As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter to remind the inmates of the American gulag of what they once were..........
In War of 1812 like the Revolution, the American government issued Letters of Marque to private vessels to make war on the British merchant trade in that seafaring battle when the British were constantly hauling Americans off of ships and claiming they were "English" and enslaving them
It was in the year 1814 that a unique battle took place which infuriated the British. The American privateers were constantly prowling off Ireland and other British controlled seas, as Britania did indeed rule the seas and only those Americans were daring to fire shots at their warships, both private and Naval.
At the neutral Porteugese port of Fayal, a privateer brig out of New York and carrying a crew of 90 men and in command of Captain Reid, was laying at anchor when four British warships appeared in 1 line ship, 1 38 gun frigate and 2 brigs, all arrayed against the 1 long tom 32 pounder of the General Armstrong.
Captain Reid had no illusions that the Portugeuse were not going to bother with neutrality as they were British friendly and the privateer was as good as dead with her crew.
Immediately he prepared with placing landing nets on the sides of the ship which was like a spider's web to a boarding party, and made ready with his crew for the attack which would come.
The shoals in the port were shallow so the British warships were anchored off, so they sent 4 boats out first, as these masterful seadogs were very adept at boarding even French frigates in cutting them out.
The 4 boats were taking soundings they said, but were really looking to get close for a rush on the Armstrong, when the Americans warned them off. The British not heeding the warning, were then showered with a volley from the Americans, much to the wounding and death of the four British pirate boats as they drew off..
Needless to say, the British commanders were not amused, and immediately began preparations for an all out assault on the Armstrong at dark, with a boarding part of 400 seadogs against the 90 Americans.
Captain Reid and his crew remained on watch as the old whalers were not to be surprised, and in the gloom of the night, the British made the attack, and with the Americans armed with pike and cutlass, an aweful battle ensued in cutting, chopping, musket and cannon fire, with the British finally gaining a boarding hold by one boat which killed the 3 lieutenants of the Armstrong.
Captain Reid seeing the breach and the other British boats drawing off, came with his entire crew against the boarders and either killed them or scutltled them overboard.
The shattered British seaman withdrew like crippled ducks. 200 of their 400 were wounded or dead.
The British commanders were not amused at this further besting and made preparations to destroy the General Armstrong.
In the next battle, the British sent forward a brig which opened fire from distance with it's long cannons, but not close for it's cannonades. Captain Reid and the crew of the Armstrong opened back with their 32 pounder in the long tom, and raked the brigs hulls often enough that the British man of war was forced to draw off.
The British commanders were not amused again, and with fury sent in the other brigh which this time closed to cannonade and began wrecking the General Armstrong.
Captain Reid seeing the hopeless situation he was in, began unloading his ship and finally scuttled her, as his crew made for shore and were none the more harassed.
In this the General Armstrong, a lone gun privateer, faced off four British men of war. Repulsed two attempted landings, and out fought a brig of greater firepower, in which only 9 Americans were killed and several hundred British sailors were wounded or killed.
That is what Americans once were. Not the gulag inmates who do not donate as they live in regime luxury thinking they are safe, while a popular girl does all the work and they lamely try to take credit like they are part of the fight.
No as General Patton said, "Your relatives shoveled shit in Louisiana when the real men were fighting", and as Lame Cherry says," You shovel shit while the real Americans fight just like your shit shoveling relations".
My compliments to the General Armstrong.