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The Invisible Cage


It does not make any difference to this blog how great the overthrow and rape of the American Virgin has been or will be under Barack Hussein Obama.
It makes no difference how she is murdered and the American Republic is exterminated from existence until She is but one with the dirt of the grave.

What does make an absolute difference is that there are real Americans with memories.

One day a second American Revolution will break out. It will be like all Revolutions in the mob gaining power and settling scores. It will be firontier as all Revolutions are.

It will be a time of scores being settled when the Americans sat silently and prudently by and just took it. They took being abused, took being branded, took being assaulted and took being criminalized with the silent majority quieten.
They will remember though all of this which has been afflicted on America. It will be a time no doubt of terror bombings, invasions, wars and upheaval. It will be a time though of quiet times when those who remember, whether they be a decade from now or 50 years from now in some elder pointing out the histories and the names they remember........names now huddled among them or names huddled in nearby cities trying to rule, how these traitors were the ones who brought down America and brought this invasion upon her in life and death war.

It will be then that a cleansing will occur. It will be a time when the voices one hears now on "peaceful transfers of power" will receive a fist to the mouth and kicks to the gut as they fall to the floor with jeers of, "Have some of this power transfer now".

What will follow will be Judges, Judges not appointed, but those leaders who guise in roles of Military Leader, Pastor or Wife will be the trusted authority who will dispense Justice thoroughly.
It will start slow at first, but it will begin with a flow. Those who attempt to make excuses for the traitors of now, will be the ones who meet the same Judgment of the American Vigilante.

There will be trials. Some on front lawns, some in barns, some in a bar and some under a hanging tree. They will be speedy and guilt will be pronounced in moments, followed by the most efficient form of execution in hanging, as bullets cost money and decapitation is messy.

The mobs will make mistakes at first. Sometimes strangling the guilty on the end of a rope, sometimes pulling the head off the body in too long of fall, but in time, they will get the full measure of this and do it efficiently in starting the process.
The more efficient courts will become institutions and take on a life of their own in finding ways to feed that court more and more corpses beyond the absolute overthrow of America, but down to the having once had a campaign sign on their lawn.

Sometimes the evidence will be sketchy, but all times a way will be found to carry out the verdict which is why the traitor was set before the court.

The Americans will remember all of this charade. They will have it burned and branded in their hearts. They will without expression take it, but they will bury it and nurture it for a time when vengence may be trampled out where the grapes of wrath are stored.

These Americans are there. They are quiet, but they are waiting for the time when all revolutions are not started, but flourishing.

Theodore Roosevelt on the plains of North Dakota and Montana mentioned how vigilante groups would form to protect themselves in hanging outlaws, and how some not so criminals ended up on the long drop on a short rope, just because things had to be evened out locally.

This group in Washington DC, and ensconced in all the state capitals and county seats, trust now not in God, but in that invisible barrier that the police hide behind, in the mob not throwing off it's irons. They smile smugly at taunting the lion out of the cage, but the lion knows in waiting that the time will come when the tide of battle turn.

It is why the regime has watch lists. They know these watchers are out there and can be harassed by police and spied upon by Homeland, but these Americans will not move as they wait patiently for the time to come, when all the destruction of America is engaged, and then the balances will not be held by a blindfolded lady, but one a biased one, dispensing Justice for crimes against the American people.

The mob is always there. It always remembers and never forgets wrongs done.  A decade or a generation, it will remember.

I wonder now at the invisible cage in the politicians, police or the bully neighbor, who trust in it, ever consider that time it's protection will cease and the people being mistreated by them will begin to snarl.
It is easy to smile now in cheating people of jobs, stealing their retirement, citing them or putting them on lists, in not contemplating when that invisible cage disappears.

I wonder if those secure in this time, ever contemplate a future time in what will happen then with this mob.

Let's sing as we are peaceable and all friends here.

Chara / Cherry Cherry - YouTube

Jul 2, 2008 - Uploaded by universalmusicjapan
Chara / Cherry Cherry http://www.universal-music.co.jp/chara/

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