Gov. Mark Sanford, after Jim DeMint vacated his trust of South Carolina in the Senate, for the Heritage paycheck, has been moved to run for District 1 in South Carolina to replace the Congressman that Gov. Niki Haley appointed to DeMint's seat.
This blog is about to reveal something before all of you, and as this blog only deals with matter anit matter exclusives, this is the original Lame Cherry unplugged from the propaganda press of Mockingbird and plugged into the machinations of Mockingbird to explain things.
In the George W. Bush era, there was undertaken Operation Gipper. Yes that is the mock for the operation in it's slur pet name, as it was designed by the Bush side of the Obama coin to wipe out any Conservatives who might be rivals to the Rovians or who might assist a coming Reagan in gaining power.
The target for the Presidential nomination was George Allen.
Other Conservatives were brought down, like Sen. Larry Craig, as a purge was set in motion to never have a repeat of the Reagan Revolution, as only Straw Men like Romney would be placed into primaries in flipped elections all for the purpose of this Obama / Clinton / Jeb Bush group of feudalists to maintain power.
It was only this blog that stated the GOP primaries needed to be fixed as the process is stacked against American candidates in favor of manipulations by the feudalists. From Rush Limbaugh on down, not one word was ever mentioned of this necessary fix as Mockingbird was in control of the propaganda.
Obama revamped Gipper, for his own machinations. The two targets were John Edwards on the left and Mark Sanford on the right.
Literally, Mark Sanford was absent without control of his faculties in rejecting everything he had worked for, his family and his God, all for an affair.
He would face the same pattern in this, that Sarah Palin did in Alaska in ethics charges which were bogus. None of these events are by chance, but were generated from the Mockingbird aparatus.
Three Conservatives would be targeted as threats in 2012 and in 2016, both to Obama and Jeb Bush, as Obama would pretend to be assisting the Rovians in their plans as Rove had assisted Obama in his installation, along with the election thefts starting with Al Franken in Minnesota who stole the seat from Conservative Norm Coleman.
The 3 targets for Obama were Sarah Palin, George Allen and Mark Sanford as the next 3 years would play out.
Palin would be promised things, terrorized over the message of Gabby Giffords when Ma Bush chimed in that "Sarah Palin did not belong down here with proper folk", and finally in the Romneycrats, Palin was abandoned in the protection and finance as was designed to let her know she was room temperature if she continued.
Palin would wise up finally in January 2013 in breaking ties with FOX, as FOX as was exposed here was minding her in surveillance for the feudalists. Yes FOX is an intelligence operation, not aimed at liberals, BUT AT CONSERVATIVES.
George Allen was neutralized by siimple election theft as Obama flipped votes in his electronic programs to steal the election from Romney.
Mark Sanford though was the interesting person in this, as the operational protocols were not simple thuggery as in Palin or vote theft like Allen. With Sanford, the Demon Machine was unleashed in psychological conditioning on various mental aspects in chemcial and wave length restructuring.
Impulses based upon MKULTRA in ULTRA II which was enacted by the Obama people, as they had utilized those protocols to reprogram him from a Muslim fag dope head to a community organized dope getting head in Chicago. People use the operations they are comfortable with, and from Biden's thuggery of Lawrence Sinclair, the Kennedy smears of Axelrod on John Edwards to the AGENDA crew who targetted Mark Sanford, ULTRA II was set in motion, and the Governor of South Carolina discovered all sorts of impulses, not to enter Batman movie theaters as the Joker, but to think with his zipper, and condone it in a moral way of "engagements" to as South American minder, with large breasts ............sounds perhaps like Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelly who brought down David Patraeus, now does it not, who was another right wing competitor to the Obama and Rovian feudalists.
Patterns my children, patterns mean everything, and when one starts noting Conservatives dropping like blow flies off of Obama, then something has been engaged to remove them as a political force, but the ruling political forces.
When you start seeing patterns, it means intelligent design is behind it. It means that those in the shadowlands have been activated to promote a situation as another situation is being degraded and neutralized.
Mark Sanford and David Patraeus are like operations in "offers made which could not be resisted", because the part of the brain concerning fidelity, was shut down.
