One Big Happy Family
My Grandfather on my dad's side hated Catholics with a passion. My Mom's family had an absolute aversion to making religious waves and sought best to blend in.
In the west, especially America, there has been a deliberate euthanasia of history by the feudal aristocrats as they desire not to have Americans remember where they arose from.
America was founded a Christian nation, a nation of those PERSECUTED in Eurasia for not bowing to state run religions.
In bowing, I do not mean just Obama bend at the waist, but a literal reality that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for being a Pentecostal inside the Catholic church. Burned by the English.
The English were most interesting on the death of Henry the VIII. Bloody Mary, his daughter, would have the hair violently hacked off of Protestants, and then have them burned at the stake.
That same England, when God struck down Bloody Mary with a cancerous tumor, in which she thought she was pregnant, as that was the most meaningful of her wishes to have a child for the throne, received the Protestant, Elizabeth, who in turn survived several assassination attempts from darts to poison dresses.
These murderous plots were all from Catholics, and history shows that the Pope sent out edicts to murder Queen Elizabeth.
Yes the Muslim fatwah is nothing new to Europe, because the Vatican was slaughtering Christians in piles.
In Germany, that roused up Spirit, settled upon Martin Luther, who started his own crusade against the Pope, and Luther was placed under the penalty of death.
After Dr. Luther went to Heaven, the Pope then roused up the Emperor who started burning all of Luther's books and slaughtering all those who were found with them in not being Catholic.
This was the reality in the west, and in the east, the Muslim was carrying out like slaughter whenever one side gained control over the other.
It was only the Protestant who did not retaliate in mass slaughter when the opportunity for power arose. In fact, Catholics and Muslims both were allowed sanctuary as much as Jews in the west, starting with American Protestant protection.
I have recorded here that the first religicide in the New World was not against Indians, but against Christian Protestants. It was in Florida, concerning a French Lutheran or Hugeunot settlement, and the Catholic Spaniards went in and murdered every man, woman and children and set up a marker exclaiming what they had done.
Understand the term Martyr is not a thing which is not connected with Americans, for the American foundation was in that very word. The Pilgrims were in Holland, not for the resort, but they were in Holland as it was but a piece of earth, they would not at that time be slaughtered for being Christians.
Plymouth, a wilderness where so many died, was their chance to worship God as they chose, and was not chosen for them. Plymouth was not about turkeys or Indians at dinner. Plymouth was about the connection to Christ, and offering Thanksgiving, the few survived to continue on not only with worship, but the conversion in love of the savage natives to the cross of Christ.
Plymouth and Jamestown were not merchant settlements, for their charters were plain in their main focus was the bringing of Salvation to the Indians, and the settlements offered up the reality of religious freedom in accomplishing that.
That is why the Protestants in America were never seeking El Dorado among the Indians, nor making great fur trading expeditions as the Jesuit Catholics were exploiting with from the start. It was meant to be peaceful co existence, and only when the Indian ignorants were prodded by European empire to strike at the Americans, did the Americans retaliation and drive back the genocide being performed upon them.
Genocide in America? Yes it was such a thing, and it was practiced by the Indians, first upon each other, as that was the case when Americans arrived. As the French and Indian War initiated though, it was then the European powers using Indian savages to commit genocide upon Americans, the focus being the unsettled lands of the Ohio Valley.
The wars from the 1700's onwards were all about the genocide of the American peoples. The last Indian war in the Dakotas which ended with the assassination of Sitting Bull, after Wounded Knee, was about the Ghost Dance, a raptured frenzy whose main message was, "The buffalo would return out of the earth in a cave where they were hidden, and the Americans would all be gone, and the Indian would rule again".
Americans being all gone, was the genocide of the Protestant Christian Americans.
There was a reason Protestants detested Catholics, as the Catholic order was aligned with the regimes, and those regimes were always set upon the Protestants to murder them in thee most heinous of ways.
You ignorants who think this is all ancient history, need to be reminded that Birther Hussein in his relations with Jesuits in America, went to Georgetown where the Catholics covered up the name of Jesus when Obama spoke, and baby aborter Obama went to Notre Dame as an honored guest of the Jesuits there.
Obama is a part of the Jesuit political machinations, and you will need to be reminded that just like Muslims are quite silent when it comes to jihad against Americans.......Muslims who are "moderates" you will search far and wide for diatribes condemning what took place at Georgetown and Notre Dame from those "moderate" Catholics like Sean Hannity or Peggy Noonan.
The same amazing silence ensues when the Pater of Rome goes to South America extolling the virtues of being sodomite, then says you do not need God to get into Heaven, and his latest manifestation of necromancy in cuddling the bones of Simon the Sorceror after a year long rite.
Silence, silence, silence from Catholics again as this blasphemy is unleashed and far too much silent affirmation from the Protestant who in ignorance has forgotten the slaughter their ancestors endured as Martyrs from other religions of empire.
That is the reality and the reality is as Birther Hussein and now the Fang Jinn opened a war on Protestant Christians in this world, the future will unleash a regime led war out of Europe upon Christians across the globe.
Daniel 7:21 "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;"
Revelation 13:7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."
"Make war with the Saints" is found two times in the Bible, and both times it directly points to the End Times, and a war of religious genocide aimed directly at Protestants and those Catholic faithful in Christ who will not follow the false prophet of Rome nor it's anti Christ.
