My children, if you have not noticed the headlines, there have been numbers of lies told in stories about Northeast Yankee fishermen not being able to catch shrimp or lobsters.
The lie is that the "water temperature" has risen 5 degrees and that is all the difference in the world.
Do you really think that if the water temperatue rises from 65 to 70 degrees that is it going to kill off shrimp and lobster?
Would 5 degrees kill you? It won't kill bacteria, virus, algae, or spores. It will not kill people, plants, fish or animals, and yet the story reported was this 5 degrees is what is causing all these problems.
I ask you again to remember that these animals have lived through ice ages, deluges, summers with winters, and yet now a few degrees are supposedly making all the more of this climate change crap.
One hears the same thing about fisheries out of Europe in numbers are not there for the fishing industries of Asia...........but then there is that massive debt owed by America to China, and China does seem to have a huge amount of aquaculture, turning out those horrid tasting seafood things raised in sewage.
Now you do not suppose that something is really behind all of this in it is someone is raising a great deal of trash to sell, and the way to do it, is to shut off markets, and those pesky independent seamen, who are making money, who will not accept feudalism...........well it is killing two birds with one stone.
Here is the reality my children. America could literally as it does for freshwater fishing, produce all the hatchery fish for the ocean in replenishing all the species used for food.
America could produce habitat, as it does in rigs and ships sunken, and America could produce all the little food species necessary to make the 7 seas, the 7 aquaculture oceans.
Yet for some interesting illogical reasons, America and no one else is doing that in the least.
In reading Gen. Sherman's memoirs, he spoke of what Florida was like in the 1840's America. The surf literally had so many fish that you could almost walk on them. Nothing has changed in the oceans, except improved fishing methods have increased efficiency which perhaps is affecting catches.
I state perhaps, as these globalists are all liars, and they are always up to something meant to starve people into submission, while inflating prices on things THEY OWN to rob you, and then the reason of course is "man made" and global warming is behind it.
A literal trillion dollar industry is just waiting to be created off of proven technologies already in place. Spawning factories, incubation pools, brooder ponds and then save havens from predators could increase production in husbandry of ocean species a literal million fold over natural methods where nature kills off fry and the young.
You must understand that species are not that fragile. Even trout which are finicky in like cold waters of 30 to 60 degrees, will do just fine when it is 65 degrees. They will do fine at 75 degrees too. They do not start having problems until waters reach to the 80 degree range, but you will notice that is not 5 degrees but 25 degrees and the oceans are not warming up 25 degrees.
Nothing has changed in the oceans. They are still the giant cesspool they always have been and that is why they stink and are salty. If Barack Hussein Obama was not a fraud in being a feudal despot raping, starving, stealing and confiscating resources in war and bankruptcy, he could feed the world a billion times over with sea fisheries all on American technology.
Imagine for a moment, Japan and America teaming up in the Pacific to produce this aquaculture and the market was 3 billion Indonesians, Indians and Chinese. Do the math my children in a dollar a day to feed these people is 3 billion dollars a day, 90 billion dollars a month and............wait for it.........1 trillion dollars a year.
That would rival the oil market and certainly produce a balance of trade, especially with Indochinese and Australian fisheries.
This could be set up in the Gulf of America.......not calling it Mexico any more, and the Mediterranean and North Sea areas for some really yummy fish.
Yet is it not interesting that Bilderbergs, Davos or any of these models concerning the world, floats one idea about a way to make 2/3rds of this planet's available area into a new immense, renewable profit zone of healthy and low cost food supply.
These frankenscientists have already bred salmon to eat corn like a cow. Imagine what some enterprising person could come up with in 1000 pound tuna, that eat sea grass and taste like lobster.
Lobster have no taste and that is why rich people like them as they have no taste, but just call this another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in exposing all of this cartel feudal world order enslavement in you children are so trained to think all is doomed, that none of you bothers to challenge the non sense in the AMERICA CAN DO ANYTHING AND MAKE BILLION OFF OF IT, that you just accept these assholes, taking the same Al Gore money to lie to you about climate change.
It all can be fixed and I would be fixing this as President..........I might stay on and let Sarah Palin do all the other chit, as I like fishing and I have yet to shoot an elk in Yellowstone Park. I would do those things to teach people how things really are.
Stop being Barack Obama failures and start being like Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, John Adams and George Washington in thinking out of the box and getting things done the American way.
You are being lied to and manipulated non stop. This can be remedied easily.
I fix things children as that is what an American Leader does by God's Inspiration, and does not make things Obama worse on purpose to enslave the world.
nuff said
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