I wonder sometimes like now in wrapping things up, in if you were asked who was the worst person you have ever met, if the first hurts from childhood in some satanic stooge is a worst person, or as time sears the heart, is it some family member of someone you trusted that stick the knife in deep that is more recent, if that would be the qualifying candidate or if the worst person, God forbid is someone yet to come, who can rip the scabs off and rape the soul to mortification.
What is the worst is interesting as worst is a memory of the moment of that which was a defining moment. It think of my dad, not so often, because he is not worth the thought.
His brother who died, I still hear people speak of him in fond terms, but my dad is someone I have never heard that much good about him.
He earned all of that by choice. He is like many of the people in this world who have their claws out or iron fists rammed down in thinking they need to strike others for their hurts or can get away with being an ass as they have the power behind them.
I wonder of things like a politician being told a person they cost a job will not have a Christmas dinner, and not doing a thing to help that person. I think of the person who told me that Jesus had more important things to deal with than elections……..who is now dead, because I informed God that I could not do my job He was moving me to do, with that powerful person still in place.
I wonder of evil like Job, in the evil get their reward, and sometimes the evil appear to be rewarded and live on and on, hurting more people.
Certainly things all balance out. It is remarkable though as I observe people in some people one just can not remember anything good about them. The fiction of obituaries always praises thee worst of people with how wonderful they were, but there is always someone thinking what a son of a bitch they are.
Is amazing how you can put light on a demon and it will look like an angel of light, but it is still a demon. You can write lies about how great people are and in the end they are worthless.
I have concluded that the worst thing in this world is to have your own children not to have any good thing to say about you. I would revise that now in Spirit to say, the worst thing in the world is to have God not say any good thing about you.