I have had an experience in looking for a home for TL and I in my homelands which is interesting in the way creatures in human form are.
The relative who said they would sell me the home of my Great Grandfather has seen to make me the center of gossip as TL is very popular with the local folk. There was no admission of guilt in being an sinner breaking their word to me and humiliating me, but only the lust of having a story to tell other folks who deem TL as a status symbol as illustrated by this story.
My Mom's sister who is the only Auntie I really have as I have disowned the lot, was approached by my evil uncle's wife who TL and I bumped into while shopping. Evil aunt approached Auntie and started pumping her for information about TL in asking if she had met TL, as evil stated she had been introduced.......
Nothing of the sort happened in introductions as I said "hello", but TL was not in the sight plain. Auntie said she had not met TL yet, but that was due to her not being home as we did drive by one Sunday.
The point in this is how not human people are and how they manifest as things of the devil. I have kept TL from my relatives as they do not deserve such an honor and I honestly will protect TL from ilk such as they. I mean on one point I am not worthy of respect, but on the other hand I am worthy of gossip which exposes what sinners they are in not being Christian.
It comes to the point in I wait for these peoples to be impoverished the way they have impoverished me, and that is what the fear in this blog is for the rich in stealing things and not paying what is due, and it is what Martin Luther spoke on in the alms to the poor.
God blesses the rich when they give, not because they are better, but because God's use for them is a conduit of money distribution to moral and honest people.
"Of that Sentence, “Give, and it shall be given unto you.”
This is a true speech which maketh people poor and rich; it is that which maintaineth my house. I ought not to boast, said Luther, but I well know what I give in the year. If my gracious lord and master, the Prince Elector, should give a gentleman two thousand guilders, yet he should hardly maintain my housekeeping one year, and I have but three hundred guilders pension per annum; yet God giveth sufficient and blesseth it.
There is in Austria a monastery which in former time was very rich, and remained rich so long as it willingly gave to the poor; but when it ceased in giving, then it became poor, and is so to this day. It fell out that, not long since, a poor man came thither and desired alms, which was denied. The poor man demanded the cause why they refused to give for God’s sake. The porter belonging to the monastery answered and said, “We are become poor;” whereupon the poor man said, “The cause of your poverty is this: ye have had in this monastery two brethren; the one ye have thrust out, and the other is gone secretly away of himself.
For after the one brother, ‘Give’ (Date), was put out and cashiered, so hath the other brother, ‘So shall be given’ (Dabitur), also lost himself.” And indeed the world is bound help the neighbour three manner of ways—with giving, lending, and selling.
But no man giveth, but robbeth, scrapeth, and draweth all to himself; would willingly take and steal, but give nothing; neither will any man lend but upon usury. No man selleth but he over-reacheth his neighbour, therefore Dabitur is gone, and our Lord God will bless no more so richly. Beloved, said Luther, he that intendeth to have anything, the same must also give; a liberal hand was never in want nor empty."
Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther
Those who have robbed here will have all taken from them. The example of Ted Turner robbing poor blacks of their land, ended with Ted being robbed of a billion dollars reigning him in.
God does not forget the poor and God requires the life of those who rob the poor.
The rich never do comprehend their purpose is giving. They think that having money is a sign God loves them more than the poor and therefore they are better, but in reality God requires more of the rich in that money is not their money, but money God has placed into their hands as a test to see what good they have done with it.
The parable of the talent given is that teaching. Some put the money to good use for return to God Who then God rewarded the people, and those who did nothing with the money had it taken from them in the end and given to those who were busy putting that money to a profitable use for the Lord.
Profitable in the good alms for the Kingdom of God.
This Martin Luther illustration is fitting:
That giving must be done with a free Heart, without expecting a Requital. In an evening, Luther, walking abroad to take the air, gave alms to the poor. Doctor Jonas, being with him, gave also something, and said, “Who knoweth whether God will give it me again or no?” Whereat Luther, smiling, answered him and said, “You speak as if God had not given you this which you have now given to the poor. We must give freely and willingly.”
Those who give or give help to others and make notes of that have their reward already as they do it for attention or tax deductions, and those who donate time, already have their return in seven fold others will note the things they have done for them and require a return from the rich in what they must then do.
It is a vicious satanic cycle when not done freely and cheerfully in God blessing what is taking place. Pay what you owe and give without remembering, for God requires of robbers and God remembers good giving.
If you give expect something in return, then you have not given at all, but instead purchased an enslavement on another child of God's life. God will then expect in like manner payments from you and compensate full retribution when you do not meet His perfect returns.
nuff said
Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther (Kindle Locations 1005-1007).