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America Once Was


As another Lame Cherry exclusive as witness against what Americans are in the Obama Century to what America was, we visit in matter anti matter, a letter from President Theodore Roosevelt to his son, Kermit, when the Commander in Chief, sailed his rebuilt Navy, led by the Battleship USS Louisiana, on an expedition to Panama, where the President was building the American canal there.

I bring to your attention the reality that when Americans once fought wars, as President Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican engaged in at Panama AGAINST Columbia, in order to liberate Panama, and provide America a necessary military and economic canal zone for her prosperity, and therefore the worlds, that Americans received immense benefit from the war and the lands that came under their management.

Examine literally, since World War II, when the communist 5th column has been directing American wars for their profit and Americans slaughtered, how Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, handed over to the Soviets all of eastern Europe.
What did Korea gain America by Harry Truman, but dead?
What did Vietnam gain America by Lyndon Johnson, but dead?

I will remind Americans that Vietnam is flooded with oil, yet America never once touched that oil, no more than America did under Bush 41 and Bush 43 in Iraq and Kuwait.

Bush 41 was gung-ho to eliminate an American ally in Manuel Noriega of Panama, who now sits in comfort in an American prison, over Noriega's drug trafficking. The same traffick which was being run into Bill Clinton's Mena Arkansas airports in those cartel schemes.

Only President Ronald Reagan ever engaged in wars, in the Cold War he won by economic ruin of the Soviets, and the liberation of Grenada which drove the Soviets from there in a military airport landing zone in the Americas, along with the assistance of the Muhajadeen in Afghanistan which bloodied the Soviets, were there any American values placed in the warfare outcome.

Examine it closely in Theodore Roosevelt's time Japan and Germany were staunch American allies. Yet by FDR, both were manipulated into horrid engagements against America.


General Kuroki and his suite are here and dined with us at a formal
dinner last evening. Everything that he says has to be translated, but
nevertheless I had a really interesting talk with him, because I am
pretty well acquainted with his campaigns. He impressed me much,
as indeed all Japanese military and naval officers do. They are a
formidable outfit. I want to try to keep on the best possible terms with
Japan and never do her any wrong;

The same is true of Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Afghanistan in the Muhajadeen in being allied with President Ronald Reagan in wars against Iran and the Soviets. Yet by the Bush's time, America was in full scale war against the very allies who had assisted American policy.

Look at the Obama wars. Afghanistan is an opium market. The Chicoms control both the mineral and oil assets reaching now into Iraq.
Yemen, Libya and Egypt gained absolutely nothing for America in those wars, as much as Syria, and the only gain was for the militant anti Christian allies of Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

In an America, where Americans ran policy, Theodore Roosevelt liberated Panama from Columbia, and in turn built a canal for American interests and Americans advanced the Panamanian peoples to civilization.

In an America, where Americans ran policy, El Salvador, Latin America and South America were liberated to freedom by Ronald Reagan, as well as Eastern Europe, where pro American trading partners gained financial access for Americans, prospering Americans and gaining good will American allies.

Yet within the Bush 41 and Bill Clinton years, the cartel rapine had financially enslaved all of those free peoples, ruined American prosperity, and in the Obama regime, one can look at the Soviet achievement of their dreams, in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Nicaragua, with the United States now is all headed by Marxist economic rapists enslaving those peoples.

President Roosevelt in Panama, as Commander in Chief, inspected thee entire progress, and was facing opposition inside America for this monumental task when Americans used to accomplish things for American prosperity and security.
He made in his letter posted below a most interesting historical account of Panama, in how the European powers had ravaged the lands and how France in criminal misconduct of assets had failed to build the Panama Canal, and this was then taken up by President Roosevelt as one of the keys to American domination by Navy and merchant fleets in both building a strong military on the Seven Seas and by linking them in the Panama Canal.

Most of you will not even know of what this blog addresses next, and it is a question of, "Who was it that obliterated American control of the Panama Canal?"

America had a 99 year lease with Panama, under President Theodore Roosevelt. It would the epic failure of democrat Jimmy Carter who would turn over the American Canal to the Panamanians. During this global upheaval instituted by Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski, America saw President Samoza of Nicaragua removed by the Carter regime, and the communists under Ortega arose, which President Reagan had to fight.
Gen. Noriega of Panama without American control, was a drug lord loose cannon that the Bush economic faction removed in military battle, another war of the Carter regime.

In the Middle East, it was Jimmy Carter who brought back Ayatollah Khomeini to Iran, in ousting the legitimate King of Iran in the Shah, who was a staunch American ally, and helped keep oil prices low for American prosperity.
The Middle East has been nothing but endless wars and the cause of 9 11 is directly linked to the Carter regime removing the Shah of Iran, and the murderous bloodshed against Muslim which has now gone nuclear under the Obama regime's machinations.

