There is a great mirror image of Obama America in economic catastrophe and the image of it is 1820's America in the upheaval of that era.
This was the Administration of Andrew Jackson who took apart the national bank of America, due to it being owned by foreigners and due to it issuing the same "bank drafts" which you could subsitute with derivatives of the 2008 Obama cartel induced Super Depression on America.
The surplus of the Jackson era was due to sales of wilderness lands, and land speculators inflating prices beyond what settlers could afford.
I will utilize quotes from the Theodore Roosevelt history of Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri for synopsis effect to guide this treatise of discovery.
"Calhoun finally introduced an amendment to the Constitution to enable the surplus in the treasury during the next eight years to be distributed among the various states; the estimate being that for the time mentioned there would be about nine millions surplus annually. Benton attacked the proposal very ably, showing the viciousness of a scheme which would degrade every state government into the position of a mendicant, and would allow money to be collected from the citizens with one hand in order to be given back to them with the other;"
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1359-1362).
This is fascinating in John C. Calhoun, another Democrat, advocated exactly the plague which was used by Rep. Henry Waxman against cigarette companies, and the later Obama stimulus package of 2009, both of which did nothing but create legalized looting of public moneys.
South Dakota for example dumped her cigarette pay off money into education by Governor Bill Janklow and the net result was absolutely no return on that money.
The Obama stimulus has been outed as the same bribery and graft scheme which was ushered in by the distribution of the Government surplus in the Jackson era, in it was literal theft or literal bribe to the democrat party in each state or on the national scale to the Obama coffers.
Once again a quote follows which speaks of the Obama reparations he handed out for colored peoples in farming or slavery reparations, in the absolute scam it has proven to be and which Benton warned of, as it only would benefit the financiers speculating on gaining that money.
"Benton strongly opposed the payment by the United States of the private claims of its citizens for damages arising from the French spoliations at the end of the last century. He pointed out that the effort to pay such claims, scores of years after the time of their accruing, rarely benefits any of the parties originally in interest, and can only do real service to dishonest speculators."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1396-1399).
One can be reminded of the Obama cash for clunkers which removed from America a host of viable work vehicles for poor people, brought in more Mexicans to inflate used car prices, and the only group who benefited were the financiers and auto executives in selling more cars as they robbed poor Americans.
"He wished the public lands to be sold in small parcels to actual settlers, at prices that would allow any poor man who was thrifty to take up a claim."
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 1403-1404).
You see in the above quote that Senator Benton had the absolutely correct idea, which was backed by President Andrew Jackson.
Benton and Jackson went so far as to undo other democrats like John Calhoun and Whig Federalist Republicans in their "paper money" or speculation money for these wilderness lands to inform the Treasury that the Government would only accept hard currency or gold and silver as payment for those homestead lands, which of course benefited the small capitalist, or "common man".
Congress was in recess when Jackson adopted this measure, and Congress attempted upon return to stop the program which helped the small landholder in passing a bill in both houses, but as Congress recessed again, Jackson pocketed the bill and it was never seen again.
This American history is so vital to understand in the utter ruin of the Obama regimes rapine of America, because while Andrew Jackson made war on the unsound economic policies of the national banking structure empowering the eastern elite and making war on small investors, Birther Hussein Obama has been looting the Treasury for this very Federal Reserve and Wall Street structure.
Where President Jackson with Senator Benton of Missouri championed the "little guy" to create their own economic enterprise for self wealth, the Obama regime has done nothing but bribe the rich on Wall Street Welfare of bribe the working with unemployment or bribe the poor with welfare.
The exact same system which birther Barack Hussein Obama is the one which Andrew Jackson sought to terminate, as he fully comprehended it's dangers. President Jackson was just as astute in using the institutions of government for his own spoils, but it would be Benton and Crockett who would rail against the shortcomings of the President as a check and balance.
All this must be understood as a worse corrupt system has enslaved Americans in the 21st century on the same foreign mode and unbridled speculation with corruption of of the early 1800's. The reality in all of this is the profound reality where petty despots were of the system which crashed after Jackson took it apart, the grande despotry is still in place in the economic crash which is America now overseen by the Obama regime.
