I believe on September 28th, 1907, that President Theodore Roosevelt found the best use for Attorney General Eric Holder and the members of Congress in John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnnell.
The program is contained in a letter to Archie Roosevelt, son of the President, and deals with Quentin, brother of Archie and son of the President, who upon being in New York, captured two wild snakes. One he lost in the Roosevelt House, then found, set free, and the other was brought to Washington DC, whereby it was traded temporarily to a pet store owner for three other snakes.
The use for Congress and Eric Holder is hereby laid out in the following exerpt....
Quentin came hurrying back on his roller skates and
burst into the room to show me his treasures. I was discussing certain
matters with the Attorney-General at the time, and the snakes were
eagerly deposited in my lap. The king snake, by the way, although most
friendly with Quentin, had just been making a resolute effort to
devour one of the smaller snakes. As Quentin and his menagerie were an
interruption to my interview with the Department of Justice, I suggested
that he go into the next room, where four Congressmen were drearily
waiting until I should be at leisure. I thought that he and his snakes
would probably enliven their waiting time. He at once fell in with the
suggestion and rushed up to the Congressmen with the assurance that he
would there find kindred spirits. They at first thought the snakes were
wooden ones, and there was some perceptible recoil when they realized
that they were alive. Then the king snake went up Quentin's sleeve--he
was three or four feet long--and we hesitated to drag him back because
his scales rendered that difficult. The last I saw of Quentin, one
Congressman was gingerly helping him off with his jacket, so as to let
the snake crawl out of the upper end of the sleeve.
What could be better use in the Age of Obama, the Fang Jinn era, than these snakes all in Congress and Justice being employed to wrestle and capture other snakes that little boys would delight in playing with?
Granted considering the new vogue of legalized child molesters by the Obama regime, that one would have to be careful in these political deviants might try to crawl up little boys clothes in impersonating satan in the Garden of Eden, but in notice of that, what could be better use of the political snakes engaged in wrangling snakes of their own kind?
It certainly gave the political snake something to do, and as President Theodore Roosevelt exposed, there were no Trayvon Martin nor Boston Bombing situations being engaged in, so the children were fully protected when the polticial snake was given another snake to keep it's hands and time occupied.
I say put all children on rollerblades so dirty old politicians can not capture them to legally molest them. Give the children snakes to present to the perverts, who will of course mistake them first as Pelosi dildoes or Holder strap ons, and then let the wriggling and writhing real snakes loose to give the perverts something to occupy their left and right hand sex palms with.
With federal laws protecting snakes, there will of course be no harm done to the animals, such as in Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson movies.
It is all a win win, and once again the answer to the American problem comes from an American President.......which America has been void of since 2008 in the White House.
nuff said