This blog in another exclusive in Lame Cherry matter anti matter once again rises to the defense of the American Afroid in connection with the Barack Hussein Obama regime, concerning the reality that all know the absolute suffering the African endured in being captured by other blacks, sold by Arab slave traders to the English and then purchased by Americans as slave workers.
I would first like to coin a new word for these people I champion in the AFROIDYTE. Yes these peoples who require the light of help to shine upon them for the good of their own and America, in the RIGHT OF RETURN, as we all know that Afroids such as Danny Glover and Oprah Winfrey would have returned to Africa, donating all they have in time and money to the advancement of blacks if only they could, as there must be some hidden law barring their return as we all know they would be doing this charitable work already.
What must be understood in all the things that the Afroid endures and suffers from as noted by the once Designer Negro Birther Hussein, is this fact, in that the American Indian, the Indian who is an immigrant from Asia and crossed with Middle Eastern Phoenicians in their exile and later crossbred with various whites are on a reservation system now in which they ONLY RECEIVE GOVERNMENT WELFARE BASED UPON THE PERCENTAGE OF INDIAN BLOOD THEY HAVE.
For example, an Indian who is 50% white blood will receive half the welfare funds that a full blood (as there are really no full blooded Indians in most tribes and most are mixed now), Indian would in it only being right and fair according to the United States government statistics.
So in not being racist to the Indian, Asian or White, certainly when the penalty phase of welfare is how white a person is in payments, should not the Afroid which is white blooded as the Chinoid Birther Obama was mostly Chinese and Arabian with at best 13 to 35 percent Negroid bloodlines, have the same payment standard which the Sioux, Navajo, Chippewa or Hopi etc... have?
Most certainly that is the case in the traditional 3/5ths Negroid who by mating with white people became the American Afroid, and should not the same "darker than a brown paper sack" which the black community in America utilizes to judge blackness, be the same standard for welfare payments? Of course it should, or it is pure racism against the American Indian immigrant and racism against white people as being white is a penality in America according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs welfare reservation payment system.
Everyone knows that the Afroid community does not desire to be racist in the least, and that is why this blog seeks to join with their fine leaders to rectify all of this, as we all know that the Afroid seeks to not be on welfare, Affirmative Action or Obama regime looting. They simply do not have a way to be free at last from this.
For this reason, this blog now terms this group who rightly desire to return to Africa in mass to save Africa from being depopulated by disease and cartel wars, places this emancipation policy for all blacks or their mongrel (Obama definition) types.
What would be better for these AFROIDYTES, to be given the same deal which Obamacare has bestowed upon America. The plan would be as follows in the American Afroid would have their welfare, Affirmative Action and other cell phone bribes, reduced by 3/4ths. The reason 3/4ths is put forward is most of the "blacks" in America are at least half white in their original slave breeding status. Some like Val-erie Jarrett is obiously in the Obama lower than 25% black as they are so white.
So in the American "black" or Afroid is already a mostly white genetic product, they should like the American Indian be reduced in welfare status.
This would immediately of course reduce the federal debt by billions, as all of these "white blacks" would have to be disenrolled in all of these government programs, as the Indian is. Some peoples like the Asians and whites have never received any welfare payments so that is a place the Afroid would already join groups that are existing.
The enticement to assist the Afroid though is that they would receive 25% welfare in America, but if they became an AFROIDYTE in their return to Africa to help the diminishing populations of Africa due to disease and cartel machinations, then the reality is that their payment would be doubled for a period of ten years.
That money would then be halved from the federal debt, and with incentives, one knows that Walmart would build Walmarts all across Africa for this Afroidyte welfare funding, and as we all know that Walmarts seem to have a homing beacon for the Afroid in mass in America, that all the needs for the Afroid would be met in Africa immediately.
This is a wonderful solution to emancipating the American Afroid. It is a wonderful solution for Africa. It is a wonderful solution for Walmart commerce.
I will add to this, what a wonderful legacy this would be for Birther Hussein Obama, as finally being ejaculated from the White House in 2016, he could with his 30 million Afroidytes be elected the first Chinese president of Africa in the exact way he overthrew 2 American elections......or was it like 3 with that Illinois senate criminal machination, but this Fang Jinn could then be President of all Africa and in voodoo the Chicken Entree would be shipped out and the Negroid in Africa could behold fossilized Nelson comrade Mandela and the frozen Barack Hussein Obama Chin.
Charge two bob for the look and it would be a great exhibit, with like Danny Glover doing what Mr. Glover does in narrating great speeches by Afroids in American history....all one of them.
In any solution this is the emancipation of the American Afroid, who desires to be treated exactly as the American Indian and other Americans now being auditioned for extermination in these former United States.
The Afroidyte has the right to return to Africa. The Afroid should have their welfare entitlements reduced by the amount of white blood which all have just as the Indian does. America is not a nation of inequality, and what is good for the Indian is good for the Afroid.
In the United Kingdom, they have GO HOME VANS, in which they say vacate England or face arrest. Surely America can reduce the welfare state, pay for the passage to Africa, and in the doubling of welfare payments from 25% to 50%, America will reduce welfare in America by half, and eliminate it for the most part in a decade.
In this we know that "blacker is best", but for the American Afroid with all that white blood or like the Fang Jinn image in mostly Chinese, let the welfare payments reflect exactly how much black blood is in those veins, as the penalty is being white, according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which will not pay Indians for being white.
Blacks should not be paid for being white either, just as Barack Hussein Obama Chin in being oriental should not be given even a 3/5ths pass for being black.
Yes perhaps we need a new word too in BLAQUE for these Afroid groups as they are a new race in the North Africans who kidnapped and raped myriads of whites to be made slaves for a new African group which advanced notably beyond lighting tires on fire of other blacks as Nelson Mandelas communists promoted.
Yes blacker is best, but when one is blaque in search of their Afroidyte status as an American Afroid, one must in equality afford the same actions affirmatively for the Afroid as they are afforded for the American Indian.
Yes let us all join Martin King in the emancipation of the Afroid from their blackness to have them free at last, free at last, or at late in a decade American debt free of paying welfare to blacks which are white.
A Continentalist Policy.