As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
What arises in the present will consume the American future, for the children of the Eagle have no understanding the past in her German roots.
Lame Cherry
When the anti Christ appears on the tails of the false prophet of Rome, the huddle mass of destitute Americans, by design will be an audience to the show until the great Cassian drama hurtles the blood into the spectators and once again drawing them in.
I have written here of the fact that the genesis of America is found in the Israelite Germans who stood and defeated Rome, under the leadership of Aribus or Hermann. It was at that moment the world began to change and Hadrian's wall signaled not advancement of the world order, but it's defeat in both Germany and England.
Germany in her Christian Lutherans has always been key. It is why the cartel which raped and destroyed the Fatherland made her fodder first, and why the cartel came for Israelite America to the same shredding. Destroy German Protestant rule and the feudal world order would bring all the world to heal, and that is why Germany was chosen for the altar of Europe. Divided she could be managed, united in Hanseatic Leagues and Prussians she ruled in Christian Empire.
All of this started in names you have heard, but do not comprehend. Great men, men who have their German names upon the capital of North Dakota in Bismark, showing the German American ties were the leaders who guided and ruled the world in the era of Queen Victoria and Salisbury.
Otto von Bismark, the Prince of Germany, the man who guided the German Empire for Emperor William the Great, was head of the Foreign Office. The German ship of state was one which had understanding with Great Britain, but the focus was upon Europe in the relations of Germany with Russia, Romania, Austria and Italy, the Continental powers.
Bismark when asked of English invasion simply replied, I will arrest the English.
This began the division of the German Government which has the titan Prince Bismark setting foreign policy completely in areas which seemed shortsighted, to another German Prince in the Kaiser, the heir to the German Empire.
The Kaiser worked under Bismark in the foreign office, and there he gleaned vast intelligence while keeping an ear to the people. When Bismark acquired for empire certain lands as Togo, the Kaiser urged Bismark to build a Navy to protect it's assets far off shore. The Kaiser understood that the capitalists and the economic developers of the new lands would need protection and the assets of these lands would be most important to Germany.
Bismark though viewed the colonies as things to manage for commercial enterprise or for swapping purposes in negotiations. He never comprehended that the British whose flag never had a sun to set upon their lands and the Americans who were coming into their own right, were of the view that the Germans were competitors in all arenas. Queen Victoria would continue with her vast fleets and a young Dutchman raised in New York, whose family had Naval officers in the Civil War, was in a few years to rise to the Presidency fully intent on building an American Navy to protect American interests, in the man Theodore Roosevelt.
This was the genesis of what would become World War I, a fight instigated by the old order to destroy Christian Germany, pitted against the French and English, with America drawn in as a trump card.
The Emperor William was asked by General Albedyll why he had not sacked Bismark, and the Emperor had a simple reply. He said, "I do not have the abilities of Bismark. Germany needs the Prince for Prince Bismark can juggle five balls at once with two of them in the air at the same time."
The German Empire in 1880 was acquiring territories beyond Europe and sowing a great portion of her population in Israelite Germans into the American Great Plains in that mass exodus ordained by God. Under Bismark at this critical stage, Germany was not paying heed to colonial protection, a Navy to protect those interests and England, which was definitely playing a game as the Kaiser noted of world hegemony of a "book sealed with seven seals".
The Kaiser was the opposite of Prince Bismark in understanding the interplay of foreign intrigue. When Bismark was pondering how to keep the English and Russians from coming to an understanding, the Kaiser replied that the time was in 1877, when Russia was forced to accept the Treaty of San Stefano which negated their southern push for territory.
The Kaiser stated that if Russia had been allowed to occupy Constantinople, that the British fleet would have sailed for that vista, and the Russians and English would have been pitted in war which would have benefited German security.
Instead the Russians blamed the Germans for the treaty which was cast aside for a replacement Berlin Treaty which the Russians were infuriated over all the more.
The Kaiser lamented of a Russian English war which was put off for the future, but did not comprehend that when war did arrive in World War I, that it would be England and Russia attacking Germany combined over the issues of empire in Russian east and British west.
