For we read by St. Paul, Inspired by the Holy Ghost, that the real Atonement, Reformation and Sacrifice, could not come from the blood of bulls, goats, lambs and the ashes of cattle sprinkled on the Holy of Holies, as that was an Old Covenant or Old Testament meant to reprieve a fleshly congregation, that the only True Offering which could be made was in Jesus the Christ, thee only begotten Son of God.
For this, Jesus, Who it is written, was by whom all things which were made, in the Gospel of St. John, is that Person, Who is the Thought and Word of God.
In this we find the answer to this, for the Old Covenant of Abraham, sealed in the blood of animals was after a preparation to prepare an Israelite people as a Priestly Nation to bring the Word of God in Salvation to the world, but they fell short in the Josephites, Levities, Gadites, Benjaminites, Judahites, Simeonites, Reubenites, Asherites, Danites, Naphtalites, Issacharites and Zebulunites as it was an earthly Temple, and the Temple for which the children of God are prepared for is Heavenly.
King David, himself, by the Holy Ghost Prophesied, "Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within me". David was quickened by the Spirit of God to great feats of jumping over walls, but his prayer was one of the Spiritual, for the Spirit is what is united with God and not the body.
For the body passes away, and a new body replaces that which is corrupt, holding in it the power of death.
For this reason, St. Paul explains that there is a difference in Jesus and the sacrafice of animals, for those who cover their altars with the blood of animals to atone for themselves, must do it yearly, and each year only the body is atoned for, and that atonement is incapable of uniting with the Father God in Spirit and Truth, which is thee only worship God accepts
It is this Jesus the Christ, Who in taking on the sins of the world, in offering up His body, brought the Atonement in His Blood which speaks to the greater offering in each of us, being Redeemed in the Spirit which comes to God in Heaven, while the shell of the body is returned to the dust from which the Lord created it.
Jesus Life Blood Atoned for the Spirit while the blood of animals atoned only for the body, and only in preparation in that human body, for that soul inside, so it would be sown with the Holy Ghost on being Redeemed by the Christ.
Those of God are children of the Spirit. In the Old Covenant, that Old Testament was one in which the Spirit of God was not sown to all who called upon the Name of the Lord, for that is why the High Priest alone was allowed into the Holy of Holies, lest the Consuming Flame of the Holy Ghost destroy those inferior life forms.
Yes, it was only the High Priest and the Holy Prophets who had within them the covering of the Spirit of God and were thus recognized by God, for their Faith in the Offering of Jesus Who would be made.
Adam, Abraham, David were all made Righteous, because they believed the Holy Ghost in God's Promise that a Savior would come to Atone for them permanently. The Apostles believed the report for they had witnessed the Christ with their own dim eyes, and being made open by the Holy Ghost, they too were counted Righteous, and each person since that Offering on the Cross who believes and confesses that Jesus is the Lord and was given the power to take up His Life again, so that all who believe will rise too to eternal Life, they too are counted Righteous for believing God.
So it is the Reality and the Truth, that Jesus atones for the Spiritual child, while in the past times, the offerings of animals only atoned for the physical bodies and only on a yearly basis.
The Lord Christ redeems in Spirit those Spiritual children to God. That is the Gospel, the Good News and each child is then part of that vast Spiritual Temple in God, returning to the place where created as souls, born as humans, they come Home to That Spiritual Redeemed by Christ forever in this being most certainly True.
Those children now are more than a peculiar people, but called and few chosen, they inherit the Kingdom of God in the Royal Priesthood in Jesus their Lord, One with the Father, is the fulfillment of Prophet, Priest, King and Life.
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