As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
My children I have been across the field of dreams as you were burdened in this 21st century nightmare to that place on point, where I have spied that estate to which you serve, but you have no comprehension of any of this Obama shapeshifting, Pater Popes or anti Christs, for you have come to the story on the day of your birth and like Rush Limbaugh philosophize at times with Lame Cherry Inspired Thoughts, but do not comprehend the reality to which your thoughts portend.
It has been noted here that Adolf Hitler loathed St. Paul and dismissed him for all he had done to Christianity. That should have puzzled you as a mind should ask where on earth did Adolf Hitler arrive at such a conclusion.
Ask yourself my children and ignorant brats, for what is it that brought about that judgment?
In this is locked the mystery and the riddle, which locks you into the same mystery and the riddle, which only the engima of Lame Cherry will free you from each locked door with the keys of understanding to set you at liberty as you blunder along this path so very blind in all the dogma you are indoctrinated with.
For the astute, this blog has been showing you things. Things like Goethe, the Frau, the origins of Baby the greatest plasma mind, the terms are defined here by God's Grace in "feudalcrats" and "aristocrats", as you are propagandized by those warped terms of elites and democracy.
I am going to place here a quote, a Rosetta Stone for you which will open the doors to explain all I have said, and will reveal the genesis of your destruction, America's destruction and Armageddon. There is a reason Martin Luther here is covered and the speed readers flash on by not bothering as they think they know it all, but the very life is in those words for their deliverance, but they surf on by instead of dwelling upon the words.
This is something which you should save, share and print, for it reveals why America is destroyed and the coming destruction of the world, and why all of you will be robbed blind.
The quote is from H. L. Mencken, American journalist and literary critic of the past century. Mencken is not vital, but it is in his forward of the translation which he quotes the true apologist. She was the daughter of a Lutheran Pastor and Granddaughter of two others.
Her name is Frau Förster-Nietzsche. As the name percolates within the recesses of your mind in something familiar, we have her quote.
"He had, she says, great admiration for “the elevating effect of Christianity ... upon the weak and ailing,” and “a real liking for sincere, pious Christians,” and “a tender love for the Founder of Christianity.”
All his wrath, she continues, was reserved for “St. Paul and his like,” who perverted the Beatitudes, which Christ intended for the lowly only, into a universal religion which made war upon aristocratic values."
The "he" which the Frau is referring to is her brother, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, one of the most noted German philosophers of the feudal lords in the 19th century, who after some very dark emotional isolation, churned out like Charles Darwin a volume of work which affected humanity in the mass mob.
The work which Mencken is writing of is The Anti Christ, a critique of various ideologies as derived from Nietzsche.
As you might have missed it, you can dedeuce where Adolf Hitler as a Catholic received his indoctrination in the condemnation of St. Paul in the intellectual circles was from the noted German Assyrian philosopher.
What you did miss though is what Frau Nietzsche was apologizing for in her brother in defending him, as the reason St. Paul was loathed was because the "universal" religion was making war on ARISTOCRATIC VALUES.
Back engineer this in according to the feudal lords, Jesus in the Blessed are the meek.........was not meant for people with mansions, stock portfolios, millions of dollars and mansions, but only for the poor to comfort them in being exploited by empire.
Does this start to resonate within you in Obama's black liberation which is Marxism created by Karl Marx, created by the central European aristocracy, and aimed at the new rugged individual money at competition with the old money?
Do you get "the order" in all of this in St. Paul was an anathema, because religion was supposed to be an opiate to the masses to keep them from revolt, while the aristocracy was above all of that religion stuff, as by bloodline and wealth, God loved them more, and the aristocrat of course knew what to do with the cloth of the land and the people of the field.
What are aristocratic values? The few ruling the many, managed misery for the masses, the mob in poverty to not be able to rise up to fund a revolution, a propagandized and indoctrinated mass being cowed by the police state and policing themselves with debauchery, all for the benefit of the feudal lords on top above every law.
