As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....
As enough time has passed in the death of Lady Diana Spencer, in removing her from the contention for the British Monarchy, it is at that juncture I am moved to set the record straight upon inquiry as this candle in the wind nonsense needs to be put to rest.
The reality of what signed the death warrant for Diana Spencer, was the revelation of her impregnation by Dodi Fyade, which indeed was a deliberate Muslim operation of Caliph agains the Christian monarchs holding the throne of Christ in London.
There was a death warrant, and the Queen was aware as much as British Secret Service and the Government with Prime Minister were fully involved as the protection of the Government and the Monarchy was at stake.
The conversation and assessment was in the realm of the projecting out that Princess Diana, was a contender for the British throne as in past contension in Mary Queen of Scots against the "bastard" Queen Elizabeth the second, in another religious war, but instead of this time it being Rome and England as Catholic and Protestant, but Muslim against Protestant.
There was definite apprehension, that if a strike or series of strikes based upon what Nostradamus had predicted in the death of one royal by Muslims, that if the Queen, Prince Charles and his Wills and Harry would be eliminated, then the Muslims would contend that Diana was heir to the throne, even though divorced and any Muslim bastard child she carried would be the legal contender for that throne.
The execution of Diana was deemed necessary not for the legal practicalities along with the child she carried, but to thwart the reality of militant Islam suddenly engaged in eliminating Christian royals for a Muslim royal would invoke an upheaval which London could not protect it's royals from.
Imagine the hordes of Pakistani Muslims in England rioting and in revolution. That is what the protectors to the throne were fully aware of and engaged in.
That might not have seemed a grand possible scheme, but as this incendary flame of Islam is sparking all through Europe, with now more and more nuclear Islamic states, the reality was that a Diana in exile in Paris with a Muslim bastard, might just instigate a nuclear regicide in London, for her to claim that throne for a Muslim child.
It was expedient this woman die for the sake of peace.
Elton John and others can worship this lewd female, but what she engaged in was thee most irresponsible of actions as she hid behind her cleansing the world of mines. She laid a greater mine when she spread her legs in adultery which was the Islamic nuclear mine being laid in London by her trenching and troweling.
Royal whores back in the day could be put into the Tower and beheaded or contenders strangled as Richard did to the children, but that kind of thing could not be accomplished in the modern dogma of a praised prostitute whose immoral deeds were condoned by a public worshipping beauty rather than the larger picture of substance.
Upon inquiry the children are aware of these necessary actions which eliminated the threat. It is just one of those things that royals are schooled in, as England is bigger than the occupant of Buckingham Palace.
There are current plans for the son of Kate Middleton to impregnate a nice Scottish wench to bring the Scots to heal again, but that is for the future and as Kate behaves properly as a Queen Mum should, there is nothing expected of the Diana problem to be remedied.
That should lay this all to rest. The fiction of the fading Diana for the nice managed Kate and son to keep things British and the illusion of Christianity for that Throne of Christ to come back to.
A throne in England nor America is to be bastardized nor debased for the Spiritual reasons and for the state security reasons. The English handled the problem correctly to stop dead further problems which would erupt when Muslims contend for Caliph when their occupants gain power in the Christian west.
nuff said