I wonder sometimes why it is that parents are not so much parents any more, and act like children when it comes to their parents, instead of evolving to the adult nature.
In the age of latter day television and internet, the virtues of common sense and morality are no longer practiced nor perfected.
I found an interesting note from Theodore Roosevelt to his son, Kermit, which is a telling point in people have always been stupid and ignorant, but that there was a common Ward and June Cleaver tutelage in the Charles Dickens illustrations of human nature, that most people are really a Lumpy Rutherford or a Pecknsiff by lack of humanity and require teaching to become human.
In the letter, the President is discussing an accident with his family, and it is about a man who upon taking a girl out in a canoe ride, had the vessel capsize, where she drowned. Upon reaching home, his first impulse was to write a special delivery letter to notify the girl's parents, instead of apparently informing them personally.
Yes it appears that a little over 60 years later, one Edward Kennedy would have a like drowning incident with a pregnant young girl, and his first impulse was to go home and take a bath.
Young Quentin, the focus of the story, in being the President's son though, in thinking the entire letter writing scenario out pronounced it as folly.......because the man had wasted 10 cents on the letter.
In the simple world of a child, it would be common sense as why waste 10 cents on a letter when nothing could be done for the dead any way, and probably just riding over and blurting out the news would leave that 10 cents for something of value in an ice cream.
The other day we were discussing a really dreadful
accident which had happened; a Georgetown young man having taken out
a young girl in a canoe on the river, the canoe upset and the girl was
drowned; whereupon the young man, when he got home, took what seemed to
us an exceedingly cold-blooded method of a special delivery letter
to notify her parents. We were expressing our horror at his sending a
special delivery letter, and Quentin solemnly chimed in with "Yes, he
wasted ten cents." There was a moment's eloquent silence, and then we
strove to explain to Quentin that what we were objecting to was not in
the least the young man's spendthrift attitude!
When children are children, they need discipline with love, to give them direction. The largest problems in life are asking children what they feel or what they think, as liberals do, as a child requires being told what they should feel in humanity and what they should conclude, at least by a Christian well balanced adult to hug the tears away and to explain the realities of life to them, so they do not end up tossing Obama roses at 9 11 Memorials or cremated dead Grams cast into the ocean.
Humanity is missing in life in this latter days, because people have been allowed to stop being humans. They indulge themselves and do not contemplate a thought of how others will feel by their heinous acts.
The mass of humanity is now a democratic mob which is in need of lessons in humanity. Without a fear or a respect of God an entire nation devolves into sociopathic chaotic insanity.
The rights of others end where your rights begin. No one has the right to put upon any one else through guilt or machinations the burdens which they are responsible for.
A parent is to love a child and not indulge a child. A child is to respect a parent and not be a slave of that parent.
The word NO is not employed enough in this time. Too many people are always demanding through regimes or that new toy what others have worked for.
Any one with sense knows that getting into a canoe is like mounting a horse without a cinch tied. Canoes are dangerous craft which tip easily. The parents should have taught his Darwin girl not to put her trust into boys as no girl can ever swim that well.
Then again, a senseless boy who puts a girl into a canoe was in need of parents who used that paddle on his head often, or else he would not be sending out death notices by special delivery mail, as going in person might upset him.....or he might catch his death of cold, as you know he did just get dunked in the water.
Being a child in working things out is quaint when it is a child. When it is adult it gets people killed or it hurts the feelings of others.
In the Roman games, the people stopped watching as Americans are now drifting away from. Even the most bloody cage matches, were not enough to distract from the raped souls inflicted upon.
What follows when humanity is no longer humane is a people no longer willing to fight for life which is no longer being protected by the whole.
When Teddy Kennedy reacted the way he did concerning the drowned young girl in his car, the majority of Americans still recoiled from it. When Birther Hussein left children to crawl around in the faux bin Laden compound in blood and feces of the dead, the American majority never even pondered the children in if it was correct to run a military operation from the White House in this most unAmerican way.
It is a reality that there are a vanished breed of Theodore Roosevelt's in leadership who invested the time in their children to explain to them what is right and wrong behavior. The current Kermit Roosevelt the whatever number it is, is an abomination as a liberal to that family name like Bill Buckley's Obama voting son.
Parents who do not parent their children end up with children who become beasts, and when the parents become children, are not there to care for them in a humane way. It is not a written in stone definition as some children are just bad seed and some parents have children who are more adult than they ever were or will be, who raise themselves.
Rush Limbaugh if not for his Mother, would still be laying on the couch waiting for her to trim the crusts from his sandwiches as he sulked of an unfair life. Birther Obama if not for being elevated by the global village would still be smoking weed on a pineapple plantation. Neither one ever had a parent explain that it was not about the wasted 10 cents.
It is always more than just the wasted ten cents and that is what is missed by the children and those over legal age constantly now. In Obamaland though, they can not see the merit in writing the letter, so it never even comes to the wasted ten cents.