In small scale operations, what was done to Mark Sanford is conducted against children in elementary and colleges across America.Fluoride is a conditioning chemical to make Americans in mass sedate.
The Obama voters were exposed to a mass manipulation by the Demon Machine.
Wonder of wonders, the internet has now been exposed to be a depressant. The work this blog did a decade ago, exposed this electronic pulse was an enhancer in aura connection. You can feel people via the net. Facebook is addictive to types because of what is wave generated in the pulse. People have natural MySpace gregariousness, and this can be exploited, but it also burns out.......leaving the same withdrawal drunk of alcohol.
So for those who are condemning Mark Sanford, they have been equally psychologically manipulated and they think they are quite sane. I have warned you my children, that when "the devil made me do it", that same impulse of temptation can be regenerated in mass as it is simply a wave length electronic pulse. That is the essence of the Demon Machine which this blog has been mentioning, in conjunction with the Plasmas in Baby and the apes, which are engaged.
Obama's contractors are intelligent and have an FU attitude as in the smiley face on his Birther abstract forgery. There are layers in this in the brutal murders which started with Donald Young in Chicago. There are also Fringe technologies that have been activated for Obama, as there is a time line in this, and these things must be accomplished now with no more delays.
Ronald Reagan threw this time line off. There is no more linear room for another Reagan.
Let's sing as the unbelievers do not believe the illusion they exist.
Blinded by the light
Ripped up like a douche
You know the ruler in the night...........
Oh mine of little faith, who whine about things of trajectory in begging some minder to refute the facts published here as all the always experts go silent..........I will explain the links below in all are Mockingbird stories on Mark Sanford to condition information flow..........and look who Uncle Roger hired but Mark Sanford to give Conservatives that adulterous face like "Foster show us your tits Freiss" tries.............and put him on display at Mockingbird FOX, the Obama network covering up Obama's election theft.
Mark Sanford disappearance and extramarital affair - Wikipedia, the ... six days in June 2009, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's whereabouts were unknown and there was media coverage of what was described as his ...Mark Sanford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to Disappearance and extramarital affair: Main article: Mark Sanford disappearance and extramarital affair. From June 18 until June 24, 2009, the ...Mark Sanford Engaged to Argentine He Had Affair 27, 2012 – Remember Mark Sanford, the former South Carolina governor who found his true love in Argentina despite being married to his wife? The affair...Mark Sanford Sex Scandal: South Carolina and GOP Assess the ...,8599,1907036,00.htmlJun 25, 2009 – Sanford's extramarital affair aside, critics say, the fact that he went AWOL in South America for almost a week without even telling his staff about ...Mark Sanford Affair, S.C. — Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose political career was derailed four years ago because of his affair with an Arg..Mark Sanford Goes From Mistress Scandal to Political Commentator 3, 2012 – LOS ANGELES (LALATE) - Mark Sanford, who last dominated news for his mistress scandal affair in Buenos Aires, was tonight commenting on ...Mark Sanford News - The New York Times Remain After Governor Admits an Affair. By ROBBIE BROWN and SHAILA DEWAN. In a rambling news conference, Mark Sanford apologized for ...Sex Scandal-Marred Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford... 23, 2011 – By Radar Staff Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford is launching a career in television as a Fox News analyst.Once considered a ...
Now you are aware of more of the story my little experts. You are not aware though as the effects of the Demon Machine have been overcome by Mark Sanford, that he will be less susceptible to the effect in like protocols.
If the feudalists desire this educated subject to be neutralized, then election theft like George Allen or Todd Akin will be first initiated, then it moves to Niki Halley in bogus charges to keep her off the Romneycrat ticket and then there is always that Forestall stuff in going postal on one's self as a final solution......well John Heinz is another ketch up......but hey John Kerry is the big state boy after all that, so ........well Theresia could just donate and then all this girl talk would stop, but then the performers on the stage do like to be noticed by their pets........but it takes a popular girl, as the pets are so trained, they are more interested in sniffing each other, than the grande scheme behind the curtain where the wizard is Oz.
agtG 229y