As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
I realize that in information posted here, that some take offense, some cling to the things which give them security and some try to fix me to fit their reality, when in fact Truth is Truth, and whatever is else is a lie and I will not be a part of lies.
If I were to say, "Thou shalt have no other blogs before me". That would give a wide array of explanations from people as to what that means, when it means literally, that you could not have any other chosen before this one, but it would not mean that you could not have other inferior blogs.
As this blog is quoted and plagiarized another mandate or commandment would be required to refine the set apart nature of this blog in perhaps, "Though shalt not take the name of this blog in vain", meaning putting Lame Cherry on everything which was not something said here, like so many do in skewing things not said.
In addition, there would be added, "Thou shalt not make any other blogs and read them with the same devotion". That certainly is more than the first command in not having other blogs before this one, and the second in not using the Lame Cherry in vain, and it mandates that no other blogs can be created and read with the interest as this one.
The reason for this parable explanation is the reality of Martin Luther and somehow in a book The Table Talk, his last caretaker lists exactly the 10 Commandments as the Bible does, and yet in Luther's Catechism which is an explanation for teaching Christians, the 3rd Commandment has been obliterated and the 9th and 10th Commandments are the same Commandment the Bible states, but divided into two, "Thou shalt not covet".
To expand this, that would be like me saying, Thou shalt not want any other blog and thou shalt not quote that blog, copy that blog or seek to obtain control of that other blog"....and then someone making two mandates out of it, but taking the encompassing not having any other blog, and then adding as a new directive the parts about quoting, copying and obtaining control.
When "Thou shalt not murder", encompasses even hatred for others, then the reality is somewhere that in Luther's Catechism, there has been a jump to explain away that the First Commandment contains the 3rd, but if that were the case, then God would not have listed a 3rd Commandment specifically, and in that, no one has the right to edit what God has Inspired.
None of this is an attack on Martin Luther, nor Lutherans, but it is the Truth. I fully intend to reveal by inquiry exactly what took place from the time Martin Luther died and the 10 Commandments were listed as in the Bible and the time that the Book of Concord, or perhaps agreement was created years later and Martin Luther's name was placed upon it as doctrine.
If anything is incorrect in any religion, it is to be admonished, exposed and changed, so that in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, does not take place as Christ warned.
It is absolutely wrong to remove the 3rd Commandment and then make apologies in saying it is contained in the 1st Commandment when it is not. God stated the 3rd Commandment with reason and no man or woman has the right to remove any of God's Words.
Upon inquiry, I have learned that Martin Luther had nothing to do with the removal of the 3rd Commandment and a division of the Thou shalt not covet commandment. This all took place after his death in the upheaval which followed.
I was surprised in learning that this was not Vatican agents nor Catholics who were behind this. I was also puzzled as I am most familiar with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in teachings, doctrines, confessions and workings. I know of their upheavals with the Wisconsin Synod, their house cleaning in that 1960's to 1970's period when Mockingbird attempted to overthrow this sect and I know someone put a likeness of Obama on their magazine for the 2012 elections in blasphemy.
The source for the removal of the 3rd Commandment was a benefactor of Lutherans in this person had a collection of icons and they did not want them outlawed. So in order to keep these religious icons, they influenced the assembler at Concord to fudge things on the Commandments.
As stated, I know Lutherans intimately and this is what puzzled me as except for the Cross and a painting of Christ in prayer, along with the flag of these United States and the Lutheran flag on each side of the altar, there are absolutely no created images in a German Lutheran Church.
In fact, they teach the graven image Commandment with zeal in the Church, the pulpit and in Confirmation.
That is what was so puzzling to me in this, in they knew the Commandment and yet in lock step they produce this laughable folly of two Thou shalt not covet and make apologies for it. I have mentioned my Pastor in discussions with him as a child in which he directly informed me that, "The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is not perfect, but it is the most perfect religion there is, and until another comes along which is more perfect, I will be a Lutheran".
That admission horrified me and left me aghast, for even at age 12 I knew that you fixed things which were wrong and did not allow such things to continue. There is absolutely no excuse for the Synod President nor his cadre of associates who have no problem nor remorse in gutting the Lutheran Hymnal, rewriting the songs of the fathers and mothers of the Church, to stand around and act ignorant when a real problem is in plain sight in the 3rd Commandment was removed by mammon influence after Martin Luther died, and then they slapped Dr. Luther's name on it, to fool the people into thinking it was his work.
If Luther is innocent, then he is innocent. If he had a part in this, he will answer for it no matter what God accomplished through him. The reality is, I will not be a part of a lie and a gutting of the 10 Commandments as I am a Christian first and last, even if I had training as a Lutheran.
In my last conversation with my Pastor, I was troubled by something he happened to say in quoting the Synod President with devotion. I recoil at such things, as the Lord is my Shepherd and I do not desire a Pope in the LCMS to be quoted with reverence, when that person is part of a group which has been up to some reprehensible actions these past 20 years in hymn gutting and this Obama machination before the election.
My Pastor can tell me he thought the cover boy was Hispanic, but I know a black man with a collar who looks like Obama when I see one before the elections. Blacks in the LCMS are as rare as in the GOP, so the leaders at the very least decided to jump on the Obama bandwagon to appeal to the dark skinned peoples to fill the collection plates too and at worst this was outright blasphemy.
There has not been one story nor one issued sermon on this Designer Negro Obama Chin, from condemning the halo, the messiah thing or the last Chris Matthews repulsiveness of "he is among us".
Martin Luther had no problem in calling the Vatican and empire rulers out as sinners of the most reprobate nature against Christ's Church, but there is not named one organized religion which is Protestant in America which has drawn the line in the sand.
This post though is about Martin Luther and the 3rd Commandment. It is about the reality that most of Luther's works were burned after his death, and how the Table Talk was discovered buried in the ground and given to an English officer for translation or it would have been lost.
It is about the reality that one benefactor with a collection of icons, swayed the other princes who loved the Cross as a symbol, and did not desire that to be taken away as a graven image, so they in concordance obliterated a Commandment, divided the last Commandment so there would be 10, and then place Luther's name on it all to hide what they had done.
Luther's works were edited and the reality is when this was presented to the world, it was 50 years after Augsburg in that monumental confession, and most of the people who knew Luther and were part of the Reformation were dead.
The same problems took place after Moses and Joshua were dead, and the same problem took place after the Apostles, St. Paul and their converts were dead, in the Universal or Catholic religion started with including pagan practices, and devolved even in St. John's time to speak of "anti Christs".
This was all brought back to Christ by the work of the Holy Ghost through Martin Luther, and a group apparently did an edit on his work a generation after he died for their own bias. I base this upon Inspiration and inquiry as this has bothered me for a number of years.
I would hope that if Martin Luther was alive today, that he would be nailing a new paper to the wall in St. Louis, demanding Scripture be taught word for word in not leaving out the 3rd Commandment and giving opening to critics to mock with a divided 10th Commandment, and absolute answers as to why the Missouri Synod concluded it was acceptable to gut hymns of the Saints written for the Glory of God or to dabble in Obama politics before the 2012 election theft.
This is all vitally important as when the anti Christ arises on the heals of the false prophet of Rome who appears to be in place, they will reform religion without God, and there is going to have to be a flawless answer and refute to it without holes or questions in another Martin Luther by God's Grace standing up Inspired to give the flock being martyred that Rock to base their Faith upon.
There are reasons in all of this 3rd Commandment in the grain and the weeds and upon inquiry Martin Luther is aware of this in Heaven.
"There is no room for apologists in Christianity. Apologists belong to religion and are tools of satan."
Lame Cherry
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