As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This Obama Iran peace treaty for nuclear power will be your burden. It will fall upon the Amman and to the west and the south.
There will your cry be and there will in time be your undoing.
The first of Lot's incestuous children in Moab will be the bearers of what will come upon the Jordanian people. It will fall to you. From this you will not escape.
It will be as if you have fled a missile, escaped a car wreck and a lightning bolt strikes you.
Those who will not deprive you of your pounds of flesh will themselves be in debt to this call from the Lord.
There will be no escape from this as your works of worship will not save you nor deliver you.
This is what you will bear for a short while, before your burden on in the latter end of this.
Twice has been the Prophetic note of this, and twice will be the retribution.
Hear what will come to you.
agtG 361YY
PS: As a note to those as the Viking who can not afford such things, please save the money you have worked for, for your children and think not of donating here. A friend is of unmeasurable value and it truly does distress us here in having donations which should be reserved for your children.
The Lord provided you as a friend. That is sufficient.