Is this starting to make sense to you and resonate a little clearer in all this din, in what I have been lecturing here about for years in where this all derives from as all of you have been sucking up the vomit spewed to you by your chosen mind leaders which they have gobbled up from the puke of the intellectuals put into media to induce a way of thinking into your minds which you have accepted and have no reason to think beyond those perameters of the maze you have been locked into.
The aristocrat is above the law as they rule. Beatitudes were a threat, as a feudal lord could not be subject to Biblical things nor God, and worse yet, that Bible thing which was once locked up in Latin was set upon the mob by Martin Luther's translation into German and then that King James of England let it loose in England, so everyone started reading about rulers subject to God and all laws like everyone else and how all that wealth was supposed to in a 50 year cycle of the Jubilee be returned to the people.
Yes that St. Paul was a real problem for the order.
Does it begin to clear in how Barack Obama, installed by these very Europeans, and in league with the same misery managers of Asia, has this national socialist or community organized system which has returned all the money, power, military, industry, education and medical to the aristocrats to glean to the bone all that money which is power from all the peoples in the nations, has accomplished exactly the removal of Christianity from the public again.
How the reality is it is a global feudalism and a new messiah amongst us in Birther Hussein Jinn, a new Pater Pope saying you do not need God as the welfare of the poor is cover to funnel money to the mob to keep it from riot, but those funds all end up in the accounts of the Socio Conglomerates community control of this, is the moving of everything you knew was happening, but you just could not put your finger on any of it?
You have the information now, not because you were Inspired or bright enough to read it and assemble it all, but because you found it here once again by design.
All of these "leaders" are puppets and by indoctrination believe and implement "in their own self interests", the interests of the feudal lords as this is their religion. Of course, it is ludicrous and mind jarring to actually read of a group of people who actually think St. Paul is a problem, but that is what drives all of this, in that group believes there is law for all of you and they are above all laws on two standards.
This is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive which should be studied and read, numerous times over, as while it is simple, the explanation and revelation of it all is immense. People will dismiss it as "well we can just stop it and it will stop", but it is not stopping and will not be stopped, except by the sword of Jesus on His second coming.
The aristocracy has spent generations since 1500 in undoing the responsible Christian liberty which took the chains off of the peoples of this world, and in this 21st century they have smythed an entire mountain of chains which are being shackled to every man, woman and child who are not of the few ruling this gulag.
I will make the point in a visting lecturer would be paid 100,000 dollars for an engagement like this. Your children would have you pay 50,000 dollars for a professor at university to ration this out for a year to pretend there was value in the other filler being put into their brains, and yes this is the doctrinal thesis of PHD's costing 350,000 dollars, and once again, you have had this blog take you by the hand, lead you out of the darkness, so you do not fall deeper into the abyss..........while the rich think the poor can pay their way.
I will repeat to the millionaires. You are not the aristocracy. You are simply a fatted calf eating far too much of your master's table, and the master is going to send an IRS skinner to take your hide and then grind you to the bone. You are subjects and will be subjected to all the same things the poor are.
I would advise the rich to show some class and pay what is owed here, for when my Master the Christ comes, He will find you shorn by these feudal lords, and will have no place for you, as you showed who your god was in stocks and money, instead of assisting what God was accomplishing here.
"Nietzsche, in this book, intended to attack Christianity headlong and with all arms , that for all his rapid writing he put the utmost care into it, and that he wanted it to be printed exactly as it stands . The ideas in it were anything but new to him when he set them down."
This is the base of German intellectualism, an absolute attack on Christianity, which if one revisits the original question of where the Ashkenaz Austrian, of Rothschild bloodline, Catholic religion, received his absolute dismissal of the Beatitudes for all, in Adolf Hitler, received that indoctrination from Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, after a long tradition of brilliant Germans, degraded to the Austrian intellectual of Heir Hitler and was picked up again by the Chinoid known as Barack Hussein Obama.
All of this is a germ of satanic thought, which has manifested and manifests throughout the world. It is even more important as the Age of Obama sinks like a degrading pustule. The writings made apologies for in family, made excuses for in the powerful, would be part of Adolf Hitler and a generation later produce Barack Hussein Obama Jinn.
