For those who have thought the independent assessment due to other source facts that there was a foreign conspiracy from 1776 to the Civil War and to the 21st century present Age of Obama fulfilling a plot to fragment these United States, the quote from President Theodore Roosevelt is but a historical Truth, to back up the conclusions of this blog that the European powers sought best to re create the feudal state, by first enslaving the American people by break up, and they were not above using "slavery" as a kindling issue where they could take the high moral ground for ending their commerce, when it was that commerce they created in the New World slave trade which caused this immense problem.
A problem which built their estates in 1800 and to the 21st century still builds their George Soros and Baron Rothschild estates on the same principles of exploiting African resources without benefit to Africans and the siphoning off of American moneys, all to fill their financier accounts.
"Whatever we might say among ourselves as to the rights of property or the necessity of preserving the Union by refraining from the disturbance of slavery, it was certain that foreign nations would place the manhood and liberty of the slave above the vested interest of the master—all the more readily because they were jealous of the Union and anxious to see it break up, and were naturally delighted to take the side of abstract justice and humanity, when to do so was at the expense of outsiders and redounded to their own credit, without causing them the least pecuniary loss or personal inconvenience."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 2554-2558).
Yes the high morality of Europe housed within it's empire the worst kind of ownership of humankind. Austrian empires holding Slavic peoples as enslaved and Germans of the high order having no rights on Germans of the low order.
"The southern planters, who loudly sympathized with Kossuth and the Hungarians, were entirely unconscious that their tyranny over their own black bondsmen made their attacks upon Austria's despotism absurd; and Germans, who were shocked at our holding the blacks in slavery, could not think of freedom in their own country without a shudder."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 2559-2562).
The English who withdrew from slavery by Amazing Grace. One only had to behold their "interests" in holding a billion blacks, orientals and Indians at trading company servitude. The sun did not sit on the British Empire in gardens of Eden equality of freedom. The terms WOG and NIGGER were as British master as the necessary commerce of the South.
...and what of the Irish mic held captive in his own Ireland to a plantation master on the Thames.
Many even as Teddy Roosevelt could claim the South was held back by slavery in financial prosperity, but the reality is, there never was a compromise to attempt on a national level to exchange the slave for monetary payments nor to share the Northern wealth in establishing industry in the South where she would rise again as a competitor.
It was the cleverest of political warfare and intrigue. The question arose when it mattered to none about slavery, and once seizing that ground where it was New England ships carrying slaves to the South started by English ships, then the seller who had made their fortunes already, was set upon the buyer in the South to accuse them of sins of profit, when this entire issue was about profit and power, and it was about the Europeans ripping the South from America to destroy America and it was about the Northern interests crushing the South as a competitor so the North could rule.
If this slavery issue was of such fundamental importance, then could not the estate grandeur of England rise up a collection to buy back all those slaves which had profited them, and could not the New England abolitionists in common law rights rise up and pay just compensation to Southerners for that lost property.
It certainly would have been equal in price to an entire Civil War, but then that scheming war was about profits, and there were no profits in buying slaves and returning them to Africa, only loss for the English and New England interests interested in dominating the South, and the rest of Western America.
nuff said