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Still Begunning



This blog writes the hard things, and the the things that require stating. It is the reason it is in the brier patch and holds point. It is the reason the noteworthy stay the hell away as they know manipulations and bribes will not work here.
The brier patch is not a place for braggarts, fools or frauds, or for people who have the resources and cowardly qualities to hide in Chic Fil A orders

There is a line in True Grit when John Wayne pulls his Colt on Glenn Campell who is beating on the ass of the girl in that story, and Rooster Cogburn says, "You're enjoying it too much".

The Soldiers who resurrected sniping as an artform in the United States Navy in Land and Burke, and their star Wimbledon marksman, Carlos Hathcock, set about a course of professionalism as sniper. The whispering death had one purpose and that was to disrupt the enemy on their own country in numbers that would rival several platoons.

Sgt. Hathcock once washed out a gunner, who decided to play in mock shooting a Vietnamese civilian. Those who desire attention have no purpose as snipers, as it makes not only them targets, but teaches the enemy to employ like means.
Braggarts need no apply.

Carlos Hathcock had 92 confirmed kills. His longest piece of work was with a 50 caliber machine gun. He noted the Army had a sniper they hauled around in his own Hughey to make kills. Sgt. Hathcock and the Marines hunted the enemy on their own ground from their own fire bases they walked from.

This blog has covered the most lethal sniper in Simo Häyhä. He shot 700 Russians in winter weather, at temperatures of 40 below zero with snow. He did this at the front with the Russian military hunting him.
Numbers though mean nothing, as one can only acquire numbers if the hunting is good and the idiots abound.

Carlos Hathcock killed one of the best Asian snipers ever produced and one of thee most lethal Vietnamese French breeds who was a terrorists. Those kills saved hundreds of American lives and accounted for more kill ratio than some Siberian private or some turban head.

I never met Chris Kyle, but in forensic psychology, I do not want to be around those who write books about killing people in catharsis, hide behind beards, wear skull caps and have needs for publicity as their big SEAL watches.

His alleged shooter enjoyed compensation in being a Marine, having a big black 1 ton truck with big tires and rims in a Ford F 350. A beard too, and that same look of death in his eyes.

Individuals who gravitate toward the elite warrior class are individuals looking to validate themselves in large ways.

This blog has noted what the end of the Bush43 and the now Obama era has done to the US military in turning it's women into whores and the men in combat are drugged sociopaths being dumped back into society in part screaming for help in acting out in books being written or that wonderful delayed stress.

Eddie Routh, is already being defined in those terms of stress, being helped by Kyle, and somehow in this we have a rather odd scenario like all these scenarios run like a Mike Gallagher Ambien episode at Sandy Hook.

There are no details in this story, and that is suspect as all stories are cut and paste, meaning from one Mockingbird source to condition the public.

Apparently Routh shot two people he knew at a remote gun range at a charity event for Kyle's security company.....Kyle handled Sarah Palin's media movie and Kyle punched Jesse Ventura in the mouth.

What bothers me are the forensics in what is being covered over. Routh alledgedly shot the two people, one his neighbor and the other Kyle. Yes it was point blank, but no details on the forensics to examine what really took place.
We know from this in what is being glazed over is, Routh had to have rummaged through the corpse of Kyle for some reason as Routh stole Kyle's vehicle to get away.

That is puzzling in his knowing Kyle's vehicle, choosing to become Kyle in that vehicle, instead of the neighbor who one would think would have transported Routh. Things like that do not add up, unless one is looking at the volumes of drugs being given to this soldier mob of psychotics abused overseas and dumped back into America for self destruction.

Routh was apprehended by police in a chase and crash in his then big Ford. Once again if one just murdered two people, one does not hang around the city cruising in your big truck. A Marine would by instinct run. It is what Lee Harvey Oswald did in Dallas.

Did Routh even know he did what he did or is there something much larger taking place here, in a friend of Sarah and Todd Palin's, who just happened to kill a number of Barack Hussein Obama's al Qaeda friends in Iraq, like that other publicity seeking group of SEALS, simply in security competition, have his contract purchased?

