As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
It is evident now that Pope Pater rules the world. His false prophet status is complete in setting up the implementation of the anti Christ in the time ahead. Being named the sharpest dressed man by American press to the Limbaugh upheaval in which Rush Hudson Limbaugh III seared the poster boy image on all Conservatives of standing up for capitalist rapine against the commie Pater of Rome with the press coming to the Pater's defense means the whore of babylon is in full spread leg accord with her minions.
The John Kerry image of Obama in the Fang Jinn "peace in the Middle East" is a mirror image of the sham and shame Kerry and Obama worked out in the Sudan, dividing that country for oil spoil and having a raging war of genocide continue, leaving the Muslim Hitler of Africa still in power.
There will not be peace in the Middle East. This cycle lurches toward a reality of a non Philistinian state, with the reactionary Intifada IV exploding, whereby in a heinous and scary war, the accounts will be settled, the Dome of the Rock removed as predicted, and a nice Popican army keeping the spoils of peace for the coming ruler of empire from Europe.
I am watching this closely and the information all points to the compression of events in the time continuum, meaning instead of a progression of events people can handle, there will manifest calamity upon calamity as the Bible notes of a different prophecy. This is interesting in the stagnation of all of this, and how perhaps the Great Tribulation is only made that way, because the destructive forces or consumption forces of satan and the minions have been dormant like the sun for so long, that this tightened coil when it springs loose, will have events which should have taken a century to absorb, but will instead progress them on top of each other in this grande release of pressure.
You have to comprehend the vast.......
This Fang Jinn has now been supplanted and the puppy press is pressing the new darling of their masters in the Pater of Rome.
It begins the process of the two horizon points of how to change the failures of the Obama legacy to one of pre Tribulation rapture of an anti Christ.
Do not think like Rush Limbaugh that Obama staying in Washington after it leaves offices is necessarily as defacto Jinn in exile, but it might be an admission of post mortem.
I need to do something important and check TL's computer so is time for the smart children to fill in the blanks and the rich children to buy their information elsewhere as they have not donated here in the big hundreds of thousands in offerings.
nuff said