I return to the American past in the securing of wilderness areas from Indian, wildlife and storm, to the inherited tradition of the French Arpent, or small acreage.
As I have been quoting Senator Thomas Hart Benton as of late from the Senator floor in matters of America, I visit him again in this exclusive as what should be the policy of these United States.
The block house compound was established, and explained by the Senator as he grew up in such a division and lead one in the Kentucky wilderness in its development. I will leave the Senator to the explanation in the commentary and then expound upon it.
"The first house is the block house to be built in an Indian country; the stockade the first fence to be put up. Within that block-house, or within a hollow square of block-houses, two miles long on each side, two hundred yards apart, and inclosing a good field, safe habitations are to be found for families. Cultivation and defense then go hand in hand. The heart of the Indian sickens when he hears the crowing of the cock, the barking of the dog, the sound of the axe, and the crack of the rifle."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 2013-2016).
"Benton's ideas were right, and were acted upon. It is impossible even to subdue an Indian tribe by the army alone; the latter can only pave the way for and partially protect the armed settlers who are to hold the soil."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 2020-2021).
For a number of years, I have formulated in just how to solve the Middle East problems which are indeed created by the cartel, but have been ignored by such bodies as the American Enterprise Institute, as that game of upheaval is what all the sides profit off of.
What though, I revisit again is something I would advocate for the Sinai, for the Muslim nations of North Africa, for the Gobi in China, to the Russian hinterlands, to the great Northwest Territories of Canada, in the case of Russia for expansion and defense from China, for China to develop desert lands which are wasted, for the Mideast for stability and for Canada, the absolute expansion of populations on tundra which could be made to bloom.
This would not have been possible in the 1800 America, which built the block house districts for defense, which amounted to each home was a link in a fortification, that combined formed a square or long rectangle whose end was fenced. No savage beast nor human could break this fortification, which was literally a fort and a means with your 40 acres and a mule, a goat and a few chickens would provide a living for you and your family.
The Israelis have done fantastic work on water conservation irrigation, to the point, that immense expanses like the Gobi or Sahara or Arabian deserts could be made to bloom. In more hostile climates, there now affords an octogon system of structure to make domed type enclosers for immense greenhouses.
These structures could be enhanced for solar power and storage to be a self sufficient community where the people would all be armed, with rifle and hoe, and putting their energies into production instead of upheaval.
Think of the reality of expanding a tundra farm vegetable production by increasing the growing season. Immense expanses of Canada could rival the Calfornia food plots, in the same way the Sahara could be made a huge vegetable patch.
People have never comprehended how little area when intensely farmed a family can produce a living on, and how much will be produced, as they have been conditioned to think of huge farms, when the reality is, America was once in the process of being developed into a garden and orchard community to transform wide western reaches from grass and wheat plains.
All it requires is water conservation, and now with plastics, even climate conservation is a reality.
The early work of Robert Rodale before he was killed in Russia on a trip advocating his organic gardening production was a Victory Garden milestone like the infamous Crocker of PBS television. It sought out plantings of grains like amaranth which required little nutrients and fed the empire Indians south of the Rio Grande.
If I were to ask you, how big of an area would it take if you gathered the 7 billion people on this planet, what would your answer be?
Just how much space if you assembled people within an arms reach of each other, so they all had space, would it take to house that many people?
Would North America hold them all or would it be too crowded?
How about these United States, would that be room or would it be no room to turn around?
For that matter, could we fit 7 billion people into Ohio, or would they be stacked upon each other?
The reason I ask this is as a child I was stunned at the answer, because the answer is that one of the large western size counties in America, would fit all the people in the world with space in between them.
I have visited this before, to illustrate the absolute propaganda of the world running out of room or resources. The world has deserts and tundra and plains that could be the home of billions of more people, feeding themselves and others.
Frankly, with correct husbandry of these block farms, the world could handle 50 billion people and never have a problem. We have not even tapped the oceans for wealth or aqua farming.
I advocate this, for the reason that peoples should have the right to a home, land to live on and make a living, and to be at peace in being armed protecting what is theirs. One does not even need a mule any more, as these 40 acre plots would produce all the vegetables, grains, milk from goats, meat from chickens and rabbits, eggs and fruit that any one could ever hope for, plus a profit.
Not everyone would need to farm, as other vocations are not going to disappear, but the reality is there are vast wastes in this world which should be opened to homesteading again, where like minded people can pick up the hoe and gun, and build their homes and reap the rewards of their hard work which is not so hard now.
California is a multi billion dollar vegetable industry from a desert. Each of the areas I have focused upon could generate as great of values for each continent, with it costing the government a thing, as it would be people once again in their own effort, accepting land to develop in exchange for their labor and the state then reaping the increased assets and revenues from a new productive community.
I have always had this vision and have written of this for the Moon and for the Martian colonies and Moons. This solar system should be a place of 100 billion people, all free, all productive, and all enjoying their lives, in an epic adventure which should reach to other stars with habitable planets.
Real leadership should accomplish these things, and real leadership would if this gulag world were not run by economic rapists. This is what the world should be and the above nations have it in their interests to do just that.
"32 houses to a square. 40 acres to a home."
That should be the global slogan for all humankind.