Being a Christian is something which has no blueprint really, even the Bible is deliberately silent in these areas as life is a time for God to refine each of us.
While we hear the great tales of Lame Cherry, and I was just lamenting the past few days again of how nice it would be to be Elisha as he certainly heard things and God did not seem to be silent with him, the reality is people like Abraham were told to go to the Promised Land and he stayed in like Haran for years and it appears God was silent with him as Abraham did disobey, and disobeyed God often enough that from the original calling, it was decades before Abraham was having Isaac.......and that was after God had him waiting until he could not have children.
I am familiar with things easy from God in the Holy Ghost coming when I called. I have come to conclude in those special relationships of God and His children, that it is that God is never silent, but God like in Moses in that horrendous failing is putting before his child a choice where God is perfected in weakness.
None of the Apostles were by all accounts having the grand miracles worked through them as when they started in being called. It does not mean that God was on the outs with them, but that a different kind of ministry was functioning through them.
St. Paul spoke of one more revelation every day in the things God was showing him, and it was not curing the Emperors children which would not have assisted in Paul's destiny.
Think of a young virgin in Mary. She was a teenager when the greatest tidings ever were told to a human came to her by an Archangel. It would be years of watching this Jesus and marveling at Him, and then by the time she was not 50, He was in Heaven.
Certainly she was the Mother of the Son of God and was held in esteem by the early Church, but not worshiped as in Catholicism, but in her life in God, she had experienced the grandeur, the wonder, and then in her later years she vanished again in all the glamour had vanished.
The reality is she was part of the Church which was hunted and it would have occurred to her, in how all things must have turned against her, but it was not that, but she had a different maturing purpose.
Paul speaks of things in milk and solid foods for children and adult Christians. For me it is more like being carried as a baby and then being thrown out of Christ's arms as an invalid and be told to walk. The more I press on to God, the more distance He keeps as He teaches me to walk and gain in strength.
I know things God is doing through me now would have been impossible for me a decade ago. The things now seem to be impossible, but as a friend wrote today about that person who was trying to get this blog to be their publisher, God is always there and always has a purpose and God works things out.
I would that people could know the people out there like Karen who are adult Christians and so very astute in the Holy Ghost. I would that could know the Viking who is like so many questioning things and apologizing for things that no offense was ever given. There are those who dream, and those dreams are humble in confirmation of just keep doing what seems the small things, as the small things lead up to the big things, and God needs people to do the specific jobs as there are ministers, teachers, pastors and each vocation is vital, when it is ministering to our own Baby girl.
The easiest thing in the world is to be on a stage talking to 60,000 people. The hard part is talking to one person and making the difference when God says it is time.
I am sorry for the falling out I had with God years ago. It though literally made me work all the harder and here am I the product God intends to use. I do not mind not being the special billionaire chick who all the networks fawn over as God expects hard service out of me as that is my job, and the most important part is the contact with God, which I work through.
Sometime there will appear a revelation the Tree of Life in more detail than anyone has ever written of. That came about as I was talking to TL in putting them to sleep. I lost a great deal of it in the night, but when I started generating in the morning, an entire revelation took place in I now understand how it works and how it fits together. It is child's play, but I never intended to go looking for that, and it was just God moving me.
It is like the money donations and the home I hope for. I know the mathematics of it and I know it will work, as I have experienced things working previously, but it is not working now, but what is working is me trying harder every moment and new things I never contemplated started appearing.
If God seems to be treating you bad, that is God's Wisdom, and God is working things out in His Way. I think of all the people who never made it to the summit or some American Dream. People forget them, but they were working hard too, but it never worked out in how the rest of us think life should be, but it is life, and it works out the way it should.
I had for years a yearning to do something, and it took me almost three years to even start this blog, and the first posts were mocked by a group of three idiots, just like I was mocked on Newsbusters. Interestingly in time they learned to not grab my tail as the tiger has claws and no cage stops the reckoning.
If I did not need a place for TL and me, or need funds to try and get things prepared for what I believe is coming, as all of you should be working on as a priority, I would not push here so hard in trying. I honestly would as Dr. Kate mentioned in just posting every so often or as Marilyn suggested. I would at this point envision myself in a garden, standing back in the sun and just waiting until God had something to say......that does not seem to be the purpose though from God, so I have to keep pushing and teaching.
That is not to say that people sometimes should not just stand back and talk things over with God and find out where He would will things to go. You do have to listen to Him, but it is not as if God takes any pleasure in watching a person twist in the wind.
Some days my major calling is doing an errand for an elderly person. Some days it is putting someone together again. Some days it is keeping my mouth shut and letting others talk. Some days it is a big revelation. It is all important as a child needing her parent when something is wrong is far more important to her than the identity of the anti Christ.
I got to eat an Ambrosia apple recently. I was thankful of that as there are like thousands of apple varieties and I hope in the 1000 years to sample them all. Sometimes we have to just enjoy what God gives most of the time and that is being with Him in just enjoying those things that He gives to please us. Like some were happy about the Broncos and Seahawks winning, which I probably was too if I had watched, and someone else was happy to tell me their sister was safe after a trip to a funeral.
Each of you do just fine in your talking to God and God finding ways to communicate with you. You have a Mediator in Christ seated by the Father in all of this. That is the great part in I will do what I can in making the walk a bit more pleasant, but you do not need a Pope or a Lame Cherry to be direct link to the Father.
That is probably not smart to tell readers how unimportant I am, but it is the fact of the matter. Some will jump on that to stick in the knives and others will think the mystique is broken, but hopefully most will be pleased with the humility in knowing I am a conduit just like they are and have gone through like things and it it turned out alright for me, then it is going to turn out just the way it should for them to.
So like the adventure today was I phone Friday about a run down place and the guy calls up Mom but will not tell her anything. So I phone him and get ahold of his wife as he is at a meeting. Story is she thinks it is not for sale and house is not fit to live in.......I do not think anyone ever saw This Old House as apparently houses now are supposed to be the Taj or dude will call back or something as I think he was just being nosy and bored.
I do not like any of this, but it is the same problems Jesus had and the same problems you have. Jesus went through it all and understands. I woke up out of a sound sleep last night in some kind of floor bangs, so I got up to check........nothing, but TL and I both had the idea that it might be ghosts bumping about. Got rid of them before and other things, but with all the things going on in a city, I suppose the light here does draw things in.
Will inquire and see, but the answer to it all is, each of us is going through the same things. Each of us has to find the answers in God as we are grown. I can answer some things, but some times God desires the interaction to teach you.
For as I have found you are bright children and you have all the answers usually in mind, and just need someone to confirm what you are already being moved to contemplate.
No matter what happens, God is always the only choice as the alternatives of being destroyed in hell or stuck with satan in gehenna is not acceptable. I have had too much affliction and am not going to have any more after my service is done here.
I do hope that helps, but always know the things you write to me is Jesus is always reading it all as a prayer and is caring for you. God knows where you are all the time and at times when you grow up, He expects you to handle things like the parable in investing wisely when He is away. That is not to say that God abandons anyone and is always there to help. It is just none of us learn anything if it is Jesus doing it all for us. God wants you being responsible and self assured to.
God bless and guide you in the True Faith in Christ Jesus in the Holy Ghost comforting you for the Glory of the Father in Christ's Name Amen and Amen.
May God bless each of you richly in Spirit and in the physical world in the Love of God Amen and Amen for your kindness to me.