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a tropical storm


I have always had a keen interest in weather. The production of it fascinated me as a child, and this account of a tornado or waterspout in the ocean reveals so very much what may be the source of those deluges which are called tropical showers which are intense dumps of water.

I live in the vicinity of a lake. I know of one occurrence when a category 5 twister parted that lake, which is interesting in it is surrounded by high bluffs of 300 feet in height, and as one is warned to go to a low spot in the event of a tornado, why is it that stories persist in tornadoes dipping into lakes.
I know of several occasion that after a particularly severe storm, my home being two miles from this expanse of water has taken on a rather fishy aroma outside like the scent of this lake.

I conclude there is an association between storm clouds and standing water. They both generate the storm in feeding it moisture, but also the storm appears to have an attraction to that water naturally in tornadoes literally feeding off a body of water.

I produce this quote on a tropical storm with waterspouts.

"Five or six mighty waterspouts in various stages of development were often within easy distance of us; once, indeed, we watched the birth, growth, and death of one less than a mile away.

First, a big, black cloud, even among that great assemblage of NIMBI , began to belly downward, until the centre of it tapered into a stem, and the whole mass looked like a vast, irregularly-moulded funnel. Lower and lower it reached, as if feeling for a soil in which to grow , until the sea beneath was agitated sympathetically, rising at last in a sort of pointed mound to meet the descending column.

Our nearness enabled us to see that both descending and rising parts were whirling violently in obedience to some invisible force, and when they had joined each other, although the spiral motion did not appear to continue, the upward rush of the water through what was now a long elastic tube was very plainly to be seen.

The cloud overhead grew blacker and bigger, until its gloom was terrible. The pipe, or stem, got thinner gradually, until it became a mere thread; nor, although watching closely, could we determine when the connection between sea and sky ceased —one could not call it severed.

The point rising from the sea settled almost immediately amidst a small commotion, as of a whirlpool . The tail depending from the cloud slowly shortened, and the mighty reservoir lost the vast bulge which had hung so threateningly above.

Just before the final disappearance of the last portion of the tube, a fragment of cloud appeared to break off. It fell near enough to show by its thundering roar what a body of water it must have been, although it looked like a saturated piece of dirty rag in its descent."

Frank T. Bullen. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales (Kindle Locations 792-794).

From a meteorological review of this, there are certainties to be noted in this. First the storm cloud, produced the tornado, in an absence of what we are told is necessary in cool dry Canadian winds, as Canada is not in the ocean.
This storm assembly strengthened exceedingly when infused with volumes of ocean water being sucked up into it.

We note though that this vortex has it's limits though, in the storm can grow, but generate only so much lift, as the air can in space only contain so much water.

What implodes then is a wind cloud, soaked with hundreds of thousands or millions of gallons of water, as it dumps back to the ocean as in raining cats and dogs.

What is interesting is this saturated cloud is just that, one massive cloud. The ocean water is not spread out apparently throughout a storm cloud, but is instead concentrated in what is perhaps the wall cloud, where the tornadic activity appears.

All of this information as has been posted here exposes the reality that there are other cyclonic forces and not just one tornadic force.

It is reasonable to conjecture that a hurricane which will produce numerous waterspouts, perhaps is an entity which like a living being puts in tornadic straws and sucks water power from the ocean to build from tropical depression to hurricanes.

Simple evaporation is not sufficient to feed a massive hurricane. Perhaps the key to it in hurricane generation has not as much to do with hot and cold oceans, but a correct heating of the upper atmosphere where storms are formed, heating by the sun in bandwidth radiation as this blog pioneered the study of to refute global warming, and it is the specific tropical storms in the tropical depression, being cyclonic generated, place their waterspout straws into the ocean and feed by taken up waters what becomes the hurricane.

This would answer what is the puzzle in why hurricanes generate and do not generate. Hurricanes generate when they have sufficient force to keep aloft or store massive amounts of water. It is a symbiotic relationship of specific temperature, infusions of moisture beyond mere evaporation, which then in air speed keep aloft the necessary energy and water to produce the hurricane effect.

Reduce any of the temperature, water uptake or wind speed and the hurricane begins collapsing on itself. Windspeed being a factor as disruption of the eye wall neutralizes the hurricane readily.

I will term this another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter which has never been cause associated noted before in history.

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