Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, had on today a 25 year old expert "peach farmer" from California's central valley who was allowed on air to beg for the illegals to pick peaches on her family's slave labor farm in high heat Americans will not work for the wages she claimed her family could not afford to pay as Americans want 15 dollar an hour fast food jobs.
Peaches as we will call her here, as Limbaugh focuses upon the illegals and not outing Peaches and her family tree in the anomolies she is exposing.
First Peaches, has stated she wants dark skinned foreigners to exploit in slave wages in extremely hot weather.
That should suffice in this plantation mentality as Limbaugh states the central valley in California feeds the world in the richest land in the world. I will focus on the richest part and Peaches family "needing to make a living", because in reality, Peaches is from a family which gets TAX DEDUCTIONS FOR LABOR HIRED.
That means that Peaches gets to from her net profits owed in taxes, gets to deduct those sums paid illegals from going to the IRS for confiscation.
Peaches says she is Conservative, but if one examines a reality that in some shit hole like South Dakota 160 acres of land will now make you a millionaire as that land has now been inflated to that, while Iowa has speculation at 30,000 dollars per acre to 40,000 an acre, which is not California lands which is valued at a great deal more than that.
To drive home the point, if Peaches has under 30 acres of peach trees, she is a millionaire, and that reality is Peaches as a millionaire is bitching about paying 15 dollars to an American worker, without having to pay for medical or retirement.
Oh yes Peaches has all the tax dodges the conglomerates operate under, but Peaches is not responsible for the slaves she uses up and employs in 100 degree heat.
I have champions farmers and ranchers, but as of late in actual experience with this over inflated lot, this group, especially those produce producers in California, are some of the biggest group of asses on the planet in not giving a damn about someone having a place to live or having a wage to live on, as it cuts into their million dollar lifestyles.
Let us return to economics, but you know how much a lug of peaches costs at the market. It is not the day of 5 dollar lugs any more. Granted a farmer does not receive what the grocery pays, but the reality is the first peach farms in America were picked by white owners and not beaners on the sly.
If Florida orange growers can form a union lobby to gain market price, then certainly peach growers can form the same union to gain market prices, which would pay Americans 15 dollars per hour.
Say a peach picker is paid 8 dollars an hour for 10 hours a day, and that is 80 dollars. Pay that peach picker 15 dollars and it is 150 dollars for the day. That is double the cost, but have you ever eaten a peach lately which was not hard as a baseball?
Oh yes, the peaches could be picked like other fruit in tree shakers, and as most of them I have come across look like in bruises they have been.
So say a beaner picks one bushel an hour which if peaches sell for 15 dollars a lug, that would mean the grower would break even for the day in picking costs. A beaner though picks mucho faster than that and would be slow at 3 bushels an hour. So you see that even at that rate there is a 300 dollar profit from the labor of that beaner for Peaches in one day.
That beaner does not pay income tax in most cases, does not pay Social Security, but does send a greater portion back to Mexico for exploitation after Peaches million dollar cronies extort from them at Walmart and at Ford dealerships.
I realize the margins in this, but it goes back to a reality as was the South in the plantation owner exposing slaves to harsh conditions, because of the claim of "it was necessary". Necessary until Eli Whitney produced the cotton gin as by miracle modern cotton farms have no niggers upon them, but use machinery.
Where is the Christian virtue or American virtue in this, in some millionarie claiming to be a Conservative states they have to keep their fortune based upon the destruction of America and Americans based on slave labor.
As a poor person, being gouged by Peaches and her cheap labor..........oh that is right in this that I can not afford Peaches' peaches on slave wages for some reason in her profit margins.
Let's see Peaches has irrigation no doubt, as California stole all that water from Colorado long ago. She could employ weeder geese to keep her orchard mowed and then fertilized, and with some spraying for things, she really does not have a huge outlay other than labor for her orchard, even in attrition replacement of peach trees. This all points to labor is her problem and if she can not make it by getting off her ass in picking her own fruit, then perhaps she should go the way of thousands of other farmers and ranchers driven off the land in the 1970's engineered crash and inflation is keeping other farmers from starting in farming.
Peaches could rent her land out to other high production farmers or she could sell the land for a million or millions and solve the problem.......because it is most interesting in the same cost structure is really operating in the fruit industry worth a billion dollars, and beaners are being paid the same like low wages of a generation ago.....and yet with prices having risen 600%, Peaches is complaining she needs more slave labor for her living.
Beaner wages have not risen 600%, so the reality is something is rotten at the peach pit.
I realize that all fruit is not equal as some is damaged by weather or insect. All fruit is not large grade and much is small. An orchard will have fancy grades and grades that end up in your frozen food section for pies hidden there again at high prices.
The reality is Peaches is a dinosaur just like the slave industry based on beaners. If peaches has a labor production problem, then like Cyrus McCormick she needs to put together a mechanical arm with a camera attached in a computer program which will recognize peaches and pick them heat or dark, 24 hours a day, and then Peaches can like the tree shaker mechanism sell it to others to make millions of dollars more........that is if she can not afford to pay beaners slave wages on tax deductions for her profits.
Amazing thing about hourly wages is, if you contract with a person a higher rate of production, they get off their asses as more bushels picked means they earn that 15 dollars an hour, but get the job completed quicker which costs you less in free market exchange.
Food in America is far too expensive now as is by Obama European cartel design, and it employs these millionaire farmers bitching they need plantations to exploit people in the most unAmerican of waves.
Do these Peaches ever contemplate they are exactly like the slave shippers in the predatory nature they exist in and how their peaches are destroying thee entire United States of America.
For me, a peach is not worth the destruction of America.
I could run the numbers in bushels per peach tree, and production per acre to show exactly what the wage could be, but then that gets into Peaches living as it is amazing how cell phones, high speed internet, central air, pizza night out, that new car, vacation, the kids just needing those 100 dollar shoes all adds up to tens of thousands of dollars that I, you and a Mexican are all paying for in welfare for Peaches as you know she has these "necessities" including time in her busy day to listen to Rush Limbaugh and hang on the phone for hours to complain of her dire straights.
I have absolutely no sympathy any longer for these millionaire farmers, no more than Martin Luther had for them in Germany. They are exploiters of people, larcenous in their theft against consumers and are a blight upon America that I hope God rids the country of and soon enough replaces them with people Inspired enough and Caring enough to make profits without the ruin of America.
Peaches like all these rich landlords claim a need to not pay taxes and to exploit everyone, therefore in this law of the slave jungle, if they can not make it, then let them be sold out and others more evolved to the task take it up for profit and lessened costs to the consumer.
Peaches could sell her million dollar lands, and then move out like other Californians in driving up prices in Oregon, Colorado, Missouri, Montana and whatever place that scourge has infested like a bubonic rat plague upon America.
Peaches could do a great deal and the first of which she could like Limbaugh stop claiming she is Conservative as slave labor in peach picking is equal to Limbaugh unbridled capitalism making slaves of everyone.
What the hell is Peaches whining about as she has 55 million beaners to employ and it has only gotten better under Birther Hussein. She should be in paradise and it has only gotten better in Obama Ryan Amnesty has only produced a greater surge of beaners on the border.
This is the world that she and the Limbaugh robber barons have created and expanded. It should be all happy days in they have exactly what they want, but is it not interesting that God does not bless exploiters as even millions will never be enough.
nuff said
agtG 246
Limbaugh should stick to whoring sick chemtrail chicks for market share.