Odd is it not that one never hears of any Delta Force people having like results. Should not Congress examine why is it that SEALS are dropping like flies under Obama and Delta Force has no problems foreign or domestic.

To put this for understanding, if Eddie Routh who is being donned with three names like Lee Harvey Oswald, has already had his personal medical data leaked to the press, is a Jared Loughner or any of these other Jokers and Hookers abounding in this Age of Obama, who activated this mind on Sirhan Sirhan Obamchurian with no Andrew Breitbart or Aaron Swartz types around to take the blame?

An operation of this scope would have like Breitbart had to have come from inside the US protectorate. It would have enlisted a list of locals with "problems" in their sealed military medical files to make a patsy of them.
That does not mean Tehran or Damascus, that means someone in the Middle East or someone in other security who did not like the competition or someone in the regime offering up an offering to al Qaeda in more SEAL on the wall, engaged in an operation utilizing former intelligence and military assets to conduct this operation in the contract was purchased for this event.

The cover for this, knowing the web American security has, would have been signed off a top level for the FBI to "ignore" Homeland and NSA data being mined.

Is this the biggest murder in Texas since Dallas in November at the Plaza, or is this a passive homicide of known drug created psychotics meant to terrorize communities, or is it an operation of a little of both.

In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald's hand print by miracle appeared on a rifle, so in any operation magic details with the accused could appear. As stated, Sirhan Sirhan's brain had left the building when security shot Robert Kennedy. Did Routhe fire the shots, did someone else, was Routhe even there, and that was the reason the boob was driving around town later as word went out.

See in a land of sown cover ups and lies of Barack Hussein Obama from Wadgate, ANALGATE to Sandy Hook, the conspiracy trails is set based on Dallas to make the public too confused to know what to make of anything.

The data clamp down on this story from the start points to Mockingbird, and it's fast cut and paste, reveals that someone wants this story defined exactly on the talking points of a nut Marine killing a braggart SEAL who liked high numbers of dead Muslims.

The SEALS who broke protocols in the bin Laden situation, were offered up in payment in kind by this regime. We know for a fact that Chris Steven's anal region was reamed for the Obama 2012 election theft. We know in TURKEYGATE that Obama was arming terrorists in Syria. We know Obama had terror bases in Libya and that Obama armed the Mali and Algerian terrorists with Khadaffi weapons.
We know US Soldiers were put in kill zones in Afnamistan as an Obama quid pro quo with is good terrorists, to murder Americans over there than here.
We know Obama has yet to call Nidal Hassan a terrorist or to prosecute him for Fort Hood, as Hassan grows his Sharia beard for court.

We know people die like Andrew Breitbart who were murdered. We know Gabby Giffords being shot scared the bajesus out of Sarah Palin to keep her out of the 2012 race as the Rovians set her up and Obama blamed the Rovians.

I have doubts a trained killer like Chris Kyle could not evaluate a psychotic to approach. That means drugs were involved coming from the Obama regime which triggered this as in other suicide and murder events.
That is the least of this, the expansion version is an inside operation which Chris Kyle's life was contracted for from outside sources, and inside sources set up and operation to pay off a debt in murdering this man and blaming another patsy Marine.....in Texas which just happens to be against Obama gun control.

There appears someone signed off on something, and it is evident that like Sandy Hook and other shooter events that Mockingbird was engaged early as in Gabby Giffords, who appeared flapping her arms and sounding off about gun control on cue.

I do not trust this situation as it has a cleanliness about it in fitting just too perfect a pattern story line, and all in notorious anti Obama Texas.

These operations are very professional in all aspects. The flies are being picked off the carcase.

Perhaps those sitting silent should hint at what is going on, before they become picked off too as hush money and hush power just does not keep death away.

American Sniper Author Chris Kyle Killed at Rough Creek Shooting Lodge in Dallas
(Photo: Facebook/Sarah Palin)

 Is this you fighting Mrs. Palin or are you still "begunning".

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