Panama is now controlled by the Chinese communists of Peking. Their Son of Siam, Barack Hussein Obama Chin, aka now the Fang Jinn, who is of Chinese blood from his Filipino mother imported as an anchor wife for Barack Hussein Obama sr. to Hawaii, has been rolling back Japanese, Filipino, Taiwanese and Korean sovereignty, where the same Chicoms are now engaged in "ocean annexation", which began with Sec. of State Hillary Clinton for the Obama regime attempting to give up oceanic control for a United Nations "shared resources" to exploit American resources.

America is now in Obama debt which can never be repaid, and it will cause a global collapse. America needs to sanction several trillion dollars of resource debt from these liberated Libyans, Iraqis and Afghanistani's for American survival and to attempt to stop the worst of all World Wars which is being set up.

Americans are not Americans, for they would not submit to this self suicidal nonsense that America spends trillions of dollars in assets and gains nothing in return. The correct American policy was always standing up to Eurasian powers to not be allowed in the American sphere, and upon liberating those peoples, the Americans via employment and schools, civilized those peoples for their advancement.

The 21st Obamamerica mandate is the degradation of all peoples. Regimes are overthrown and the education is doom and hell Koran and the resources do not benefit the Muslims, but the few cartel elite instigating the wars for profit and control.

The Theodore Roosevelt Panama Canal example is American policy. There has been absolutely nothing American about United States policy literally since the Panama Liberation War, except for the few examples of Ronald Reagan as President.

There must be an American education, waymark and standard, that unless American security linked with prosperity is the complete policy, it is nothing more than Ashkenaz Rothschild Welfare War, which slaughters dark skinned peoples and robs Americans for the feudal control of the many by the few.

Once again more history, reality, Wisdom and Truth, than all of you have been spun by all of your info sources for the past 5 years, and once again it all is from one Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now we have taken hold of the job. We have difficulties with our own
people, of course. I haven't a doubt that it will take a little longer
and cost a little more than men now appreciate, but I believe that
the work is being done with a very high degree both of efficiency
and honesty; and I am immensely struck by the character of American
employees who are engaged, not merely in superintending the work, but in
doing all the jobs that need skill and intelligence. The steam shovels,
the dirt trains, the machine shops, and the like, are all filled with
American engineers, conductors, machinists, boiler-makers, carpenters.
From the top to the bottom these men are so hardy, so efficient, so
energetic, that it is a real pleasure to look at them. Stevens, the head
engineer, is a big fellow, a man of daring and good sense, and burly
power. All of these men are quite as formidable, and would, if it were
necessary, do quite as much in battle as the crews of Drake and
Morgan; but as it is, they are doing a work of infinitely more lasting
consequence. Nothing whatever remains to show what Drake and Morgan
did. They produced no real effect down here, but Stevens and his men are
changing the face of the continent, are doing the greatest engineering
feat of the ages, and the effect of their work will be felt while our
civilization lasts. I went over everything that I could possibly go
over in the time at my disposal. I examined the quarters of married and
single men, white men and negroes. I went over the ground of the Gatun
and La Boca dams; went through Panama and Colon, and spent a day in
the Culebra cut, where the great work is being done. There the huge
steam-shovels are hard at it; scooping huge masses of rock and gravel
and dirt previously loosened by the drillers and dynamite blasters,
loading it on trains which take it away to some dump, either in the
jungle or where the dams are to be built. They are eating steadily into
the mountain, cutting it down and down. Little tracks are laid on
the side-hills, rocks blasted out, and the great ninety-five ton
steam-shovels work up like mountain howitzers until they come to where
they can with advantage begin their work of eating into and destroying
the mountainside. With intense energy men and machines do their task,
the white men supervising matters and handling the machines, while the
tens of thousands of black men do the rough manual labor where it is
not worth while to have machines do it. It is an epic feat, and one of
immense significance.

The deluge of rain meant that many of the villages were knee-deep in
water, while the flooded rivers tore through the tropic forests. It is a
real tropic forest, palms and bananas, breadfruit trees, bamboos, lofty
ceibas, and gorgeous butterflies and brilliant colored birds fluttering
among the orchids. There are beautiful flowers, too.

All my old enthusiasm for natural history seemed to revive, and I would
have given a good deal to have stayed and tried to collect specimens. It
would be a good hunting country too; deer, and now and then jaguars and
tapir, and great birds that they call wild turkeys; there are alligators
in the rivers. One of the trained nurses from a hospital went to bathe
in a pool last August and an alligator grabbed him by the legs and was
making off with him, but was fortunately scared away, leaving the man
badly injured.

I tramped everywhere through the mud. Mother did not do the roughest
work, and had time to see more of the really picturesque and beautiful
side of the life, and really enjoyed herself.

P. S. The Gatun dam will make a lake miles long, and the railroad now
goes on what will be the bottom of this lake, and it was curious to
think that in a few years great ships would be floating in water 100
feet above where we were.


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