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Mark Levin Dial ROVE 11


What the hell is wrong with Mark Levin?

Did he fall into my purse or what ? Fricking eh Charlie Chan man, he is like going off on Karl Rove and the Rovians led by Steven Law......like Levin is a Conservative or something.

It is beyond bizarre in the first hour of Levin this Feb 4, as he used my CODE WORD of ABYSS, and then he was raising hell about the way the primaries are all being used to keep Conservatives out, by the Rockefeller Bush blah blah establishment......you know the FEUDALCRATS who ran the Romneycrats to loose so Jebby Bush would be running in 2016 for Prez.

I do not know about the Mockingbird Levin. It is like, is ......well is Mark Levin feeling the wind of Andy Dean breathing down his neck with the toothy red head producer, Lovely Michelle, in being a Conservative who is about to replace Levin as the leader of 3rd rank, as Andrew has kicked Michael Savage out of his slot.
Granted Andrew has no budget, looks like he plays with Tonka toys yet, sounds like a girl would beat him up, but for a girly show, he does run a pretty good program.....too much floofer stuff, but that is Ohio Andy. Main point is with Bill Cunningham and Andy Dean setting the Conservative talking head ranks of the up and coming......is that is what is behind Levin jumping on Karl Rove like a rabid cat chewing for a jugular vein?

I digress here, but in looking for Andy Dean's picture for the goatweed post featured here, I found Lovely Michelle and grabbed her pic.....and you know she has been setting on my desktop for a week or so, and when I rifle through the pics for posts, it is like this woman has lots of teeth. She does not wear on the eyes well.....red hair does not help either.
Andy being so plain.....well he must have her around to blind people or something.

Done digressing.....

I really like Mark Levin for his  being a Mockingbird fraud who kept Obama around and would not press the Birther issue when it counted. Levin is paid to keep you thinking elections solve things, so you do not rise up and solve things with a firearm in a revolution. It is his job.....he pulls Reagan out like a pistol about ever 10 minutes to.....well like Mike Gallagher the Obama pedophile pimp draws Reagan out, to give all this Nazi stuff cover in you are supposed to like being searched for cops or shot by them as part of the Constitution.

I would really like to believe that Mark Levin was legit. I doubt it though a he lurched into what this blog has been harping on for years, as it is now important once the New York Times prints up Rove talking points.

I got to find this Steven Law photo......he sounds fricking queer.

Yeah Levin is deflecting in Obama stole the 2012 elections and most of the democrats flipped out with Obama just like Obama flipped out Netanyahu in Judah to bring about more of these Nazi leftists of the feudalcrats.

I found Steve Law's picture......

Steven J. Law
Steven J. Law is President and CEO of American Crossroads, and President of its sister organization CrossroadsGPS. He previously held the position of Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Yeah he looks like someone who rubs his man boobs on Karl Rove's man boobs looking at Obama's man boobs for a sticky mess.
This is just more of these fags running things in the backfield pushing all  that Obama stuff.

I really though have no time with any of them from Foster Freiss to all these money pimps as none of them have treated me fair, and if these big shots like Levin ignore me, and then are repeating my talking points or setting agendas to stop them, then they are against the work God is accomplishing here.

I guess I should cut them some slack as I finally found an excuse to use lovely Producer Michelle's photo to get it the hell off my desk top.
Seriously Andrew, paging Andy Dean......like boy wonder, you don't need a budget, just have Muchelle do some lingerie stuff and post it on your site. Will make her well known, and all your pimp contacts in Hollywood will have her do Maxim or Playboy and it will make both your careers.

Where was I?

I know I digress but I'm trying to save these people from themselves as talking to al Jazeera and .......dude Andy Dean, get a fricking call screener who get people on who do not sound all like their parents were related and talk with that eastern Ohio accent twang with sand in their mouth sounds.

Where was I?

Yeah Levin, he is taking this blog's talking points and doing the gerbil up Rove's and Law's arse. I don't like it.....Levin never even sent me like a coupon for a 1000 pounds of steak and like 1000 gallons of gas. Would seem only fair, but then he is off spouting off again like Limbaugh trying to be clever in the talking points here never percolate up to the Mockingbird nest giving them ideas.