Bismark in guiding the treaty thought he had at his reins the four powers of Russia, England, Austria and France in hand, when in reality, the Russians viewed Bismark's "peace" with Disraeli's statecraft of England as a victory for the Anglo Austrian alliance and Russia was becoming allied with France.
Two of the horses were already out of Bismark's hands and the other two were breaking free.
One can see in this the manifestations of what would become world war.
Bismark would be too late in Russian antagonism not understood for the Kaiser sent on mission to literally undo the treaties which kept Russia from Constantiople, was informed in an extremely curt reply by Czar Nicholas himself when the offer for the city was made in, "If I want Constantinople, I will take it and do not need permission from Bismark".
It was the words at Brest from a Russian General of the old order which in diplomatic language of France foretold the endo not only of Russia, but of Germany too.
"C'est ce vilain congrès de Berlin. Une grave faute du Chancelier. Il a détruit l'ancienne amitié entre nous, planté la méfiance dans les cœurs de la Cour et du Gouvernement, et fourni le sentiment d'un grave tort fait à l'armée russe après sa campagne sanglante de 1877, pour lequel elle veut sa revanche . Et nous voilà ensemble avec cette maudite République Française, pleins de haine contre vous et rempli d'idées subversives, qui en cas de guerre avec vous, nous coûteront notre dynastie."
To paraphrase, the Congress of Berlin was the problem and the grave fault of Bismark. The ancient enmities were heightened by the thwarted campaign of 1877, and now with the French influence to seek revenge by military action, it would bring about war.
At the removal of Bismark, the Emperor in Frederick III was gravely ill also. The inner court at this juncture actually kept the Kaiser from contact with his own father, and intercepted correspondence.
Added to this, the cartel press was unleashed in the guise of Herr Schnidrowitz and M. Jacques St. Cère, of the Figaro newspaper—a German Jew— to impugn the name of Germany's next Emperor.
The Kaiser would become German Emperor and set the stage in appointing loyal military men he had served under, along with Count August Eulenburg, who was the Imperial Chancellor to Europe.
It was a intrique of family in what Europe was, for in England, Queen Victoria was married to the German Albert. Of note, the Kaiser was the grandson of Queen Victoria. On the deathbed of Emperor William, the Emperor had ordered the Kaiser to visit Russia to make special attention to those relations.
When William the Great died, Queen Victoria dispatched a letter to the Kaiser informing him, that the first visit of state was due his grandmother and not Russia, as the reality was England would benefit from the cold relations between Germany and Russia.
Bismark still at post at this time, went into a fury over "that mother in law and wife, influencing Frederick and the crown Prince".
The Kaiser replied that while he endeavored to always benefit from the wisdom of his grandmother, that he had to attend to the dying decree of the Emperor in the Russian trip. After a time, a replay from Victoria did come which agreed with her gandson's reasoning.
As the Kaiser noted, even Victoria's children feared her, but from that moment onward she never tried to bring him to heel, but instead treated him as an equal.
It is interesting in this that when Emperor William the Great died, his son Frederick also died soon afterwards. This then left the Kaiser in power, and as noted, it leaped over an entire generation of "Frederick reformers" who had invested a great deal of effort in that process. They simply distrusted the Kaiser, who correctly removed the old William order as they were aged and kept by Frederick, for a steadfast group which the Kaiser rose to position on merit.
Germany in empire was a people of Conservative landowners and nobles by party affiliation, not usually producing great leadership for their king. The liberal of the north were urged by the Kaiser to make union with the Conservatives as were the Conservatives.
It was the southern democrats who worried the National Liberals as under their guise it was worried that the Liberal would lose their true liberalism, as has been the exact case in America.
While the Kaiser rejected the ultra socialists, which would become the Nazi party, the German center which he worked with would be the problem unseen in the "kulturekampf" which was vehemently anti Protestant and Empire. This was the Roman Catholic party which promoted that all was second to Rome, including the German state.
As the Kaiser, Prince William I, set about probably the worst thorn in the side of the world of the Anglo order, for he began modernizing Germany. Roads were built, agriculture had machines brought into it, forestry, transportation and railroads were begun. Eastern Germany was being brought out of the horse and buggy era. The foundation was being laid for a modern Germany, which Bismark disapproved of.
