeder program of Sugarland at Lederer's Bar was making Kenyan seed, as the hope was Kenya would lead the communist Soviet of Africa.
When Barack sr. though gave up on the entire heir he did not father, the Dunham's decided to pedal the little bastard back into Indonesia to be heir apparent there. The CIA did not want this Designer Negro as there was not any way they could sell the Asians on this novelty, so Stan Ann dumped the kid back into Hawaii as "being black" is only a job description in America.
I would that there was a story here, at least one of interest. It is just the boring shadowlands stuff though which permeated organized religion, was the counter culture, the monopoly dope trade and all that nasty snatch sex that was child molester pervert. This was the fringe and the fray which the Obama Chin was the lint off the rug.
The sooner people comprehend that the illusion who Barack Obama was in being a designed political entity in a breeding program who turned out to be a cull, that no locals wanted, and no one from Moscow to DC were going to back, is the reality that Obama is a cull.
Obama only got that Wahabbi cash out of Saudi Arabia as he was a long shot who was taken a chance on as there was so much money in the pot. Get this that Obama was one of MANY in the horse race and programmed just like all the Manson Valley girls were, and he just happened to be the one who shook out.
That sort of is a telling point in how bad the rest of this group was. You can try breeding your own leaders in Sugarland, but all you will end up with is something to dump on America and not manage parts of the world. It is proven to just let natural aggression in the pool progress, and then seduce the top contenders to managing things to the cartel's way of doing business.
It is 4 AM and I think this is about enough of this fun for the popular girl who never sleeps. Is more interesting in why this new diversion was being promoted with so much other MIC things to entice the masses with.
Nuff said
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