"The things he chiefly argued for were anti-Christian things—the abandonment of the purely moral view of life, the rehabilitation of instinct, the dethronement of weakness and timidity as ideals, the renunciation of the whole hocus-pocus of dogmatic religion, the extermination of false aristocracies (of the priest, of the politician, of the plutocrat), the revival of the healthy, lordly “innocence” that was Greek."
Consider that there is a real anti Christ to come. Recall everything that is said of him, in he will be European, hinted at in having sons of Greece origins and that this son of perdition will engage in changing the base of all things, and the removal of Christianity by religicide.
Mencken, postulates that the origins of Nietzsche was Heraclitus, who said that everything originates from fire and that nothing is permanent as all are in a state of flux. As you have heard that the United States Constitution is a living document and changes, the Bible is open to interpretation, you are hearing that Greek philosophy, which was Nietzsche, that set upon the world a progressive group of regressives which are always in the process of destroying all to gain their humanist utopia.
You see the fire demon world which the world is engulfed in. There is not an escape from any of this burning zeal as it has permeated every facet of thought and corrupts the entire thought process.
Nietzche was as he rallied to, in all probability a Pole in Nietzsky and Ashkenaz. The execration seeded in Nietzsche, came to the Kaiser from the allied west, and fell upon mantel in Adolf Hitler a like proponent, and yet when such like types as B. Hussein Obama installed in the west, he became a rally point for the same Nietzschites starting with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt in their own state run religions.
The world has been groomed psychologically for the anti Christ and the composite average citizen of the world has no idea they are espousing the same verbiage generated by Adolf Hitler.
If one examines all of this, Hitler nor Obama sought to remove "religion" from the masses as it appealed to their imbecile minds, but what they sought to remove was Christianity from polluting the minority rule of the intellectual aristocracy. The process was removing the Sir Isaac Newton Christian based scientific leaders with the Darwinistic Stephen Hawking apostates from the intelligentsia, as the mob remained unmoved in dogma, but it began to erode to a point in placing a foreign agent in Obama into America which the world worshiped.
In all of this St. Paul was the villain of Christianity and Jesus was the innocent bystander according to this group, which is as stated ludicrous. It is a war, an intellectual and emotional war in which the "mob" was seeking to curb the ego of the strong, the "mob" to stop the actions of their superiors.
You are hearing in this the genesis of the "master race" and it is why one hears the code words in Barack Hussein Obama Chin's dogma of "boots on the throat", "we won", "back of the bus" etc.... as this group of indoctrinees of the anti Christ of Nietzsche all in zeal believe they are the overlords of all.
H.L. Mencken incorrectly wrote in the early 20th century that the martyr was the only person remembered to influence the future, when a few years later Nietzsche would produce Adolf Hitler and 100 years later that same indoctrination would produce a hybridized Barack Hussein Obama Chin, as much as Islamocommunism in fellow philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Once again the wealthy have received a quite expensive education, but do not quite comprehend that this Clinton Obama group has been rehearsing in the minds of the mob, "greedy rich", and making each of you a target. They will steal all of your money and the mob will cheer as their new "god" is one which says it loves the poor, as Obama has informed you and as the Pater Pope informs you.
This thing evolves in evil and it consumes nations in genocide. Christian Germany was obliterated by this dogma and Christian America is on the target at this period.
You can now though connect the dots as no one else in matter anti matter has ever as the Lame Cherry has exposed this. This blog is regrettably the source. If the rich think as they have so far, they can save themselves in ignorance then that is the genocide they will be educated to when it happens.
It is a little late rich children after you have had all you have stolen to think, "If I had donated to Lame Cherry perhaps I might have at least gotten away with my 30 pieces of silver".
This is the struggle in using the masses for quanity, so the quality of the aristocratic minority will dispose of them in mass.
"The victory, whichever way it goes, will simply bring chaos nearer, and so set the stage for a genuine revolution later on, with (let us hope) a new feudalism or something better coming out of it, and a new Thirteenth Century at dawn."
H.L. Mencken
Yes, "a new feudalism", and only the Lame Cherry was warning you in all of this. By Inspiration I knew this and when I was led to the proof of this tangled weave, you were told of the pattern here, and only here.
nuff said