I have the greatest respect for President Theodore Roosevelt, but he was shortsighted in not comprehending as Congress nor the founders did not in foreign ownership of the banking structures in America, with their usury and their debt lending, which is nothing but legal loansharking in forcing governments to operate at a loss so the foreigner can lend money at a rate, thereby making profit without any product produced, except enslaved labor.
It was Theodore Roosevelt who brought modern banking into America with the Federal Reserve. This was necessary to expand American revenues for projects like the Panama Canal and to have a banking structure to borrow against for times of war.
What this has spawned though is worse than anything in history for Theodore Roosevelt to compare to, for it is now a system which brought down the British Empire, murdered the Czar to exploit Russia as a communist gulag slave force, ruined Japan, crippled South Korea and destroyed America and is in process of running the same scheme in the slave states of China and India.
It is a criminal leviathan of economic rape which preys upon the wool of the pasture called humanity.
This criminal enterprise by design so inflated all the world prices, that precious metals do not exist in enough quantity to match the quadrillions of dollars.
Land prices when matched to specie or the gold and silver standard was in the late 1820's at $1.25 an acre. The Homestead act would follow later in limiting a farm to 160 acres to be converted from wilderness to farmland.
Consider the damage done in all of this as 200 dollars could buy a farmstead in America in the Jackson era. A laundress with her husband doing labor could gain 40 dollars per month. That means in 5 months a couple or in less than a year, a single person could buy land for a farm to develop it.
In 1970, due to inflation set up by these same foreign banking interests and American banking traitors, a farm in America could be had at 200 dollars per acre to note inflation rates. That would be 32,000 dollars would purchase a farm in the hinterlands.
A wage of that ear was 200 dollars per month, with the same food being cheap as was living in gas, electric and transportation, would mean that a working couple would work 80 months to gain a farm, or 6 years and 8 months.
Now transport to the 21st century in the Age of Obama, with the cost of living and government taxation sucking up the vast majority of a working wage, which again will be pegged at poverty at 30,000 dollars for a couple per year in wages.
That same hinterland farm is through real estate graft going at 4000 dollars per acre or, 640,000 dollars for a farm.
It would require 21 years and 3 months for that couple to afford that same farm, which in Andrew Jackson's time could be paid for in less than a year.
If one prices Iowa or Illinois farm lands on speculation, it would be over 100 years to pay off that same farm.
Do you see the criminality in this, and all of this? The crash of 2008 which was created if it would have been left to itself would have fixed all of this, but in this price fixing which was orchestrated, it only became a gulag of debt for all Americans.
You can run the same numbers for houses from 1820 and 1970 to the 21st century and find the exact same rapine. People used to be able to work, live and advance on a wage, but in this Age of Obama, people are enslaved, are put to death and rolled into the grave of the prison yard.
Ask yourself why is it this blog is the only source which teaches you things in historical measure, melding it to the modern economics, all in a Milton Friedman way of understanding the criminal syndicate which is taking place.
The term MENDICANT is of the ages. It is a term that Andrew Jackson and Thomas Hart Benton as Democrats shunned and one which Theodore Roosevelt a Republican detested, as it meant that American States and Americans by the above policies would become perpetual beggars looking to the federal government for a way to stay alive.
Those federalists and states rights, those anti central bank and pro central bank, both were against a policy which ruined the Citizen's Right to life, liberty and pursuit of a living which brought them joy. This blindness which is the rank and file union, welfare, GOP, Democrat and whatever groups in America, including the Wall Street investor is absolute anti American, as if Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt could see the disasters of each others policies, but never forget the one policy to promote the American individual right to making a living easily, I will state again that America has become peopled by a colonial tyranny worse than 1776, as the peoples no longer recognize the problem of government but are the problem.
I will state that again.
The people no longer recognize the problem of government, because the people are the problem.
Lame Cherry
I close with that in another Lame Cherry Inspired exclusive in matter anti matter, so you can look smart and have a semblance of understanding what is absolutely wrong with the policies which have deliberately destroyed America.
You only get this here.
nuff said