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The Real Holocaust


This blog has been one of the few journalist sources which actually dared to explain the realities of what happened to "Jews" in World War II. It did so with the warning that not doing this, and posting propaganda only gave windows to those who would create a reality denying that the holocaust ever happened.

Morsi Aide Claims Holocaust Is Hoax...

6 Millions Jews Actually Moved To USA...

This blog has never denied that Jews were persecuted in World War II. The reality is though the story is complex and secular Jews of the Ashkenaz ranks censor facts like the numbers of Jews who ended up dead, included troops, communist officials etc...
Recording a soldier fighting for Germany or the Soviet Union in the same group as the Jews in concentration camps is incorrect.

The reality is from America, to Europe, to Asia, that numbers of groups of different races died in numbers close to or in many cases exceeding the Jewish numbers. For the reality of it, there were Ashkenaz financiers who inflated those numbers in order to finally get the world to get the Jews back to Palestine, as the British had refused over monetary reasons in the 1930's when Germany was attempting to deport Jews.
The French reported they in fact were deporting Jews out of Europe.

The reality is the "death camps" were work to death camps in the majority, in using forced labor too assist the German war machine. The fact is the Ghetto Jews were offered up by financier Jews, as slave labor, in deals said to be toasted in the elite Jews with the German Nazi's.

Situations like that really throw a problem into movies like Schindler's List and other depictions which have made the holocaust a financial success. I wrote years ago of this, in what is the purpose of numerous holocaust museums in America, when American had nothing to do with this, this was not Americans who were shipped off to camps and America under FDR actually kept Jews out and knew of these camps in Europe.
The holocaust museums are in America, because that is where the money is and the holocaust is a revenue producer.

I have something startling that should puzzle you, and make you ask the question of who bastardized the word HOLOCAUST , as it was a sacred word in Catholic and Jewish religions.

You never knew that probably did you? Yes holocaust is Greek. In fact, it is in the Catholic bible a number of times. It is HOLOS as in whole and  KAUSTOS meaning burnt.
Hebrew is HOLAH KALIL, as in that which ascends and entire.

What holocaust meant for all time before it was bastardized, had to do with the offerings before God as the Bible instructs in how they were burnt up entirely in the offering.

Ask yourself what sadistic individuals actually decided, and Jewry signed off on this, in stating that the "burning of Jews up at creamatoriusms" was a burnt offering to God, in the context of the word?

This can be answered in reality, as the Palestine Post was printing the word in 1938.

  • "... the French press is worried lest there be some connection between the bloodless holocaust of German Generals and Ambassadors and the persistent reports that Mussolini is about to intervene in Spain ..." (6 February, 1938 p. 4, col. 4.)
  • "For the first time since last September Japanese aeroplanes again raided Canton ... Although the damage exceeds September's holocaust, the death toll was somewhat less ..." (29 May 1938, p. 1, col. 1)
  • "After the Haifa holocaust ... " (17 July 1938, p. 8, col. 1)
  • "Yesterday was also an anniversary of destruction. It was the day on which Great Britain entered the World War 24 years ago. Since that holocaust swept over the world, it has had no real peace ..." (5 August 1938, p. 6, col. 2)
  • "... the holocaust of 1914-18 ..." (11 September 1938, p. 8, col. 3)
  • "... thanks to the general dread of yet another European holocaust ... [Hitler] has brought them peace with territorial aggrandisement. (11 October 1938, p. 6, col. 2)
  • "... the planning system of the Bolshevist regime has broken down ... The holocaust of directors and engineers shot as "wreckers" to stimulate others has brought only spasms ..." (27 October 1938, p. 3, col. 2)

That would be like someone calling what happened at 9 11, COMMUNION, as Americans were engaged in being slaughtered by Muslims in an offering to God.

There was a progression though in this sadism, that was from the communist anti nuclear movement funded by the Soviet's who started connecting the word to Nuclear Holocaust. The propaganda machine of leftists connected to the Jewish media elite, then seized upon this word to connect it with the Nazi period, for ad appeal, as the camps were 25 years away and nuclear war was the big fear.

In the 1970's, Hollywood came out with "holocaust" for a movie, and this is the spin which has spun this into a half century later, money maker in building a fiction that has all Jews wonderful, all Germans evil and all the rest of the peoples who died in that period as not important.

There is now great debate in whether the Red Cross numbers are real or are fabrications by both sides. From the Red Cross numbers I have reviewed, it does appear that, there was a double count taking place, meaning a Jew would be deported from the Netherlands as "dead" and then be recorded again as "dead"
at a death camp.
This kind of "fabrication" took place with Madeleine Albright, the infamous "dirty Serbs" hater in comments, in Muslims were reported slaughtered in her Kosovo War that was for an oil pipeline that Bill Clinton never got built, but these same Muslims showed up later alive when the voting booths opened.

