The image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin aka the Fang Jinn, should be indicted on the following high crime against these United States, namely, the illegal commandeering of the Ship of State of thee Constitutional Government of these United States, by a foreign national, namely the individual known as Barack Hussein Obama.
Mr. Obama nor his image, the Fang Jinn, are Americans. Mr. Obama was the product of a Filipino Chinese Japanese comfort woman, Anna Chin, as an anchor wife for the foreign, British African Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama sr.
As neither entities were American, and as whoever appears as "parent" on the birth abstract in Stanley Ann Dunham, Mr. Obama nor his image, ever constituted a Natural Born Citizen, and therefore they could not be guilty of treason against these United States, as they are not Americans, natural nor legal immigrant.
Therefore Mr. Obama is of the category as pirate, and his piracy for his Eurasian benefactors in looting the United States Treasury for foreign interests is absolute as a high crime against these United States.
Only those Americans in Wall Street, regime, Congress and Judiciary who are Americans may be indicted on the high crime of treason.
Those such as Chief Justice John Roberts, who were blackmailed into finding Obamacare Constitutional would be indicted on the charge of conspirators in the overthrow of the Government of these United States.
As for the foreign handlers and associates of Mr. Obama Chin, the reality is, they engaged in warfare against these United States, and are as of that legal reality in a nation has the right to defend herself, ready targets for the retaliation of the United States people by all means necessary.
As for the press, they are indeed traitors if US nationals and enemy agents if foreign.
In every case, since 2008, which includes every States Secretary of State who did not certify Mr. Obama with legal evidence, these individuals are either conspirators or outright traitors. The entire group are subject according to the crimes against humanity clause of world understanding, subject to the death penalty by any means enacted once convicted by a Tribunal in speedy trial.
This is international law from time immemorial. Cleopatra for her parts as a foreign agent against Rome would have been captured, led through the streets and then executed as an agent of Egypt and in treachery with Marc Antony, the Roman.
Benedict Arnold if captured would have been tried and hung as a traitor to America and as a British agent.
The right of the national mob was proven in France as much as any people when a national overthrow occurs. The mob institutes justice in crimes against it and the nation by the regime, and the entire regime is executed legally for the blind justice of the nation so grieved.
This must all be legal and of a patriot court so justice is administered, as much as Saddam Hussein was tried, convicted and executed by a patriot court in Iraq.
There is one law in all of this, and that is every people as a nation has the right to self preservation and justice upon it's assailants whether domestic or foreign in the right of redress for crimes against it in the martial or judicial courts.
It is fact, by birth abstract forgery, and no matter the propaganda of the cartel in dismissing the reality that Mr. Obama is not legitimate, that fact remains that Barack Hussein Obama is a foreigner, and has knowingly and willingly made jihad with his traitors and forced conspirators upon the Government of these United States, upon the people of these United States and upon select foreign states which Mr. Obama has engaged in religicide in those states, mainly Muslim, in replacing Nationalist Muslims with Islacommunist agents answering to Mr. Obama and his terror network.
There is not a need to clutter the charges with counts of 40,000 Syrians or one assassinated Andrew Breitbart, for the main charge is all that is necessary on the illegal commandeering of the Ship of State of these United States as a high crime against Americans and the nations of the world.
That is a reality proven by the forged birth abstract which Mr. Obama Chin submitted knowingly before the world in order to deceive it.
nuff said