As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
This blog has been the soul and sole voice concerning the American Indian in the reality of who they were in absolute savages, terrorizing Americans of all forms in other tribes or States. The reality is they robbed, raped, kidnapped, enslaved and ate those peoples they attacked.
There never was a James Fenimore Cooper Indian. It was all Hawkeye fiction.
As of the last years in Bury the Truth at Wounded Knee, the cosmopolitan fiction has been what a bad deal the Indians got as everything was stolen from them in a trail of tears..........instead of the reality is the Indians were busy stealing lands from other Indians in genocide as they terrorized white people, and the tribes dying out fled for cover under the George Custer cavalry.
Let us not forget the reality that religious types sought to gain control of Indians as their wards for collection plate contributions, just as the empires of Europe sought their trade for profit, and that the industrialist of the American patrician east sold weapons to Indians for profit as much as the wars which they sold goods to the Army to make that war.
The American Indian is the worst dupe and patsy in history, taking credit for the Custer assassination which was instigated in Washington DC by a furious old guard being exposed in corruption, and the Indian then is exploited in BIA payments along with casino gambling, all to further commit them to the barbarous racism which they are so inclined to believe they have right to.
This blog though is about to undo the trail of tears fiction, which it posted exclusively on in proving by Col. Washington Irving Dodge who investigate the Cherokee mass deaths in being removed from the east, was not due to not having food, shelter, clothing and a place to live, but due to the reality that the Indian being a civilized savage, but a savage in this case, could not cope like a wild animal in being removed from it's home haunts.
The Cherokee died not from cruelty, but from lack of civilized advancement in being able to deal with taking up residence in another location.
Let us not forget in this "victims" of the Cherokee propaganda, that when the Cherokee were a power in the east, they fully joined with their Confederates in a mission from the European empires to exterminate the white people in the Ohio region of states.
Yes the Cherokee died from being savages, but who ever has risen up to make note of the myriads of innocent white people whose heads shown like pumpkins in the fields in being scalped by the Cherokee.
To expand this, this blog visits a reality of realites in the question of "the Indians had their land stolen". To refute this lie, we turn to Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri as quoted by President Theodore Roosevelt.
"He showed by actual statistics that up to 1840 we had paid to the Indians eighty-five millions of dollars for land purchases, which was over five times as much as the United States gave the great Napoleon for Louisiana; and about three times as much as we paid France, Spain, and Mexico together for the purchase of Louisiana, Florida, and California; while the amount of land received in return would not equal any one of these purchases, and was but a fractional part of Louisiana or California."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1616-1619).
Yes, the reality is, that the American Indian after attempting genocide on Americans, were rewarded to the extent which made Napoleon look like a royal fool for the pitance he obtained from Thomas Jefferson for the American interior.
Benton and Roosevelt continue with this interesting fact:
"We paid the Cherokees for their territory exactly as much as we paid the French, at the height of their power, for Louisiana; while as to the Creek and Choctaw nations, we paid each more for their lands than we paid for Louisiana and Florida combined."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1619-1621).
Those are some very interesting statistics are they not in refuting the poor Indian claim that their lands were all stolen from them?
It really does get better in a modern sense as the Sioux of the northern tier were paid a settlement for the Black Hills in South Dakota.........and the Sioux stole it from the Crow Indians and were in the process of committing genocide upon the Crow when the white Americans arrived to save the Crow, which was the Custer expedtion of the Little Big Horn in 1876.
Let sound minds learn the facts and refute the psychotic fiction of those self hating and American loathing minds, who have for too long kept up this diatribe of the "poor Indian" all for cartel interests who have been skimming to the bone the Indian welfare system since it's inception.
Who better to agree to rewarding Indians with blankets, flour and guns, than the eastern industrialist who owns the mills and smelters?
Who better to agree to keep the poor Indian fiction alive than the conglomerates operating casinos or selling the Indians housing and food at billions of dollars in profits.
It is past time the abhorent reservation system be ended for the exploitation it is, and the creation of these communist invasion points of America now dilluted with Mexicans hiding out on those lands.
Allow the Indian their homestead settlement as in Oklahoma in the past era and put the lands up for homesteading to all Americans again. The Indian is not some endangered species or wild animal any longer. Let those tribes whose lands are homesteaded have that money put into trust for each Indian tribe, and have that Indian join the United States and end this Obama devolution which made the Indian nations into worse exploitation by foreign states as China and the mafia dope trade in America protected by this regime in Washington DC.
The Indian should sink or swim on ability as the white has been made to do, and it will benefit the Indian greatly. America is not a separate but equal nation, but a separate and racist nation as Barack Hussein Obama has proven in his criminality is made excuses for in his "blackness". Affirmative Action is a penalization on Asians and Whites, while making positions for other races dominated by Blacks.
All of this has more than weakened America, but has led to America's destruction. Let us not forget for a moment how you have been lied to about the American Indian by the government, by the press, by the industrialist as the Indian dances about like Obama as a designer fiction of the psychotic self hating mind of the activist as their pet, who are all profiting over these Indians to their great harm.
The American Indian extracted a better deal than Napoleon did from the American Government. That does not sound like a people who require protection as they were astute capitalists and traders which bested the Europeans.
nuff said