As everyone in this cold weather is either Rush Limbaugh flat ass wrong or Obama warming flat world, this blog again in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive explains some more chit I do not care about as I am in a foul mood as another selfish old bitch just turned me down in not wanting to sell me a farm site, as of course owning the world no richtard would ever conceive that someone like Jesus might need more than a fox hole to live in.
I hope and pray all of them are homeless and destitute. Am to the point, I hope to see packs of dogs, coyotes or wolves dragging them around for I would praise the Lord in Hallelujah over that reckoning.
Ok, so the sun is not putting out as much energy as usual, but by the same reality if you bother to look at the cold weather, where cold really appears, you will notice something if you are aware of 1880's weather in having read Teddy Roosevelt or Col. Richard Dodge, you will see that in cold snaps then, the temperatures were between 40 and 60 below in Montana and North Dakota.
It is really not that cold on the Canuck prairies in they were about equal to the Dakotas and Minnesota in that 20 to 30 below range. Kansas City was about 2 below which is not as Billy Dixon noted one night where the "cold just seem to come out of the sky" which cold actually does.
So what is going on as Rush Limbaugh talks about polar streams in the jetstream, the reality is what this blog informed all of in 2013, in HAARP in the weatherlons were busy trying to ward off a second dust bowl drought as a repeat of 2012, a drought this blog predicted in December 2011, because I saw an orange harvest moon where none could be the last of December.
Orange moons require dirt in the atmosphere and December air should be only clear or high humidity blocking the moon from being seen.
The weatherlons turned up HAARP all in 2013 and created a horrid set of weather that drown a bunch of Missouri folks twice, once in the summer and once in December so it sucked for those poor dolts.
TL and I were observing weather signs before Christmas and noted pretty turquoise skies with dark wind clouds when they can only appear in spring or summer.....HAARP was active in December after a first shutdown between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Christmas storms were the result of HAARP being shut down. You have think of the atmosphere as a vast ocean with rivers in it, which are all air in a non liquid form. Imagine if you had been damming up water all summer on the north end of an ocean, and you suddenly pulled that dam out.
You would see immediately swirls in the southern part of this field, and soon enough all that water in the north would start flooding south. HAARP has been on and off trying to stop a massive Arctic outbreak, but in aligning the typical Christmas slosh to the atmosphere, as the earth wobbles on December 21st, shifting the earth north again, and the atmosphere spills south.
The entire autumn season was an attempt to build up a moisture reserve for 2014 and it was not effective. Snow just runs off the soil. Moisture becomes freeze dried in zero type cold and evaporates just like it does in severe heat.
Oddly Iowa is a huge brown area as is north Missouri as this HAARP program has mixed weather systems. Not good for Iowa and Missouri, but then the richtard farmers there all irrigate, so who has need of God eh?
I was standing by the barn and I believe the Holy Ghost spoke to me in saying that the winter will moderate and it will be an early spring. Mom and TL are witness to that, as I told them, but had neither internet nor time to post the information.
After all the HAARP slosh is over, projections are now for a moderating winter after this cold dam of air is finished spilling south. There is only so much cold air up there to generate fronts, and the last was a major drain on the energy there. The net result is a warming trend.
I did not inquire of 2014, but as I am in a foul mood, it is my inclination to dry all these rich people out who are hording up things and to bankrupt them, knowing of course what that might do to food supply. I used to be a merciful person, but have had it with these self centered dolts. It is time for a Jubilee and a scattering of lands and wealth again.
If HAARP runs 2014 again which I suspect, it should be a like repeat of these massive storm dumps which are quite alike to the 1800's weathers before Churches and Christians were put into America and God tamed the weather.
So it should be shortened crop supply again in another drought with HAARP creating super storms again. I have not inquired if the same pattern will flood southern Missouri, but you should have noted that the west east storm flow was Texas up the east coast, and shifted to Wisconsin Illinois up the northeast. Patterns mean things, and that pattern will repeat until it changes...meaning keeping the large population east in the delusion and the less populated states drying out as no one gives a damn what Mutard Dennis Daugaard is sucking on in Dayton Dick in Minnesota.
Am reviewing this weather report and am thinking this is all I want to say on this, as I am in a foul mood not from weather, but richtards who own more land than have sense. This has gotten old.
I will see what God says on things and inquiry says 2014 will be a drought. Summer 2014 will be a hot wet period, where the hot burns off the wet which the wet dumps HAARP sends will burn off the land and not do what it should. Spring will be cool but warm........I know that sounds odd, but it trends to not snow.
Inquiry says no massive blizzards on the Great Plains plunging across to the east......that is until October which appears a repeat of the horrid storms which Rush Limbaugh discovered in 2013 in his Um Dakota.
It points to tornadoes in Nebraska and Kentucky wiping out towns.
There should be no massive wildfires in the west unless set. Those Texas jihadists were stopped from burning down the east by the regime after their firestarting in the west.
Going into more depth there are too many variables beyond the generalities. For example the town in Nebraska eluded to for destruction is pointing to a place in southeastern Nebraska west of the Missouri Iowa line. That is still a needle in the haystack in a weather front coupled with a even a category five at a mile across....and no it points to a category 4.
This was just about cold weather and the coupling of factors in HAARP and normal patterns and not this mutard stuff as the details change and things plotted do not get done. You will not forget about the weather but you will have stories which will take your attention to them for a time.
nuff said
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