Sure Levin is just posturing to get you fired up in Rove is killing you.....duh I  told you that just like others did when all those frauds tried to take over the Tea Party......and now they did. Levin acts like the Tea Party is viable.....it went into queer meltdown as it split up. Time for new movement there Russian Levin.

I'm tired of writing on this, as was just posting to alert the brain dead who miss everything that Mark Levin is trying very hard to CPR Reagan today in this Rovian War that is all BS.

Well at least Mark Levin is not like Mike Gallagher in prostituting children as this day started.

Oh and to correct Mr. Levin, we are not looking into the Obama Abyss, we are IN the abyss and being buried with 3 foot of dirt on top of us as Obama takes a piss upon those choking on a lung full of dirt. Is clever to make the masses think they are in America and not the gulag and that if they just keep taking Obama Stock Market and welfare bribes that all of this will turn around in the next election theft cycle.

Nah, I don't really like Mark Levin. He is the Russian version of Michael Savage mix bred with Sean Hannity and auditioning for Cape J Missouri....without marrying the daughter, but still as that gay tune playing in the background.

You know the thing I like about Alec Baldwin is, you know what you get with him. You don't want him around no more than Letterman, but .........well do you get the point Andy Dean?
No one wants to see neckid males bald or shirtless. Get Producer Michelle in some lingerie and do some posting to get the buzz up.

Look Andy, Mark Levin is going to hate your ass now, now that this blog has pronounced you the prodigy to replace the dinosaurs as you picked Savage off and are creeping up on Levin. Levin got all pissy about Laura Ingraham when I mentioned here, so girlfriend you are going to be on the radar.

You don't have to put the toothy chic in lingerie as she probably got that Ohio thing going on in look don't touch, but take some photos man of you, and have her sitting on your desk with her legs crossed. Put her in a Lame Cherry t shirt.......dry and not wet as we do not do tasteless things, and do some poses.

Where was I?

Oh yeah this was about Mark Levin and got to be about up and comer Andy Dean having the Limbaugh 60 million dollar contract. Odd isn't it, that when the boys and girls were on top, they stole from the blog and never donated, and if they had just been friendly, I would have been friendly and kept them around......now it is adios, extinction on the horizon event and the tar pits.

Mark Levin you could have saved yourself, but you just kept playing with the gerbils. Hey Andy Dean, play with the toys instead.
I had a friend in Ohio who looked like Producer Michelle. Lot's of teeth and chicken shit coccidiosis bloody tinted hair. Sort of like owning a horse. They are nice from a distance, but you just do not want to wake up with that in your face.

Is tough watching the fossilization of Mark Levin. Is like a Saber tooth cat falling into the tar, and snarling, but looking at the critters for help, but all he did was bite them with the tiger fangs too long.

Guess that is why Andy Dean has the chica with the teeth. He gums on people and she puts the bite on.

Writing all of that is like eating 10 pounds of salt.........I know you need some sweet. I will check here what the ice box has for desert.

 49er's cheerchic.......they are unhappy about that record setting touchdown over that Randy Moss thing I commanded to defeat them. Everyone wants to ride the horse, but no one wants to pay for the ride.

PS: The kid in the snap is Andy Dean.......he like word of mouth. Dude is quite petite it seems.

What the heck is up with Trump? Looks like he is auditioning for the roast beast at the BBQ.

Enough of this.

Breaking story...............Post Script.

Seems Andrew and Michelle have been testing the waters in preparation of the coup de grace to Mark Levin.........
Nice to see a liberal woman who will go all out for the boss in building his career.

Wonder how many pencils Andy drops..............

Yeah right, like it never occured to Producer Michelle when she chose that top, that it flops open when she bends over showing Andy things and she never noticed it falls off her shoulders and she got that cleavage thing starting.

See the girl is dressed and you got the mystery, and with Levin naked bald head, you don't care if he has dandruff or not.


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