The world was changing and the cartel was sowing socialism into the world to exploit it and remove the hereditary monarchs. The governments failed because the old guard called out troops or did not call out troops. The Germans in the Westphalia coal strike remained sound, because they gained the strikers confidence and kept the situation calm, even if the government was in an uproar over the strike.
Like Frederick the Great stated in "Je veux être un Roi des gueux", the Kaiser willed to be king of the rabble, and by his actions saved Germany for the period the fate which mother Russia would soon face.
The Germans at this juncture in history moved to protect their workers like no other nation on earth was protecting their working classes, not allowing them to be used up and thrown away.
This was the great break or fissure in Germany. Those devoted to Bismark who would put down the socialists by military means, backed by those loyal to him impeding the way, and the rule of the Kaiser who was not going to begin his reign colored by the blood of his own people who were in need of relief.
German industry was hindered by worker reforms which other nations exploited to the ruin of their own people. I post a quote from the Kaiser in this as Germany was oft spoken of in the most heinous of terms for the conquered peoples in World War I.
"I caused it to be introduced also in Belgium, during the war, by General von Bissing, in order to promote the welfare of the Belgian workers."
Yes the German invaders in Belgium instituted the same worker's rights for Belgians being worked to death that Germans were protected by. All one is ever told of in the propaganda is what a beast the Germans were in bloody huns, and if one bothers with the real history, a completely different reality appears.
One sees though again the genesis of American destruction in "workers welfare" rights passed there, only to be exploited by the same powers in using Chinese work to death slavery or Mexican imported slavery, to the demise of America and Americans.
The British Embassy forwarded all of the German political debate for worker welfare and visiting English were astonished to find all the progress in Germany, but as the Kaiser noted when he asked the Ambassador if the English had been informed for their own English worker's sakes, he heard:
"Thus the Briton, with a shrug of his shoulders. Neither the British King nor Parliament had enough conscience or time or desire to work for the betterment of the working class. The "policy of encirclement" for the annihilation of Germany, especially of its industry , and, thereby , of its working population, was, in their eyes, far more important and rewarding."
The entire policy was to destroy competitor Germany and doing so in libel of their being barbarians, when the politcal record shows the Germans were the progressives, and it was British policy to annihilate Germans, that means genocide, which was promoted after World War I in the Ashkenaz Marxist press of Jewish collaborators calling again for the genocide of Germany.
Germany was not heinous, Germany was competitor to the power elite.
The same patterns repeat of economic pandemic, because they same cartel is instigating the same measures for the destruction of competitor nations of Christian virtue.
The fissures at the top of the old and new order in Germany, would allow for Germany to be led into a war which she was not adequately prepared for in naval might. She would win the land war, but be held captive until the tank and American doughboys were brought in to finish her off as the grand villain, when Germany was eluding her destruction by 5th column means of the Marxists as the Russians fell to.
Leadership removed, a weak von Hindenberg Republic, with massive inflation would pave the way for the Austrian Ashkenaz stooge, Adolf Hitler to seize power in minority rule, which would rebuild Germany, but once again create the competitor Empire which would thwart the old ordered league of central Europe in aristocracy, Jesuit of Rome and Rothschild financier.
That is why Germany became an enemy, not because she was being more immoral than the rest of the world doing the same heinous things.
America has been overthrown. She now has an illegitimate despot in the image of Barack Hussein Obama, and the decomposition of her corpse will fill the world with a global pandemic in a stench of World War IV.
Mark the words in what was done to German Protestants is being done to America. The Great Eurasian War will follow, culiminated north of Jerusalem at a place called Armageddon.
The American competitor has been vanquished. It was deliberate as the end of German Empire by the same caste.
Mark the words and ponder the reason the Holy Ghost is focusing upon Germany so much now.
"On the 9th of November (1918) the German Radical Socialist leaders, with their like-minded followers, joined forces with this British policy of annihilation."
German Emperor; William II. The Kaiser's Memoirs
Do you still not comprehend why Marxist revolutionary Obama in the summer of 2008 went to pay homage in Germany? It was a repeat of history and America was this time the corpse to be made.