Those who control the press write the history and make up the lies.

I will touch on a group of "Jews" who were killed or murdered, depending on what side you were on. Before the war, there were Ashkenaz communist "Jews" who were secular athiests, who were calling for the extermination of Germany. That kind of talk really got Hitler wound up, and is what drove the Nazi party. They hated communists with a passion and Hitler when he got the opportunity attacked the Soviet Union and invested great resources in executing communists in countries he liberated.
For the record, these communists were in numbers "Jewish", but not of the religious type. The local populations are recorded as cheering when the Nazi's shot these communists as they were despots and persecuted the people.

Not the kind of story Steven Spielberg is going to make nor are those facts ever going to be let out, as it interferes with the "victim Jew" that funds the Israeli state in billions in aid and that holocaust museum structure is a great money maker.

You must understand my children, when one has people in power fabricating things and lying about things, that people who hate Jews in being trained to hate Jews in Muslim countries, because for the last 50 years Jews have humiliated them in wars, that there is a receptive audience in the world for leaders who start saying the holocaust never happened.

That is what happens with lies. Lies have knowingly been sown in this and it has been done to fuel the fires of hatred, as this blog has explained, these secular Ashkenaz, hate Jews. It is that type of hatred Obama has for Benjamin Netanyahu, because Obama's Berliner elite, want Jewish people, especially Judahites of the blood purged from the Holy Land, because they want that Temple Mount as their own and not competitors to the Ashkenaz elite who bow to satan.

So one has these satanists bastardizing sacred words in a Catholic bible and Jewish Scriptures as part of this. It is sick and deliberate as they hate Hebrew based religions, as they compete with the satanic orbit.

None of this does any good, as Obama has set the Middle East on fire. It does the Ashkenaz cause good though as the Israeli government just was prompted to blow up Syrian missiles being shipped to Lebanon.
The entire mix of this is all about blaming Jews, and when the big bombs start going off, no one is going to really know who blew Muhammeds Dome off Temple Mount as the body counts pile up......but there will be calls for a nice unifying temple of peace to be readily built.
That is the logical scenario projected out and what this blog has noted.

Things are reaching a nuclear holocaust point again, as Obama allows Iran more nukes so that Obama can have his spoken of legacy in disarming both Jews and Persians, as he replaces Carter and Reagan. Problem is all of this has big problems and only big body counts move people to do things they would never do.......like letting Jews out of Europe, instead of holding out for more cash.

The reality is piles of Jews died due to allied bombing in cutting off supplies. Piles of Jews were kept alive because the fascists allowed the Red Cross to give them care packages. There were both well fed Jews in the camps who were healthy, even while Americans took photos of sick Jews who were dying of disease.

None of this can be discussed, as the prize is Temple Mount and the elite behind Obama must keep this fired up until they get their hands exclusively on that property, and then lie to Muslims, Jews and Christians that this Temple is going to be for all.

Actually am tired of this subject, but as Matt Drudge is dragging it up again to flog Muslims who Obama is funding for stating the holocaust did not take place, then the facts must be revisited much to the elite's chagrin. 

Good thing I got my big ass Catholic bible, filled with holocaust, as it is a collector's item. I wonder if Peggy Noonan or Sean Hannity got a holocaust bible? Would think their being Catholics they would.
Mine is a big one as apparently big bibles get you something from the Vatican or else the nuns would not have sold a newbie Catholic such a big one.

Oh that is right, that is in drafts here, and you do not know about my big ass Catholic bible.

In the spirit of the holocaust for money, I think I would sell it for a million dollars. Maybe Levin and Hannity could team up on it. It has holocaust in it........dead Jews in it..........God had Moses swallow up that one bunch of Israelites so that was kind of an earth holocaust............Noah holocaust of rain, but no Jews alive yet..............yeah them Babylonians burned things and Jews must have been roasted in that as God divorced them so He could bring about Jesus in the Second Covenant of Grace.

I figure this holocaust bible is a moneymaker just like the other one.......no not the cereal offering one........no not the Armenian one by the Turks in 1900 something.......no not the one the Japanese got roasted in Truman's A bombs........no not ............just a second and let me finish, I'm talking about the exagerated one by the Ashkenaz that the Obama socialists were doing as no one would let them deport Jews who wanted to leave.

Be a great deal in Levin could read the front part with holocaust words in it, and Hannity could read the back part with whore of Babylon words in it.

I said I was tired, so I better stop typing as that will please the censors of the elite.

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