America is going to revisit her Israelite German and English past according to Scripture as Europe is slaughtered of her Christians by the coming order. Those same plotters who sought to assassinate Elizabeth and Luther are all through America as Georgetown and Notre Dame exhibited, and the silent affirmation of leading Catholics of this blasphemy and more blasphemies to come reveal where their true allegiances lay, not in America, not in Christ, not in the Constitution, but in Rome.
This blog is the only voice in the wilderness on this, and this blog is not going to go along to get along. No one else is warning you that a line in the sand must be drawn in America, as the Constitution has been destroyed in this Obama regime, there is a Jesuit state religion with a Muslim stormtrooper force operating, and the people on Homeland watch lists are Christians.
It is beyond frustrating that Martin Luther in Germany had over a half dozen German Princes backing him at the Augsburg Confession in promoting and protecting him from the regime as his benefactors, but in America, the Lame Cherry is so much the Joan of Arc, in being left to be burned at the pyre as not one of you rich Americans had the love of Christ in you to do the right thing.
If the line in the sand had been drawn, then the Sean Hannity's would have had to have had a crisis of conscience now in deciding if they were Christian American or Roman Catholic first, instead of during the religicide when Jews like Mark Levin were being dragged off or Christians like.........I do not know if Sean Hannity actually has any True Christians in his sphere, but the point is, the line should have been drawn now and not when the holocaust of Martyrs begins as then it will be too late.
Sodomy is an abomination to God in the Scriptures. Denial of God is forbidden in the First Commandment and is an abomination. Worshipping the dead is an abomination forbidden by God in Scripture, and yet there is the Pater of Rome practicing these pagan rites, and there is not one outcry from Catholics anywhere.
Cardinal George should be ex communicated and removed as Pope, but he is not, because his place in Prophecy is being fulfilled.
You will notice the satanic silence in all of this in the books for profit, that none are now interested in Petrus Romanus, and the only warning is coming from these pages.
There is a false prophet in Rome, and he has manifested by his blasphemous actions. Yet from the leading Catholics in America in Sean Hannity to Scott Hennen, there is nothing but affirmation of these abominations.
"Make war on the Saints" is yet to be fulfilled in Prophecy. You should be educated that all the other inquisitions and mass slaughters of Christians across the globe in religicide are under the term "persecuted for my Namesake". For entire passages to be dedicated to that title, means it is going to be an immense slaughter.
Revelation 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
Revelation 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
"Without number" will mean millions upon millions of Christians, not raptured out as is falsely taught, but the way out will be through their slaughter by the anti Christ and false prophet.
I give you now my children a time line in this, for Chapter 7 in Revelation gives the scene, but the time line is set in Chapter 6 for this slaughter. The verses are 9 through 12 in setting the stage.
"9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"
Those under the altar are those Saints as Martyrs, as in Joan of Arc slaughtered for Christ around the globe for the past thousands of years. Notice they are praying to be avenged.
Note that prayer causes a direct response from God in white robes are given them, and then a condition is placed in more Martyrs must be fulfilled in those who have chosen to honor God with their lives in being slaughtered by the state.
Now come to the time, and it is set, it is the time the Prophet Joel noted and the time the Prophet the Lord Jesus noted in the Gospels, of the sun darkened and the moon blood red. That is the Great Tribulation period of the last half of the 7 year cycle.
The Book of the Seven Seals is to be opened by Christ, which initiates with global wars. The 5th Seal begins the slaughter of the Christians. The 6th Seal begins the signs of the heavens.
The 4th Seal opens a period of war, famine and death by animals killing people, which at present would number almost 2 billion humans as Scripture states 1/4 of the population on earth dies.
Now you know the sign of this in the time line, almost 2 billion people are killed, and the Christian Martyrs are dead in mass slaughter before the sun is darkened and the moon appears in blood red color.
Once again only the Lame Cherry in matter and anti matter exclusives is only tying this all together in warning you. I did not intend to write this in this direction by Inspiration by the Holy Ghost led me on this revelation. From experience, that means God is directing preparatory work as things are in the process of cycle again.
I will plead again for the rich to donate. No promise you will be delivered out of what is coming, but you have a better chance of it with me being settled and pleased with you, than groaning to God about you.
You are not going to get away from what you are or from any of this.
Alms to the poor cover up a multitude of sins. You had better start covering you richtards in the hundreds of thousands amounts as the hiding in caves is not going to hide you from what is coming.
nuff said
agtG 260
This is God’s government, as Mary sings in her Magnificat: Deposuit potentes—He puts down the mighty from their seat, etc.
“If I were rich,” said Melancthon, “I would have artificially made me a game at cards, and a chess-board all of gold and silver, in a remembrance of God’s game at cards, which are all great and mighty Emperors, Kings, and Princes, where he always thrusteth one out through another. N. is the four of diamonds, the Pope is the six of diamonds, the Turk is the eight of diamonds, the Emperor is the king in the game.
“At last comes our Lord God, divides the game, beats the Pope with Luther (he is the ace). But the Pope is not yet quite dead; Christ hath begun to slay him with the spirit of his mouth, so that he is dead in the hearts of believing Christians. I hope it is almost come so far that, in less than two hundred years, God will quite make an end of him, and of that antichristian idolatry, by his glorious coming.”
Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk
*If only it had been 200 years, for the false prophet was yet to be fulfilled in the end times holding the Papacy of Rome, or else the Pope would have vanished from the hearts of all Believing Christians.