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Principle demos Krateo


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

This blog has been a teaching instrument of  God on many fronts in expounding upon the real history of this world, and one facet it will now explain in detail is the germination of the American Civil War of 1861 and how relevant it is to the 21st century of America in the crypt.

The Civil War had nothing to do with Slavery or State's Rights. That will sound odd to those on the right and the left, but what it had to do with really were the unbending wills of some of thee most powerful souls to ever grace America.

To understand the Civil War is to comprehend  that Thomas Jefferson laid it's roots in the his women's scorn attacks upon John Adams, which reduced his Republican Presidency to ashes in one term. Jefferson would with Madison lay waste to the Federalists of the Northeast, because the Patriots there refused to embrace the west and soon became content to embrace the British Empire in peaceful rule of Canada.

America would be a place of the 13 original colonies, and those colonies would have proponents from the Virginia and Carolina states settling in what America would become in the West with the coast New England states of the east, who soon enough became passive, and the real financial rule for prosperity soon rose in the slave holding states.

Slavery was a necessity due to large tracts of land, and America did not have a feudal state of peasants to work as owned property for the few lords and masters of the manners. From the South came cotton, tobacco and food, while the Northeast traded overseas, and the West started trade with Mexico on the lucritive markets there.

To understand this is to understand the end of the time of peace in America after the War of 1812, for there arose in the West the power in America and they were allied to the peoples of the Southern Gulf due to heritage, and that west included the Ohio valley States from Virginia heritage.

It would be in the disputed election in which John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson were thrown into this mix of Jefferson states rights Jacksonians and the Quincy Whigs or Federalists in a group of four contenders including Clay and Crawford, which finally saw Jackson winning the popular vote, but being denied by the House the White House in the maneuverings which installed John  Quincy Adams where the  Civil War exploited by European interests rose.

See slavery was not an issue as it was ended with the Missouri Compromise. The Western peoples were more interested in seizing lands in the west. In the South, their rule was over that of the New England pacifists. That was America, and with Adams installed Constitutionally legally to the White House, the Democrats under Jackson took full revenge, especially when Henry Clay was awarded Secretary of State by Adams for his votes in Congress.

This was the start of contention, and John Quincy Adams like his father would not succeed against populism of the West joined with the powerful interests in the South ruling America. Andrew Jackson would then be elected rightfully, and in that would start the worst guerrilla warfare by one man which led to the Civil War.

Adams would be elected to the House, and start a whittling campaign in which he was numerous times almost thrown out of Congress. His choice issue to gain revenge against the Democrats of Jackson, was the slavery issue, and he pounded that issue non stop.
There would be tariff protections which greatly harmed the South and added to the friction, as in a brilliant realignment by this New Englander of the east, John Quincy Adams started the undoing of the East West friction, and made America into a North South contender status, literally destroying States Rights.

At that time, the Republicans had but the Northeast. Illinois and Indiana were actually asking to be slave states up to 1820. The stroke in this was to use the slave issue with the increase of New Englanders now going into the settled lands of the Ohio and Illinois, to create not a Western America, but taking those states from Virginia west to Northern voting blocks pinning them against the Mississippi basin of Missouri to Georgia.

It was a brilliant political stroke to seek revenge in this way by John Quincy Adams in Congress against the demon like attacks on his father by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison which led to the murder of Alexander Hamilton, to obtaining revenge on the Jacksonian Democrats  who ruined most of his astute federal polices when John Quincy Adams was President.

The slave issue would be used as a moral issue for power, and Abraham Lincoln would be the maul which would shatter the Union, as his election caused the South to Secede from the Union.

There is only one person who is the father of this and this is John Quincy Adams. His platforms were his father's, President John Adams, and he built upon this a political warfare which would break forever the powerful western and southern block, by destroying their ability to farm their vast lands.
The Southern States rightfully saw this as State's Rights, but a brilliant political tactician would see this as breaking a political alliance and a financial southern and western power.

Jackson wiped out the National Banking pariah which favored the northern traders and financiers. The usury of money was  an abomination by John Adams, and yet a National Bank to manage debt would be necessary. What took place though in the Civil War was the wholesale rapine of the American West, with one Northeast faction coddling Indian terrorists and the other faction selling them munitions to slaughter Americans there.

It was absolutely heinous all of this and as the South sought European assistance, the European financiers were waging this war to destroy America to fragments to gain control through war debt. The roots of it all lie though in John Quincy Adams in his long struggle in the House, in constant badgering on the slave issue, which was in reality not an issue at all, but one which would be used to gain for the Northeast political power, and for financiers to make money from war and to break the South, and put the West under Eastern rule to manage the cloth of that field west of the Mississippi.

The John Quincy Adams coup on America has only been repeated three other times, much to the destruction of America in the Woodrow Wilson divided election which brought America to allow the establishment of the Soviet Union instead of freeing Russians in the Great European War which led to the League of Nations.
Next it would be Franklin Roosevelt's political dynasty where almost after 16 years of despotic rule he was carried dead from the White House, but not before packing the Supreme Court to the rubber stamp sham it is today of the feudalists.
And finally, it would be Barack Hussein  Obama, who would inherit this warfare on Americans, and have his United Nations of War on the world, backed by a Supreme Court rubber stamping his Obamacare as his change for America was from free trade to Marxist feudal rule.

John Quincy Adams though was the only man in American history from a lowly House seat to actually bring about the destruction of America in revenge and for promoting a different power structure. He has never been exposed in this, save this blog doing this first.
He was good President, but his tenure in the House was that of aggitative despot, and it brought about the Civil War  in  playing into the hands of the greed of financiers on both sides of the Atlantic.

That is the American reality brought only forth here. Now you can comprehend modern history with the mid American history in real terms, and not that Ken Burns sophistry or patrician fiction which points to slavery and States Rights. No this was about political giants on vendettas which they are successful at in destroying those who were more powerful than they.

nuff said


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